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Captain Rumble

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Posts posted by Captain Rumble

  1. Playing tomorrow night at the Crown was supposed to be second gig with my 16 year old son on drums but landlord has just decided a 16 year old cant be on the premises after 9 pm so we are having to do it with a stand in nice guy good drummer but not familiar with half the songs but hey we'll get by. When I was told about this I was really pissed off told my son that if he didn't like us doing it with a stand in I would cancel and his reaction really caught me off guard rather than over reacting ( like I was) he told me "Don't be stupid you don't want to lose a gig just because I'm not allowed in there will be other gigs" where's the teenage angst where's the attitude wow there are times when I could just throttle him and then there are times when sat in my darkened room that he makes me so proud.

  2. I have a transport and dac circa £3000, valve amp about same running into a pair of monitor Audio floorstanders and have always been very happy with the sound they produce, but last year I bought a 20 year old Rega Planar 3 fitted a new drive belt and an Adio Technica AT120e cartride and needle £100 put one of my old albums and was blown away. To my ears in my house on the equipment I have there is no comparison the CD,s are good but the vinyl is in a diferent league as for scratches I always looked after my vinyl so not really a problem. I now buy both vinyl and cd versions one for convenience (car,computor etc) and one for listening pleasure. I dont care what the theories are the variouse formats are just tools some of which are better for some things than others imho of course

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