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Posts posted by Gust0o

  1. Having bought Guzzi's lovely 5-string non-reverse my Epiphone Thunderbird IV isn't getting a look in.

    This is a bit of a feeler, so... Around £150 cash or an
    appropriate trade.

    Looking to Squier VMJ, anything BC Rich (pretty much!), or something interesting - just try me :)

    Collection prefered. I live in York, it's lovely so
    you should visit! :rolleyes:

    Bass has Ritter bag and delivery can be arranged at buyer's expense.

    I'll post some pics when work finally let me go home! I feel like Alan
    Partridge at the moment! :lol:

  2. I think some of you are being a little harsh on signature models. Whilst some are certainly very cynical ploys to capture a market via emulation, there are a great many which are finely balanced instruments - and there's nothing wrong with manufacturers engaging pro players in the design process. I just think it's a little thin to apply the whitewash of "signature editions are just for those seeking someone else's sound", when buying decisions take all forms.

    No complaints about my Darryl Jones, in any case. I certainly didn't want his sound, as I don't much play his music - but I'm sure it works for both of us :)

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