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Posts posted by longtimefred

  1. i used to have the 212xlt and it was the clearest deepest sounding cab i have heard. was amazing. Only reason i got rid was because i wanted to go back to 10's again.

    would buy one again in a heartbeat if i wanted 12's.

    heave heard a few of the 410's and they are also just as incredible sounding.

  2. my lord that would seriously move some air. I got to play though a VBA of a mate's of mine through 1 of the 412's and that was more than enough and sounded incredible.

    I used to run my old VBA through a Trace 8x10 and that was just stupidly loud.

    SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!!! do it.

  3. hey dude,

    as you can see by my pic and signature, i play a Ray5 and i dont play slap or anything like that as i play hard heavy metal stuff and also with a pick. I also had a MIJ Jazz Bass for a while but it just didnt cut through the band like my musicman does. I guess in a similar way a Ric would also cut through due it its tone.

    I think my Ray is way more versatile than the Jazz was, but for my style of music. Its a tough world finding that right tone to match something else you own so my advice is to try and borrow one of both and give it a blast in a live situation so you can find the right sound for you and also blends well when changing from your Ric to the other one.

  4. Have a look at the Tech 21 Bass Deluxe pedal. Its rather expencive but it does EVERYTHING!!!!

    I was gonna get one of these to even out the difference between my Stingray and my Jazz, but in the end just sold the Jazz!

  5. sweet jesus!!!

    Finally bringing back the gloss neck :) :rolleyes:

    They look amazing, specially the white / tort with maple neck. Not completely sold on them using the SR4 scratchplate, i see a lot of you guys love it but there is always 1 aint there!!

    Damn i gotta make sure i DONT play or see one of these 5'ers. Or i may get seriously in debt and with mine and my girly's first baby on the way, now is not the right time!!!

  6. LOL @ Ampeg!

    what are these crazy yanks gonna do next? If moving all there manufacturing to Asia was a bad enough move, as well as keeping the prices yoinked up, they think of a new one buy doing the same gear they were doing 10 years ago for nearly twice the price!

    Well done lads. :)

  7. [quote name='casapete' post='711147' date='Jan 13 2010, 12:04 PM']Think its to do with that thing which always comes up with selling guitars - 'the earlier ones were so much better'.

    I believe this is sometimes true, but as in the case with Musicman often not! IMO their basses have been fairly consistent
    throughout,with new models still maintaining high standards of finish&quality etc. Certain periods have probably seen better/prettier
    woods being used,but this is mostly down to availability and cost - the same factors affecting all manufacturers.
    There will always be subtle variations which make some instruments more or less appealing to some - 'one mans meat' etc.
    My favourite Stingray was a 2001 model, again IMO a nicer instrument than a 1979 model I'd previously owned.

    Older BCers will probably remember the mid 70's period as being not the best period for Fender instruments, and yet now they are
    fetching 'vintage' prices - its all down to rarity/desirability/fashion and a lot of snake oil![/quote]

    what pete said.

    Its all about personal taste, as costs have risen, certain woods are now protected, standards have changed, the instruments have changed.
    I personally prefer the 80's and early 90's EBMM, They were still using the birdeye maple laquered necks as standard(which you can only really get on the new re issue's or family reserve models of new), the weighed more due to using older wood which for me also meant that the electronics were more at the designers natural state as over the last 10 - 15 years the wood that manufacturers can use because of treaties or what ever they are calling them, is not as mature when they pull it out the ground because of demand so they tweak the electronics to match the wood.

    You will find some new ones that are better than some old ones and the other way round.

    I hope my theory is correct or i have been thinking wrong for a long time! lol. Im looking forward to the time when i play a modern one and it sounds better than my '89. Not happened yet.

  8. sounds like great customer service there! i have 2 planet waves cables, one has just broke. Good thing with them is that there are shed loads of shops selling them, all i do is just go to any of them in the area, and they swap it for a new one. Leads for life, even if they are a bit pant!!! would like to purchase one of these monster ones.

  9. for me its a simple question, i play Heavy Metal and Rock music so 2 x Ampeg 8x10 and 2 SVT CL's
    OR..... Mesa 400+ and 2 of them road ready powerhouse 8x10's, NICE!!! I have no time for lightweight stuff, heavy duty equipment for heavy duty music!!

    If only i had the money.

  10. if you need someone excellent to do routing n stuff in your bass, go to The Guitar Doctor @ Kay's Music in Hanley, Stoke on Trent. I saw you were from Crewe and as im local as well and know the guy very well and he is awsome!

  11. i seen Rob using a few Fenders in the past.

    That one with the J pups in it, also he has used a standard P bass with Metallica and also with Black label Society.
    He is an awsome bassist and really brings the beef to Metallica, some people dont understand the talent it takes to really pound down the groove in bands like Metallica and get it right.

    If you dont understand me, go watch a metal band with a crap bassist! you will understand! (doesnt mean come watch me) lol.

  12. hey dude, i have the 410HLF (american made one) and i can safely say its the best cab i have owned. For a 1 cab set up this is amazing. it does stonking lows and really good crisp highs. Cannot recommend this cab enough, its killer and wont break your back like a 6x10.

    get it bought!

  13. Live shots are usually the best! If you wanna get people to see you with the bass, aint it best that they see you actually using the damn thing instead of posing on top of a hill or some crap! lol.

    Like has been said, Fish Eye lenses are great for shots like that. Make sure its a cool venue, not a local pub or something, looks a bit crap with a price list for carling in the background or a dartboard!

    and what ever you choose to do, use a proper SLR / DSLR camera!!

  14. i have been having a good read of this thread and find it an interesting read.

    I dont own a BFB cab but i do really like the look of them and what they are supposed to be able to do. I quite like the whole "home made" look about them, i think if i owned one and Alex manages to really get the company flying and his products get more advanced and get more refined in looks and finishes, i think it would be a really good thing to have an early model that could end up being a classic cabinet.

    I have recently joined a second band and dragging my big Ampeg cab around can sometimes be a pain in the arse. I just thought i would say that if i were to go down the route of getting a lightweight cab to have just in case im doing a gig and need to chuck something in the car, i would definately go and have a blast through Alex's gear.

    I sypathize with him about this whole situation as things seem to be getting really busy for him and i guess it was a matter of time before something got forgotten and pisses a customer off. I hope he can eventually make the jump from doing the cabs after work to doing it full time so he can make sure nothing like this happens again as it really seems he has a product that is worth all this talk!

    I have seen something similar happen to a motorcycle company called Beowulf who make exhausts. One guy got pissed off with something that happened to them, posted the problem on the forum and put so so many people off buying stuff from them, even though it was such an isolated incident. I hope this doesnt happen here.


  15. if only everyone could afford to use Metallica's sound crew!

    Have seen them at Wembley and Sheffield Arena and the sound for both was incredible.

    But that does bring me to a point of unjustified gig politics and sound. Why is it at the big shows that the support bands have to sound "worse" than the headlining band. Both times i went to see 'tallica, Machine Head were supporting and i love them, but the sound was just gash to be polite! It's so unfair on support bands that this crap happens and it sucks. Sorry for the thread hijack..

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