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Posts posted by Gust0o

  1. This thing has 'old' written all over it - not sure how long his dad had it, but it's just done the last decade in a garage I'm told and was owned for some time before that. Always a risk of exaggeration, but it does appear to have some years under it's belt.

    Put some flats on it and it sounds very funky. Muting felt under the plate is a nice touch.

  2. Guys, wondering if I might pick your brains here.

    My old friend Ed dropped this around tonight. It came in a very vintage bag, which should have been the first hint. Inside the bass was dirty, with the strings rusting to the nut. However, for all it's flaws, it certainly was intriguing.

    I've given it a clean, and removed the bulk of the filth. The nut has cracked, unsurprisingly, but the rest has come through intact.

    So, just what on earth is it? No manufacturer markings that I can see - some very rough routing under the control panel, hinting at a home-made origin, perhaps.

    The pickup works, though the tone and volume pots work only when they want. The switch marked 'on/off' doesn't appear to do anything. It's very light, ridiculously so. No idea how the neck was attached, it almost appears to have been glued on and then sealed over.

    Any thoughts?

  3. Love the tone on that The Fall video - awesome stuff, just like I always imagine I sound! :)

    Does lead me to a random quote I got once after a very early uni gig - "Do you not get bored playing the same line?"


  4. Well, I've always been one for experiential learning, according to the last development workshop foisted upon me - I suspect this could be the moment to find out. I have a couple of old sets which are bin-bound.

    I don't suppose you know how long I'm supposed to boil them for?

  5. Haha, looks like we all got replied to in the same mail!

    To quote Bruce Coyle:


    Thanks for your interest in the New Squire Jaguar Bass.

    It seems that some pre-release information has been leaked via the USA.

    Unfortunately we are unable to provided any release details as yet, these should be officially released within the next 3 weeks (including full specs and rrps).

    We currently believe the basses should be available to order from the end June with them arriving instores towards the end of July/Early August.

    Full details will be issued on the Squire website as well as details sent to you local Squire dealer.

    Kind Regards

    Bruce Coyle

    Fender GBI[/quote]

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