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Everything posted by rwillett

  1. I have circa five pairs of Bose headphone adaptors that are for this type of Bose headphone. There are large and small. My eldest has lost the Bose headphones <sob>, so these are no longer needed. https://www.bose.co.uk/en_gb/support/products/bose_headphones_support/bose_in_ear_headphones_support/ie2_headphones.html They even come in a genuine Bose carry case which is rather nice. Free to anyone who wants them. Rob
  2. I have two pieces of this laptop memory https://www.kingston.com/unitedkingdom/en/memory/search/discontinuedmodels?partid=KTA-MB667K2/4G Its old, I'm 99% certain it's working and fine but have no laptop to check it on. I suspect that it's 4GB with two slabs in rather than 4GB each, but TBH I simply can't remember. If anybody can use it, ask and I'll put it in the post. Thanks Rob
  3. Sold my iPhone 7 to Ian, great comms, no issues and very funny outcome. Rob
  4. @RikiB Suggest you draw simple banana curve around your thumb and let me know the dimensions and the height you want. Something like this below is fine. Also how are you going to attach it to the bass? A screw hole or double sided sticky tape? If it's a hole then whats the diameter of the hole, if it's sticky tape, you might need a little more surface area to stick it on. Rob
  5. If you can give me a design, back of fag packet will do, I'll print it up for you for free and send it out. The more details the better. Thanks Rob
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186076868628?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=s1cbsdhsrdw&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=70h8JO93TH6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I look at this and wonder why?
  7. rwillett

    Owen - Feedback

    Just sold and swapped my iPhone X with him zero issues, great comms, easy to work with and no hassles. What else can I say? 😊
  8. I have a few UPS's at home for work purposes. I tend to buy them second hand from a reputable firm who fit new batteries into them to replace the knackered ones. I have no conenction with them other than a customer. https://secure.ups-trader.co.uk/ I have a couple of these 1500KW to keep the computers on for long enough for a blip but also one of these smaller ones for the network comms as that comes into a different part of the house to my main office. Something like this would keep a pedalboard going for some time https://secure.ups-trader.co.uk/tower-ups/277-apc-br550gi-tower.html Weighs 6Kg, so not light but not stupidly heavy. £68 isn't bad either, can't work out the power consumption of pedals but they can't be that bad (unless they've got valves in, can they?) I'm about to buy another UPS as the ones I have are five years old and batteries go, thats about par for the course. I do fancy a 5K one and shove it in the cellar but suspect the wiring costs would be too expensive. Bit sad I suppose, lusting after a UPS Rob
  9. Great and easy to work with.
  10. I'm more than happy to step into his shows for $1M. I'll even supply my own strings. In fact, he can have my job and we'll swap roles, I'm sure he loves looking at contracts, trying to work out the best way to deliver IT projects. I'll train him up in MS Teams (just in case he doesn't know), I'll introduce hime to all the people in the team, he can make a weekly contribution to the coffee and biscuit club, if he wants he can even join the lottery club, where we all split the winnings, Tracy from HR runs that. Compared to, what, stepping out on stage with a couple of setptugarians, this role is far more exciting and has a career path and possibly even a pension. Rob
  11. There’s a bloke in Cumbria selling one. Suspect I’m just about half way between you both. Happy to facilitate a meeting, I’ll provide decent tea, very decent coffee, a few small amps and some biscuits. you can then admire the space that will be my new bathroom 😀
  12. I like the tune as well. I suspect whetever she was selling, I couldn't afford it
  13. I do OK, I manage to sneak a new guitar in every so often. Thankfully, I'm not good enough as a player to justify a really, really good guitar such as this Gibson. I've a 97 MIJ Jazz, a Fender Mustang MIM (which I think is a great guitar, I kept hearing how Mexican Fenders weren't so good, I picked this up and loved it. I then found out after buying it, it has a quite a lot of neck dive, I'll put a house bring on the strap to level it out ), an Ibenez something or other which is nice and cheap to throw in the car to go to lessons and not worry about it being nicked, and an Ibanez Mikro short scale which I brought on a whim and it turns out has a wonderful growl to it, the neck resembles a banana so thats at a guitar shop to see if they can do anything. Since it cost virtually nothing I don't care. The Mikro looks like its been used as a combined shovel and hammer on a building site, forget relicing, this is authentically beaten and battered, like something that Time Team would dig up. We pass Clitheroe every so often as we live between Settle and Ingleton. I would worry about you being so close and the pull of the guitar but the plumbing has wiped me out for a while All the best Rob
  14. Literally just sent £10,398 to the plumbing company 😰 I’ll have to start saving again.
  15. Just watched the video for the first time. Well........ I might need to go and have a cold shower. Interesting that they have focussed on the rather good looking woman and have snippets of the Stones on the bill boards. Mind you, ZZ Top have been putting beautiful women and cars in their videos for years and it never did them any harm. I like the song, I think it's stripped back, well made, is it as a good as "Sympathy for the Devil" or "Gimmer Shelter"? No, those songs will still be played long after the Stones are gone. Its not bad and if I can play or sing as well as that when I'm their age, it'll be a) a miracle as I can't now and b) I'll be delighted I'm happy enoguh to buy the album and if I get 2-3 good songs on it, thats fine. Its rare to find an album like Let it Bleed or Revolver or Dark Side of the Moon anymore. Rob
  16. Great looking and sounding bass. Mission Control (and the accountant) has clamped down on spending. Apparently a new bathroom is more important than another bass. I have no idea why. GLWTS Rob
  17. I just heard Angry on Planet Rock and thought that it sounded like the Stones and lo and behold it was. I liked it, I liked it enough to think about buying it. I still might. I'm firmly in the camp of carryin on as long as you want and if there are people who want to listen to you, fair game. Doesn't John Paul Jones play in his local pub on a Sunday afternoon and invite people to play with him? Good for him. If people don;t like them, fine, they are playing because they like it, none of the remaining members of the Stones need the money, I suspect The Glimmer Twins are richer than some countries, but as far as I can work out, they've earnt it. I thought they did pause when Charlie went, at least for a few days? I have to say I actually shed a tear as I liked Charlies playing, and he appeared to be a class act. Anyway, if you don;t like them, ignore them, I have managed to ignore BTS for all their performing life, I suspect other people can manage to ignore the Stones. RIP Charlie Rob
  18. In that case, can you come to my house and knock out the bloody cat from next door who terrorises my cats please?
  19. So that lovely looking base actually cost 2 x £879. I’m assuming you treated your lovely wife to a spa experience costing the same? 😉 Good strategy though. My last purchase involves taking a cheap guitar in an Ibanez bag in the car and somehow , no idea how, it transformed into a Fender Mustang by the time it came back on Sunday. The colours of each guitar were very similar so I know that it was the original guitar, just mysteriously upgraded. I’m a simple man at heart so am assuming a religious conversion. I’ve never heard of Reverend Guitars but I’m about three hours from Glasgow (and two from Leeds) so may pop up there to check it out. I wonder if lightning strikes twice? Perhaps it was the cheap Ibanez bag, I should test this theory out. Anyway lovely looking guitar. Rob
  20. Phew, I'm glad you got those ads as well, I thought my secret was out <phew>
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