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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. Thanks for all the replies guys! I think before I go any further with this our PA would need an upgrade which might just be the end to my plan as I don't think our management company would be to keen to fork out for subs!
  2. That's why I asked if the other guys in the band would need to be doing the same thing? Or at least in ear monitors?
  3. I've been thinking recently about gigging without an amp, just DI'ing straight from my sansamp into the PA and getting some in ear monitors to replace my on stage sound. I was just wondering if anybody else does this and how well it works?! Would the whole band need to be doing the same thing for it to work? And also would I need to upgrade our PA to handle all the extra bass? Thanks!
  4. Surprisingly, with the right chords it all makes a lot more sense! Thanks
  5. Doh!! School boy error!! Will have another look...
  6. Hey everyone, I'm working on a new lick I've transcribed for my blog ( [url="http://www.mattlawtonbass.blogspot.com"]http://www.mattlawtonbass.blogspot.com[/url] ) And I'm a bit stuck on the theory! It's from this track [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6np1zhRar0[/media] at about 3:40 Just coming into the B section and the chords are Bb-7|Eb7b9|AbMaj7 Here's a link to the notation... http://www.mediafire.com/view/?biew6vnf6bjtbow The parts that are throwing me are - Over the Eb7b9 chord there's all kinds of strange notes getting thrown in, my first thought was altered scale which seems to fit except for the natural 7th. I can't find a scale to fit the whole lot, or is the natural 7th just a juicy chromatic note? Also I've not seen an alt chord in a major ii V I before?? The other part is over the final chord, AbMaj7, the lick is just playing what seems to be Eb- pentatonic?? Anybody who can shed any light on this would be a big help!
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  9. I find that when I'm limited on practice time if I draw up a quick 1 hour schedule of areas to get through and use a timer while I practice to make sure I hit them all, that leaves me feeling like I've done as much as I could in the time available. Obviously this isn't the best way to practice, just the best way to practice if you're short on time (or at least I think!)
  10. Hahahaha, tell me about it! A VERY boring but nessecary way to spend my time
  11. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1355223671' post='1895472'] +1 for the Dunlop Jazz III picks. Used to use the tortex ones as well myself (purple ones, not sure of the thickness) and they were good but once I tried the Max Grip Jazz IIIs, I never looked back. It feels like you have so much more control and I haven't had one slip out of my hand yet. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dunlop-III-Picks-Plectrum-CARBON/dp/B003MXE4JU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355223347&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co...55223347&sr=8-1[/url] Cheers, Paul [/quote] So I've just ordered a big bag of these! The last ones I tried where the 1mm blue Dunlop Tortex which were ok but just not doing it for me... I also got the Jim Dunlop 1mm big stubby, this was probably the worst out of the lot! Just couldn't get a good grip on it, that small patch that looks grippy on them is just as shiny as the rest of it, I'd give these a miss! My favourite out of the last batch though was the Jim Dunlop Nylon 1.14mm Standard Max Grip. The grip was brilliant but as it was nylon the sound was a bit too soft for me, I would recommend them to anyone who likes playing with a pick and wants the sound of fingered playing! Hopefully my new carbon fibre ones on order will give me what I'm looking for! I honestly never thought I'd put this much thought into a pick...
  12. Cool! That's exactly what I'm looking for. My one is in perfect working order but is missing the battery cover, I've got it covered up with LX tape and with it permanently attached to my board its not an issue. Are you up for a straight swap? I've got 3 gig free weeks at the start of Jan so if we could do it then that would be awesome!!
  13. I'd possibly be interested! I've got one of these... http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/pedals_s_detail.asp?stock=04052718544818&gclid=CJaEprf_urQCFbMbtAodqWMAFw I love the pedal but I'd quite like a boost! Is that basically what yours is? Where are you based?
  14. Ah well it sounds like I'm looking for the same thing you are!! The search continues!
  15. [attachment=125885:IMG_1183.JPG] My Warwick has got the most wear on it and it's all from playing (and maybe a little from not looking after it very well...) The most noticeable is where the wood has been worn away from my thumb resting on the pick ups. There's other places it's going as well which is playing related, a few good knocks and dings around the corners, and rusty pole pieces and hardware. I think this is quite common for Warwicks though as I've seen quite a few in similar condition, don't think it helps that the top wood on the bass is a soft maple with just an oil finish so it doesn't take much to ding it!
  16. I take it that the pedals not up to much then and I should look for something else??
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  18. I can't find any info on this at all, could you give a few details?? I'm in the market for a reverb pedal but this might fit the bill... depending on what it does haha!!
  19. It's great isn't it! I've been carrying on with the transcription today and the lick after it is even more of a monster!! One chorus down, one to go!!
  20. Hey! I've just put a new lick on my blog, it's a big whopping blues scale run and you should definitely check it out!! http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/lick-of-month-7.html
  21. So I've just ordered a big mixed bag based on what you guys are using, will let you know how I get on!
  22. Sorry to bring about such a boring topic, but I've been lost in the world of pick choosing recently! I have been using the green dunlop (0.88mm) picks but I was after something a bit thicker so tried the purple ones (1.14mm). I liked the thickness but they came with a shiny coating on which made them quite difficult to keep hold of mid gig! The most recent picks I've been using are these http://www.djmmusic.com/ItemMatrix.asp?GroupCode=1O-5&MatrixType=1 Heavy Planet Wave picks, these are RUBBISH!!! Never buy them!! The logo on them is raised but seems to go through the pick making them weak, the 5 pack I bought only lasted me a month and all the picks snapped on stage! So I'm looking for some recommendations!!
  23. I've just put up a new blog post about a transcription I've done of Anthony Jackson playing 'Take The A Train'. There's some pretty interesting stuff going on over the D7b5 and I'd love to know your thoughts on it! http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/take-a-train-transcription.html
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