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Posts posted by longtimefred

  1. sound engineers might tell you tough sh@t as powering a bass cab using their monitor power amps may use most of their amplifier and not the monitors.

    just buy another power amp. that way you aint putting your trust in sound guys and also venues to have decent enough monitor power to do so.

  2. i have had 4 Spectors in the past and they have all been great.

    Have had the NS2000Q5 Korean 5 string Neck thru, my first one and loved it. Was awsome.

    NS2000REX, Korean Rex Brown signature bass with the holoflash finish. This was my main stage tool for about 4 years and served me very well, was gutted to sell it. Only downside was when it was under the microscope of the recording studio, just didnt cut the mustard.

    NS2000Q4 - 4 string version of my first one, had a few tuning demons so didnt last long...

    Euro5LX - Probably one of the best build basses i have owned. Sounded incredible and was just pure stunning. Just couldnt get on with the Tonepump pre amp in it, lacked mid range and just couldnt get it to cut through the rest of the band. If it sounded like my Stingray, i would have kept it!

    Go check out the Euro range in my opinion. They rule..

  3. thats a pretty reasonable price. only thing i suggest is find someone who you have seen a job they have done, just to make sure. The guy who sets up my bands guitars and my bass charges around that price and he is really good.

    His name is The Guitar Doctor and he owns Kays Music in Stoke on Trent if you are close by, he is a fully trained luthier and spray dude.

  4. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='676625' date='Dec 7 2009, 12:37 PM']Alembic F-1X
    Mesa Boogie Strategy 400
    Mesa Boogie Strategy 400
    Matamp 8x10 (finished like the cab above)
    Matamp 4x10 (Also finished like the cab above)

    I want to get some pics of the 400+ on top of the 8x10 and 4x10

    bloomin nora!!! That lot must sound like God having an orgasm!!!

  5. been reading this thread for a few pages then decided to skip to the end for a post.

    Been reading who people think are overrated etc and i have been trying to think of someone who i thought it. And to be honest i cant think of anyone, well bassists anyway. I love bassists and all their crazy different styles from Jason Newsted and his pure rhythm pounding aggression to Roger Waters who may not be the best technical player or anything, but to be able to put a good rhythm and melody that fits perfectly behind the man that is David Gilmour then just kicks ass!

    At the moment the one person on the planet of music who i think is overrated is Morrissey! i just really cant stand him! lol.

  6. sod it man, get it done! get up there, do your thing, enjoy yourself and bring home the money! If you dont go down well, its not your problem, you were booked for it.

    you should play musthang sally in a minor key or something, really mess with their heads :)

  7. nothing else matters was done with a fretless stingray, a lot of the other tracks he used the Spector (wherever i may roam, enter sandman, holier than thou), alongside his Alembics.
    Jason started using the Sadowskys towards the load and reload era.

    Jason was one of the reasons for me starting to play bass and i craved that sound for years. Then realized it would cost a hell of a lot of money to get it!

    The Jazz with some EQ scooping can get close to this. I found that when i got closer to this kind of tone, it was getting a little lost in the mix, i guess you need Metallicas sound engineers as well to make it work.

  8. [quote name='waylander' post='675675' date='Dec 6 2009, 01:45 PM']ye i kno not gona get much from a 15watt, but came with the guitar. i been playing bout with it n gettin some "sound" from it, enough to practice with.

    will be gettin paid just after xmas from some part time work been doing so thinking of getting a Behringer BXL 900A 90 watt amp which should be enough to then properly learn on and running it through a Ibanez PD7 Tone lok phat hed bass over drive pedal so can have bit of fun with some effects[/quote]

    have a look at the Orange 'Crush' practice amps, really good little amps with a decent EQ section. And they look cool. You may find one for sale on here in the for sale forum.

  9. [quote name='Linus27' post='674609' date='Dec 4 2009, 11:48 PM']See what I posted above. It looks like at some point they will.[/quote]

    ah righty, i thought they were just going to rotate between the colours they had released now. Didnt realize.

    If thats the case, winner!! anyone know of any price ranges yet? I would search myself but im knackered from a very very late show last night and not getting back home til 5am and only 4 hours sleep. rock n roll!!

  10. No way! Westone stuff! forgot about this. I had a Westone Thunder II with 1 P style pickup that pretty much did nothing. I loved it as it was a step up from my nameless P bass i had before.

    Tempted to buy it back off the guy who i sold it to now!

  11. did my first show with it not too long ago and was more than impressed.

    The new 6550's have really cranked up the amp and sounds nice n dirty. Tempted to replace the pre amp valves for somethign a little less harsh up the top end, or in fact could just turn the HF horn down! duh!! anyone know any good tubes for the job?

    The Cab is incredible, has made so much of an improvement on stage and out front. really pushes the bottom end out and gives even the higher notes (not that i do many) some real depth. Ampeg got it spot on with this and it really is a proper compact touring cab that gives everything you need that doest break your back or fill up all the room in the van!!

    Looking forward to the next few shows i have over the next couple of weeks.

  12. they look rather damn sweet! just wish they would get rid of the slidy things and one thing i have never known what the hell it does.... sub harmonics?? whats that all about? they look a little cluttered with stuff for valve amps, most i know try to stay away from millions of dials.

    how come they need 6 x 6550's for 200w, seems a little odd.

    Again, like the look of the Little Bastard! great lookin bit of kit, and i think they are trying to teach people that middle is more important on this amp than bottom end, as its the first nob on the left!

  13. if only they were going to do a black or a burst one...if only... :)

    i just think the colours are a little miami vice pastel colours for my liking and not too sure about the white pups, but they still look amazing. Nice to see the birdeye necks again, they should have never stopped making them without them.

  14. Dudes!

    For the last god knows how long my rig has always looked a little battered and scabby with my old Trace 8x10 and didnt really deserve showing in the porn forum, but after getting me newest part of the setup, my Yankee Ampeg SVT 410HLF i think it looks rather damn sweet. so here it is!!

    and just to let you know, it sounds INCREDIBLE!!

  15. Hey mate,

    I used to have the VBA400 and used it for over 2 years and i loved it. Its got a proper huge sound and really packs a punch. Stands up to any Ampeg or Mesa in my opinion. Only reason i got rid is because i got offered a straight swap for my now Trace V4.

    Have a look at the tubes in it and make sure they aint glowing blue too much and that they dont need replacing soon as its quite a hefty bill when you have to as it has 8 x 6550's in it.

    Have only heard the VBC412 once and that sounded great also. Really works well with the big amp. Defo worth a swap if you want big!

    i payed just over a grand for my amp brand new, and that was just the head!

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