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Everything posted by rwillett

  1. If thats not putting napalm on the fire, no idea what is I do like it though. Rob
  2. Now gone. Sorry for anybody else who wanted it. ------------------- Wifi card, works perfectly well, even comes in the box with all the CD drivers, but I'd ignore them and download the latest ones from t'internet. https://www.amazon.co.uk/TL-WN881ND-Wireless-Interface-Low-Profile-2-6-24-4-1/dp/B006BSPTAQ Apparently it does 300 Mbps, uses PCI Express. It does have the low-profile bracket Included and works on Linux. What it does not do very well is go through the 36" of stone wall in our house It's absolutely fine for normal houses though. I'll bang it in the UK post for nothing as well. I can then feel virtuous as I've saved one wifi card from the tip. We'll just ignore the other 935 cards I've discarded in the past Thanks Rob
  3. You can simulate this in something like Amplitude or BiasFX2. Personally speaking I'd rather have the Ric, and a couple of amps and cabinets, but since the CFO has clamped down on discretionary spending, I'll have to stick with what I have. If you don't have the output options on the guitar, this is a bit of a hack, but it's a cheap hack as this is available on the free versions. You don't get so many options for amps and cabs with it being free.
  4. Mmm.... Thats an expensive way to collect basses.... Mind you doing a 'simple' rainbow isn't cheap For people who aren't in the colour business, Pantone is a standardised way of 'doing' colour. So you don't say it's 'orange', or even use a hex colour, but Pantone 6017 C which looks like a carrot colour. The advantage of this is that brands state their colours in the brand catalogue as Pantone 'X' and Pantone 'Y' and so ensure that the right colour is actually used and printed all the way through. There are thousands of Pantone colours. There was a bit of a mess when Pantone recently (which is a commercial company) started asking $15/month to use Pantone colours in Photoshop. Until that point it had been free. Suddenly you had an extra $180/year fees to do what you did for nothing in PhotoShop the previous day. Pantone also does a colour of the year, which this year is Viva Magenta 18-1750, which I quite like. I'm a lot more IT than design, I know my way around PS and Illustrator, but worked in national newspapers for a long time which is why this sort of stuff is interesting to me (and probably only me). Thanks for reading, off to get my anorak, I'll close the door on my way out. Rob
  5. Second hand is fine with me. I'm more than happy with that. I'm keeping an eye on eBay for local sales. A kind Basschater has offered to help as well. Good to know that not all Telecasters have chunky neck's. I am also going to see a physio to see what I can do to get the thumbs better and try to remove the pain. Rob
  6. That’s very kind of you. Let’s PM and see how I can help you, Rob
  7. @SubsonicSimpleton I live in Clapham, which halfway between Settle and Ingleton. I am more than happy to meet you somewhere and buy pizza and coffee for your kind offer. Skipton is 40 mins. Thanks Rob
  8. Not seen any local bands at all to be honest. There must be somebody but no idea where they are.
  9. @velvetkevorkian I live in the Yorkshire Dales. In the surrounding 80 - 120 square miles, there are approx 1,500 people The average age of these people is somewhere between 125 and 260 years old. I am looked on as somewhat of a youngster. We have around 10M sheep though and around 2,000 border collies and labradors (I may have those figures wrong), but we do have a lot of dogs. Basically as you come to live here, you are assigned a dog or two, possibly more. The chances of an Ibanez RG being around here is probably the same chances of Juliette Binoche suddenly declaring her undying love for me, or Michael Gove telling the true, possible but highly unlikely. Some of the people here are still getting used to this new technology, electricity. Generators are common, most places don't have gas (we don't) nor BT at all. We do have running water and no septic tank, we are considered a bit of a metrosexual family as we came from London, but I think some places still get stuff from a local well. After saying that, I do have fibre optic broadband with a reliable 930Mb upload and 890Mb download speed. In all seriousness, thanks for the info on the Ibanez RG range. I will keep a look out. Best wishes Rob
  10. @thodrik I know the best thing is to visit, it's just time. Week days are out and the next few weekends as well. I was hoping that somebody on her was selling one and lived near by so I could try it out in an evening. Thanks for the info on PRS SE's. Thats helpful to know, I'll add them to my list. Rob
  11. @BigRedX I'm pretty certain that the neck or thumbs aren't holding me back. Lack of talent and skill is pretty much the reason. However I am enthusiastic Rob
  12. If it's a case of my skills limiting the neck or the neck limiting my skills, I'm pretty certain whats to blame
  13. @LeftyJ Good questions on dimensions and I'll get the digital calipers out and come back on them. Thanks Rob
  14. @BigRedX Thanks, It's the distance from the fretboard to the back. My jazz and Mustang are thin necked. I actually have big hands and can hold a size 5 rugby ball. When I press on for chords, its really straining the thumb and it's painful. @Rumple I'll have a look and perhaps have a chat about your (guitar) neck. I enjoyed building the guitar as it was a great father/daughter time, and if she wants to keep the guitar, no issues at all. It sounds great, but it's just too thick for me. I hadn't seen the Strat, will also have a look. Thank you for helping. Rob
  15. Unsure if this is allowed here, or I will be excommunicated with immediate effect, but here goes. I'm looking for a decentish guitar to play mainly rhythm for home recording. I am not likely to turn into a heavy metal shredding lead guitarist. Now there's loads of guitars out there that can do this so why am I asking for a little advice or help... 1. I have really bad thumbs from playing rugby. I made a Telecaster from a kit a few weeks ago with my eldest daughter and thoroughly enjoyed it. It also plays very well, but the neck is so thick, it hurts my thumb. This is not a little ache, this is really painful on the thumb. I do not have this playing my MIJ Jazz or MIM Mustang bass as the necks are a lot thinner. I can't work out which of the Fenders or Squiers or Epiphones have slim necks. 2. I don't really live near anywhere that I can go and try without losing a half day in travel. I'm time poor at the moment. 3. I like second hand guitars, but its difficult to work out which of the guitars have a thin neck. 4. I am assuming (bad word in my line of work) that people here play other things than bass and are happy to help. 5. Budget is circa £500-£600, so that gets me into entry level Fender territory. I like Fenders but am not wedded to them, so if somebody can suggest a Squier or Epiphone or whatever guitar that works thats fine. I'm not a snob about the name on the head. 6. Somebody might be looking to sell one neat North Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbria area Any help or advice welcome Thanks Rob
  16. If I can get a 59 Precision out of it, I'll do whatever you want Shame, pride, I've heard of them...
  17. Thats me down to a 'T'. I will always go the extra mile or 100 miles to help people out. Think of me as an angel of mercy helping you declutter and take old things away. I do this a charitable effort and I do not look for thanks. I prefer to work quietly and so just let me know when I can pick this up and take this weight off your shoulders. I'm completely flexible as well, I will pick up old Les Pauls and Strats, I swing both ways. It's not a problem at all. Thanks Rob
  18. I got a Fender Mustang (MIM) a few weeks ago and I'm finding I'm playing that over my 97 MIJ Jazz. Being able to change the pickups on a switch and the sheer ease of playing is wonderful. The more I play it, the more I want to play it. I love the Jazz but the Mustang is so much fun.
  19. That look awful, really terrible. In fact so bad that I feel I need to take it off you just so you don't have to look at it what is, to be frank, a pretty bad guitar. There is no charge for this service, I do it as a gesture of goodwill that I extend to anybody with a pre 62 bass. Please, no thanks necessary, just let me know the address and I'll be round shortly. Please pack the bass carefully though. Thanks Rob
  20. I’ve got about 18 tuners otherwise I’d love to have it.
  21. Nice to see that some people think the same way. I don't have Facebook at all because of their tendency to rape and pillage your private data. I have similar ideas to @Woodinblack and @chris_b to keeping my IT safe from this sort of overreach of data. I have stopped poisoning the well with bad cookes but might well start again. I do realise how many cookies are set and how they are used. Rob
  22. Where is this forum here? I looked and failed to find it so I'm assuming I'm useless (good default setting according to the CFO)
  23. Almost as if they made a guitar without ever seeing one and having it described to them
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