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Posts posted by Rodders

  1. Gigged Saturday night, in stark contrast to the previous week, this social club didn't appear particularly social..

    Large L shaped room, they put us at the bottom of the L with the bar at the top, we had to squeeze into the corner as we couldn't block the door to the toilets or the fire exit at the opposite end. 

    First set was ok, few people singing along and we did get the odd bit of applause but for the second set, what there was of the audience had dwindled, so the audience was down to 4-5 plus our wives/partners.

    Three quarters of the way through the second set the last person walked out so we packed up, still got paid so can't complain, but very difficult to put any energy or effort in at a gig like that..


    Highlight of the night was Steve the 2nd guitarist pulled out of the car park and got immeadiatly stopped and breathalyzed by the plod! Thankfully all clear..

    • Like 6
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  2. Could be handy as a mod platform? Particularly for those of us who risk serious injury attempting any form of DIY, I would probably just buy a HB but they don't do one in red (yet!).

  3. Sunday afternoon gig at a local social club, not the biggest turnout, apparently a tribute band on in town the night before was what did it, but those that were there really enjoyed, we really enjoyed ourselves, nice to be home for 7pm rather than 1am once in a while. 

    Hopefully get some Saturday night gigs from them going forward.. 

    • Like 9
  4. Played a gig in my home town Saturday night so only a short drive home for me, started at 9pm, first set was great, had people up dancing, really looking like they're enjoying it, just as we were finishing most put coats on and left and the second set was very quiet in comparison, spoke to friends who play in other pub cover bands locally and they say its the way things are nowadays?


    Weekend before we played in one of the 2 big cities locally and the pub was packed until 1am.

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  5. Ultimately, you're there to have fun! Take it from someone who only in the last few years (been playing almost 20) has stopped beating themselves up for every mistake. 

    As others have said you will want to give a good account of yourself but mistakes will always happen, 9/10 the audience don't notice and if its a jam its going to be more relaxed.

    • Like 1
  6. I dep for a band now and again, the set list never seems to change much (which is handy) and they're all lovely people. 

    Fortunately for me the drummer is professional (teaches full time as well as gigging) so I just sit and the back and lock in with him and see what the others do on the night. 


    The keys player was once part of The Fall, though you won't neccessarily know if you heard her play, at the last gig I did with them, our rendition of The Best by TT was rather more jazzy than usual, especially the melody on the ivories..

    • Like 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Staggering on said:


    To make it even better (or worse depending on your point of view) I play tenor banjo in a trad jazz band and in the bluegrass band I play bass but get to listen to our excellent 5 string banjo player...best of both world's. 😊 

    Tenor banjo in trad or big band is something I have to admit I really enjoy! 5 string banjo not so much, though I'm sure it has its place.

    • Like 1
  8. I go to a monthly jam night, I don't know if any others do this, I've suggested having a hat with slips of paper in with like chord progression and style written on, otherwise you just end up with endless 12 bars..

    Normally get a good mix, had a sax player at the last one but he insisted on every jam which was a shame.  

    • Like 2
  9. I have two 5's, I should really play them more and get used to using the extra range in one position. I used to use one for about a month straight every year playing for my local panto but other than that 4 is still my go to.

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