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Posts posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='799370' date='Apr 7 2010, 11:57 PM']Its entirely possible that the neck [i]was[/i] straight when it was sent[/quote]
    General consensus seems to be that Warwick necks are reeeeally stiff. Would it be likely to move around a lot in shipping? Plausible I suppose, but likely?

  2. [quote name='thedonutman' post='799079' date='Apr 7 2010, 07:04 PM']I contacted the seller before buying and he said:
    [i]The bass was made in 2002
    The dings, scratches and cracks are ONLY in the paint finish, the bass is very sound.
    The frets are in very good condition and the neck is straight.
    Yep, the inlay and all LED work was done by Sims, The inlay work is still on their website in their custom gallery.
    The eye hole screws were put in by Chandler guitars in Richmond.[/i][/quote]
    Ah, well that's different. "[i]The frets are in very good condition and the neck is straight[/i]", yeah right. Straight compared to what?

  3. [quote name='thedonutman' post='799032' date='Apr 7 2010, 06:25 PM']Overcomplicated comparison alert :rolleyes: :
    If you bought a Les paul and it turned up with a broken headstock, despite being advertised as "great condition, no headstock breaks" you'd be pretty unhappy wouldn't you? It's not a case of "It'll only cost you £50 to get the headstock glued back on by a luthier", it's a case of you receiving an item that wasn't accurately represented in the listing.[/quote]
    Yes, true, if an LP advertised as having no headstock breaks turned up with a broken headstock, that would very definitely be 'not as described'. Well, it'd be an out-and-out lie :lol:
    But having read the advert (I think I found the right one), it makes no mention of frets or action or neck relief or anything. It could be possible that he just never saw these things as problems... or indeed, had never noticed them at all? OK, so you're right in seeking some form of redress in terms of a refund, but there's no actual misrepresentation in the advert.
    I hope all the things can be easily (and relatively cheaply) sorted, because there's a bloody nice bass lurking in there somewhere..! :)

  4. m. Point your finger in the direction of one corner of the room (important: do not point directly at anyone, especially if they are bigger/angrier/more tattooed than you) and scream "OH MY GOD, WHAT'S [i]THAT[/i]??". Everyone's attention will be diverted long enough for the iffy moment to pass and nobody will notice that you made a dog's breakfast of the fill. When their gaze returns to you, simply smile and pretend that nothing happened.

  5. The world is your oyster really. All the builders mentioned here so far will be able to do you proud. Young mr. BassBalls had a very lovely RIM Jazz 5 built recently (thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=55844&view=findpost&p=700462"]here[/url]), and the Porn and Diaries sections are littered with similar instruments.

    [quote name='andyonbass' post='797808' date='Apr 6 2010, 05:37 PM']+1
    I'm just up the road from you, I think, and if you want to try out an ACG, you're welcome to pop over and try one of mine[/quote]
    Likewise, I come to Swindon every other weekend (usually a Sunday evening to drop the kids off), so if you fancied getting your hands on [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/jcust5bodr.jpg"]my Shuker J-style 5 string[/url] I'd be more than happy to pop round with it.

  6. Is it not salvageable? What's under the paint?

    [quote name='bartelby' post='777730' date='Mar 17 2010, 06:45 PM']Shame, because of what I did to it:
    :blush: :)[/quote]
    Oh my sainted hat, is that a Wal pickup at the neck??

  7. There are maybe two or three basses on this forum that I would virtually sell a kidney for, and this is one of them. One of my absolute favourites of all time. I know it's a cliche, but if I had the money...

  8. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='796142' date='Apr 5 2010, 12:18 AM']I am justifyably worse, when someone diss my bass i'll have at them, simple as.
    when an unknown, run of the mill, jack the lad tells me my bass should have a paper bag over the head or be hidden under a tree, he gets my blood boling, thinking, who the f*** are you to criticise my bass?[/quote]
    Oh dear oh dear, talk about touchy. Y'know what, the other day a bloke on this thread (here's a clue: it was you) said "For f*ck sake it's only a bass". We're [u]all[/u] unknown run of the mill jack the lads here -- yes, even you -- and we all have opinions. The day we're not allowed to say a single solitary jocular thing about someone's bass for fear of getting a gobful of abuse, is the day we might as well shut up shop completely. If I took the hump every time someone said how ugly they think coffee-table basses are, I'd never get the damn thing out of its case. If Ped got upset everytime someone took the piss out of his cheese-eating surrender bass, he'd never come here. It's all part of the rough and tumble.

    [quote]Have I made myself clear or do you want me to draw you a pic?[/quote]
    Oh, crystal. Have I made myself clear too?

  9. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='794883' date='Apr 3 2010, 10:26 AM']You know what funny man, if your humour was anything remotely intelligent I would have laughed at your joke but from your illogical statement above I pity you, as I can detect a deep innate ignorance that goes way back in your family genealogical tree, gloriously handed down to you from generation to generation way back to the cave men days.
    For f*ck sake it's only a bass, you either like it or not.
    You don't need to diss it to the point of ridiculing a member of a forum you don't even know, that is lack of respect and hatred inciting propaganda, grow the f*uck up![/quote]
    'Hatred inciting propaganda'? What, criticising the way a bass looks? Hardly.
    Anyway, you had a pop at him for ridiculing a forum member (I disagree, seeing as he was talking about the bass not you), but then you slagged off his entire family. So who's worse?

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