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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. [quote name='iovu_1951' timestamp='1363633397' post='2015086']
    If I sell something over 50 pounds I need to pay 7 pounds for starting a new topic, so I've enter 1 pound topic. Anyway, I will consider a donation if the bass sell. Thank you!

    Yea, exactly. If you advertise something over £50, then you have to pay the money.That's the new rules. I think that your post will be removed by the moderators.

  2. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1363564433' post='2014269']
    just picked up an oc-2 this evening so look forward to giving it a go :)

    We really do have similar taste. You beat me to that by minutes tonight, doh!

  3. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1363531385' post='2013685']
    In my opinion, they have have great necks - but they don't sound great. Don't have much in the way of bottom end. I was always having to compensate using my amps. I think, personally, they might be okay of you're a slapper and a popper - but for rock tones, they're not my thing. No thump in there.

    I agree with you about the necks, but I disagree that they "don't have much bottom end". My Streamer can rock it PHAAAT ... and hold it tight. Your perspective comes from the fact that you're a P-bass player, right? As LukeFRC says above, if it's the thump thing you're talking about then that's something else all together. There's nothing lacking in the sound of a Warwick. I've found those basses to be incredibly versatile. Such strong and present tone. What's not to like?

  4. [quote name='thumbo' timestamp='1363385267' post='2012286']
    I'm currently using a Demeter Compulator and I've not experienced this problem with my Thumb Bolt-on, I did have to crank up the trip pot for active basses though. Were you using a neck through model with it? I'm not sure how that compares in output to the bolt on.

    Good to hear that the promlem is not consistant with all Thumb basses.

    Aye, it was a Thumb NT that I had. I adjusted the trim all the way on the Compulator, but the signal from the Thumb was still too hot. The Compulator worked beautifully with my passive Aria SB. As an experiment I dialed the internal trim on the Thumb bass all the way back, this worked well with the Compulator as it lowered the active output from the bass. However, Because I was using both active and passive modes on the Thumb bass I needed an equal volume between the two, so this wasn't suitable. I got myself a compressor that has full control over the input level, so there were no more issues. This was also a lot more useful when swapping between my Thumb bass and my Aria SB which has a massively lower output.

    That said, I did particularly like the compressed tone and the simplcity of the Compulator. I would consider getting another, now that I don't have the Thumb bass. I'm just worried that the Signal from my Streamer would cause similar problems.

    What do folk think? My Thumb NT had an 18v pre-amp, My Streamer is 9v. What's in the Thumb BO? Is any of this even significant?

  5. Noticed that you play a Thumb Bass. Just a word of advice, be wary of compressors that don't have a control for the input signal. The signal from the Thumb bass is [color=#ff0000]hot hot hot[/color]. I had a Demeter Compulator (great pedal) which couldn't handle it, the range on the wee input trim pot wasn't great enough. It's safer to get a compressor that can dial the input signal back to zero. Bear this in mind when choosing a compressor.

  6. I'll subscribe next time I want to sell an expensive bass, no doubt. It's fair enough, charging folk to advertise stuff. I can't think how else Basschat would generate the money that it needs to.

    It's a shame that this has been necessary. I imagine that the marketplace has had it's prime time now. I already notice a difference.

  7. Aye, as somebody mentioned ... Foam gives the pickup more stability that the springs would. Cover as much of the base of the pickup as possible, and remember to leave a space for the wire to pass though.

    Use your imagination, there are absolutely loads of suitable things you could use. The last time I did this, I cut up a defunct wetsuit glove and used the neoprene ... perfecto.

  8. [quote name='Keefyboy' timestamp='1362912214' post='2006003']
    Hi guys, I'm new to Basschat, so am still finding my feet.

    Does anybody know how to attach a picture of the item to the post?



    Look at the bottom of your original post, you'll see a tab that says "edit", click on this. You'll then see another tab that allows you to use the full editor, click on that too. Look again at the bottom of your post and you'll see the bar that allows you to upload photos. Do this, make sure you click the tab that adds them to your post. Click the tab that says "submit modified post" ... and you'll have done it :)

  9. It depends on what you like. I like my slap tone both fat and tight, heavily compressed.

    The compressor I use is particularly good for this, on account of its features.

    It's a Trace Elliot SMX Dual Band Compressor. Because it's dual band it is possible to set the level of compression of the highs and lows individually (each is foot-switchable which is handy when changing between slap and finger style), and it has an eq sweep control which emphisises either highs or lows. Ramping up the compression and setting the eq dial 3/4 into the bass hemisphere gives a [b]FAT[/b] slap tone, no mistake. It's also worth noting that I set the low compression to 10 and the high compression to 7 (that's on a scale of 1 to10, there's no numbers on the pedal).

  10. Good thread. Interesting to see peoples musical journeys in that respect.

    Myself. Well, in my youth as a bassist I was completely open minded to that incompehensible jungle of musical possibilities. I played in a fair few bands/projects and greatly enjoyed most of them, so aye, I suppose I [i]was[/i] "varied" ... but as I've become older, grumpier, more cynical and intollerant I only want to play the music that I really truly love the most.

    That's why I don't have a band and nobody can handle even jamming with me.

    Only kidding. I've got that love-music on the go, at last! :) In a way I wish that I hadn't spent so long being "varied".

  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1362432776' post='1999811']
    I dunno, but there was a lawsuit between Spector and Warwick. Warwick agreed to pay licensing fees for using their design, and eventually stopped paying. When threatened with legal action they changed the Streamer just enough to get out of it!

    Saying that, if I had to choose between the two, I'd still go for a Warwick for the superior sound, materials, and build quality :P

    Aye, likewise. I also think that Warwick made a better bass out of Ned Steinbergers design.

  12. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1362372271' post='1999034']
    Yep a Spector. The design that Warwick totally ripped off for their Streamers :lol:

    Are Sadowsky "totally ripping off" Fender because they do a superior take on a Leo Fender design?

  13. This is a high quality drum, handmade in the Orkney islands by Eoin Leonard of Belgarth. He is a respected craftsman, regarded as making the finest Bodhrans in Scotland, and they are played by many top players.

    I had this made to order a few years ago. I chose a deep frame as this focuses the sound. The drum is tight, bassy, melodic (yes, it can produce clear notes), and it projects well in a session, or with other instruments. Being tunable, it is possible to fit the sound to any playing situation, and adapt to changes in temperature or humidity. Eoin describes the sound of his drums (once played-in) as "strong and mellow". This is a very apt description of the sound. The drum is in very good condition, structurally perfect, and with only some very minor signs of wear on the frame. The skin is nicely played-in, so very definately "strong and mellow", as advertised by the maker himself. The specifications are as follows ...[list]
    [*]16" diameter
    [*]6" deep
    [*]Ash frame
    [*]Lime-cured goat skin
    [*]padded case (stagg)
    A drum such as this; 16" x 6", with the tuning system and padded bag, would cost £215 to have made, + postage.

    I'll sell this for[b] £100 [/b]+ postage.

    Belgarth website ... [url="http://www.belgarth.com/bodhrans.htm"]http://www.belgarth.com/bodhrans.htm[/url]

  14. This thead seems to be having a strong effect on people. I must admit that it has moderately stirred something within me that craves simplicity. The tone that Paul Jackson got from his P-bass in the Herbie / Headhunters days is what it's all about, such basic goodness.

    However, I can't afford to own multiple basses of the quality that I like, and if it came to making a choice, I doubt that I would have a P-bass over the up-front presence and "modern" tone of my active Warwick. I would miss the versatility too much. I would go as far as a Jazz bass though, as it's not quite so radical as a P.

    Any time I want to talk myself out of potential P-bass gas, I try not to think about the Headhunters, and I think instead about all those country and western plebs with their P-basses and stetsons .... gross.

  15. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1362092449' post='1995844']
    The same thing has happened to me and I've only played Jazz basses for 30 years - this doesn't help:


    Aaaaarrrrgh!!! don't do that to me! Jazz gas is bad enough without this.

    That's a creamy bass line that he plays on the video too ... really really nice.

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