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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. Och, I'd really like to come to a bass bash ... sounds like fun. The problem for me is that I live on the north coast. Is there anyone else from the far north who goes? mibae a lift share?

    ... otherwise I'm having tea with the Vikings.

  2. Just bought a lovely bass from Phil.

    Good guy to deal with ... Straight up, honest, good communications, and even put a brand new set of strings on the bass for me.

    Deal with confidence!

  3. In this concert from 1993, he is using Trace Elliot gear ... 1x15 and 4x10 cabs, not sure what the head is, but it's [b][i]not[/i][/b] one of the valve heads. Can anyone shed light on this?

    It's a great concert, check it out when you've got a spare hour and a half ...


  4. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1358038791' post='1932354']
    There is just something about fenders though,you must admit. Which ever bass I play and own I think I will always want at least one fender, there is something iconic about them personally.

    Very true. I wont be at peace until I have a Jazz bass.

  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1357912165' post='1930453']
    I play really hard stuff to show everybody what a badass I am. I do it every weekend because showing everybody what a badass I am is the most important part of my involvement in music.

    Haha! brilliant!

    I once had a great thing happen whilst trying out a bass in a music shop. I'm sat there playing a bass when across the shop (no sound booths in this shop) a fella trying out a guitar started jamming to the bass-line I was playing. It turned into an amazing five minutes of freestyle funk, totally off the cuff, fluid. We shook hands after the guitars were put back ... I've never seen the guy since.

    I love that kinda thing.

  6. [sup]I was recently looking at Jazz basses in a guitar shop. On both the USA deluxe and USA standard that I played, the pickguard and the metal part that covers the control cavity were lined up badly with a distinct gap between them. Whereby on the Chinese-made "Modern player" Jazz that I played, everything was perfectly assembled. It just goes to show, you can't take it for granted that just because a Fender is American-made, the quality control with be water tight.[/sup]

    [sup]Pretty disappointing really. Personally, I would expect better on an expensive instrument.[/sup]

  7. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1357735176' post='1927394']
    Really?, have you seen the 'Billy Bo'.

    And even the nice one's, have this as their headstock!

    I rest my case. :)

    Wow!!! This is [i]almost[/i] but still not quite as bad as the Rickenbacker 4001/3 ... but eeeuch! ... grotesque, to be sure.

  8. [b]Warwick Streamer Stage 1 [/b]... no contest.

    Particularly the early models with the cherry body, wenge neck, and one-piece bridge. That said the 30th anniversary edition with the black hardware is pretty sexy (same woods, mind you)

  9. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1357593058' post='1925126']
    I see. That's all very well, but when someone posts some useful information in response to a request, is it right that it should be lost too?

    That's a fair point. There's often useful information in old sold/ withdrawn/ sorted posts.

    I find that looking at old posts in the "for sale" sections gives useful reference for pricing, comparison, etc.

  10. The Rickenbacker 4001 is particularly hideous.

    Terrible lines, clutter, pointless binding, crude plastic and cheapy-looking chrome tat all over the place. They seem like an un-necessary condradiction to their undoubtable quality of build. Don't like the sound of them either. Appologies to Rick-lovers, but they are the crust that Satan scrapes from under his man-boobs.

    [quote name='Bloc Riff Nut' timestamp='1357498639' post='1923609']
    Warwick SSI, those things are hideous....;-)

    hahaha! aye, right enough Phil ;)

  11. The subject of this topic is entirely subjective, to be sure. One persons dream bass is anothers nightmare. Aesthetically, most players would have a bass, or style of bass, that particularly floats their boat. But on the flip side, one which you find to be most gross to behold.

    What's the bass which makes you baulk?

  12. [quote name='Chambo' timestamp='1357292243' post='1920360']
    Used to have one of these and I thought it was great. I stripped mine and was surprised that they are solid wood and not ply

    Aye, ditto. My first bass was a Sunn Mustang. Better than subsequent, more expensive basses that I owned. I should have kept it really.

    I heard somewhere that these were made in India from Fender parts. Not sure if that is correct though. Either way it's a nice bass.

  13. Ok, so there are the obvious classic bass guitars ... Those basses which have endured and continuously prevailed through the ages, and endless fashions of music. Those basses are ingrained in our consciousness, so familiar are we with the sound and sight of them. Instruments which are the successful formula of aesthetic appeal, functionality, sound capability, quality of manufacture, and clever corporate voodoo.

    But is there anyhing else? At what point can a bass rightfully be called a "classic"? It may not be a Jazz, a Ray, a Rick, but a Steinberger XL2, a Warwick Streamer, an Aria SB1000 ...

    Is your bass a classic?

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