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Everything posted by Tait

  1. [quote name='theosd' post='66873' date='Sep 28 2007, 12:59 PM']Mustang Sally Teenage Kicks Smells Like Teen Spirit. This list is endless.[/quote] +1 for smells like teen spirit, unless you have an [size=3]excellent[/size] singer who can sing it well. i've heard a few bands play it, including my own, and none of the singers can reach some of the higher notes. the only band ive ever heard do it successfully (except nirvana) are my dad's band before their origional singer left.
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='67014' date='Sep 28 2007, 05:02 PM']Tried that .. "It's got to be in for 12 weeks before we will take an offer" It's £90 and battered and not a nice battered .. just normal neglect .. Thanks Chaps[/quote] i think normal neglect looks better than when you try to batter it anyway, seems more natural and realistic than "relics".
  3. Tait


    "soul to squeeze" by the red hot chili peppers "london calling" by the clash "when I come around" Green Day
  4. thanks everyone, I wasn't actually planning on doing it, I was just wondering really. anyway, that answers my question. Waldo, I bet your Modulus sounds good with a BADASS.
  5. sorry if I've already said this, or if anyone else has said this, because I can't be bothered to read seven pages, but: soul to squeeze- Red Hot Chilis soul man- Sam and Dave (i think)
  6. can you do this? whenever you buy a BADASS it says on the packet "for Fender Jazz of Precision" but surely it could go on any bass? I know you couldn't put a BADASS II on a string through bass, and it may need a little drilling to fit it, but surely it could go on any bass, couldn't it?
  7. and flea played the stingray before his modulus didn't he? not the sterling?
  8. although i voted "I kind of know my way around a stave but it takes five minutes to read four bars" i lied. it actually takes me five minutes to read a single bar. but i love to sight read from tab.
  9. ^you're joking, aren't you? I'd refuse to talk to my microwave. simple as.
  10. I've got two word for that. Rip off.
  11. that would be a cool basschat HQ! lets buy it. now.
  12. can't spell cheap either at least hes not making up some rubbish story about how he found it in his attic or something like that.
  13. I found [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Precision-Bass_W0QQitemZ290163210966QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] on ebay, but what is it? It says its a 1982 Japanese Precision Bass, but it doesn't look like any Precision I've ever seen.
  14. [quote name='simon1964' post='64406' date='Sep 23 2007, 04:36 PM']that looks great as it is - I wouldn't put a pick guard on there at all![/quote] + another 1 and when i said abalone earlier i actually meant black pearl, my mistake
  15. My old bass teacher plays one of these. I thought it was a very good sounding and comfortable bass to play. Its a shame about the writing on it.
  16. I'd have said tort or black, but if you dont want either of them an abalone might look quite good.
  17. these are all great points, most of which i didn't know. anything else?
  18. cheers, yes that helps. I never realised that the Sterling had a smaller body than the stingray. Do they make similar sounds? or do they sound completely different?
  19. Tait

    Hey there

    hey, I'm 14 too. good to see bass player my age around! welcome to basschat
  20. Yeah, but the bongo has two humbuckers and a completel different body shape. Come on, someone must know the differences?
  21. I've seen lots of musicmans (musicmen? how would you say it? ) on basschat, and the main three i see are Musicman SUBs, Musicman Stingrays and Musicman Sterlings. I realise the sterling doesn't have the control plate and the SUBs are cheaper, but what are the real differences between them? They all look pretty similar to me, all active with humbucker pickups.
  22. i play a soundgear. which one did you have? mines the SR500. I love it, the bartolinis sound so good, and the EQ can make just about any sound you want.
  23. Tait

    Custom Jazz

    [quote name='john_the_bass' post='63914' date='Sep 22 2007, 08:14 AM']that's alright that, but it's not a precision body - did you mean a squier jazz body and mim neck?[/quote] no, i didn't say it was a precision body. i said the neck came off my dad's precision. its a squier jazz body and a MIM precision neck, just to clarify EDIT: sorry, i see where you are. yes, I'll edit it now
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