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Posts posted by longtimefred

  1. After a few months of playing around with my Eden 2 x 12 i think i have decided that its not the right sound i need and i need to go back to 10" speakers for that more punchy aggressive tone.

    So, im thinking either an (american) Ampeg, SWR, i like the top model GK stuff, Eden, orange Trace or anything else of same quality. If anyone would be interested in a straight trade then thats what im good for as i have little to no money...

    Or - Cash sale for £375 ono

    Giz a shout if so..

  2. id cancel the order and re order a 4ohm cab, much more options that way.

    DUH!!! stupid me, i should research my opinions or thoughts before posting, just checked the "whats the difference between 4 and 8ohm cabs thread"

    but i do like things loud so lower impedance has always worked better for me. lol

  3. Also check out the Marshall VBA400. Bit of the underdog compared to the Orange and Matamp but still a killer amp and is mosterously loud!! I used to have one and it was as dirty as you wanted + more and still had good clarity. Only reason i sold up is the £200+ bill to re valve the damn thing (8 x 6550 tubes) OUCH!

    PS if you can find a Trace Elliot V4,6 or 8. none of the above will come into it! hehe.

  4. Here is my Set up. Used to have the old 1084 8x10 with the V4 but the Eden sounded too good to not use.
    V4 needs a re valve on the power tubes as i have given it a good pasting over the last 18 months! New Tung Sol KT88 here it comes.

  5. [quote name='Phyrexian' post='593765' date='Sep 9 2009, 12:28 PM']SWEET! My dream amp; the only amp I would consider trading my Trace Elliot V8 for...[/quote]

    Dude! You would swap your V8 for a V4? See my Signature..... Im gonna get some pictures of my baby up ASAP.

  6. This is my 89 'Ray5, its my baby and i loves it!!!

    My apologies for the dirty state of it, i just taken it out of its case since coming back off my last tour with the band.

    Question i need to ask is does anyone know if this is an official finish or did the previous owner sand it down and varnish it? lol.

  7. Higgie - how are you finding the Nordstrand p'ups in the Ray5? I got an 89 one and been thinking for a while about getting one but never heard what they are like? they worth shelling out for? what is the difference to the standard one?

    Cheers mate

  8. i used to use a Peavey PV900 power amp along with the Peavey Max Pre Amp. Was a great rig and never let me down. Not really much need for stereo channels i found so i just used bridge mode to link the 2 together. Beware of cheaper low power amps though as most of them do not bridge down past 8ohms. (well they didnt used to when i had one)

  9. my god im so intregued by this!!!! What is the crack here?

    I did a straight swap for my V4 for a Marshall VBA400 with a fresh set of tubes in it. So im guessing around £600 - £700 for that. I wanna know about that V6!!! :)

  10. that big dirty valve head looks like its worth a go!!!

    I for one have never gotten my kind of sound out of a crashdown, im just too set in valve heads. hence why i want a go of that one thats been posted.

    I have heard plenty of bands using all ranges of the things and the only time i have really heard them sounding toss is when the bassist cant afford to put a decent bass into it. sh1t in - sh1t out in my opinion, no matter what fancy amplifier you may use. hope that makes sense

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