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Posts posted by ikay

  1. Take a look at Fret Doctor fretboard treatment - [url="http://www.beafifer.com/boredoctor.htm"]http://www.beafifer.com/boredoctor.htm[/url]

    Can only order online from the US but delivery is amazingly quick (mine was anyway). This is intended for nourishing and preserving natural wood instruments. It penetrates the wood and is much longer lasting than lemon oil. Use sparingly and wipe off any excess, it doesn't leave any oily residue. It's great stuff will bring up and enhance the natural depth of colour of your fretboard.

    However, I suspect the only thing that really looks like a vintage slab of brazilian rosewood is exactly that!

  2. May be worth tryng a high pass filter to cut out subsonic frequencies such as this one from SFX


  3. I think you've pretty much got it - nut slots are cut lower on a fretless and a straight neck will give the mwah, if that's what you want - [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/32783"]http://www.bassplayer.com/article/32783[/url]

    The Gary Willis setp manual is also a useful guide - [url="http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html[/url]

    I find too much mwah can become a bit tiresome after a while so if you want a more full bodied fretless sound just add a little more relief. Worth experimenting with string damping as well for a more thuddy upright sound.

  4. Just came across the MK.4.23 boost pedal (25db of ultra clean boost) while looking for something else. One of the configurations they mention is to boost input to a power amp stage. Should do the trick so thought I'd pass it on:


  5. [quote name='markstuk' post='1224271' date='May 8 2011, 05:05 PM']Apparently there is a mod to the PLX 2402 to increase sensitivity by changing 4 (sic) resistors.....[/quote]

    This thread on talkbass may be of interest - [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f15/qsc-plx-input-sensitivity-issue-129819/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f15/qsc-plx-...y-issue-129819/[/url]

  6. [quote]Checked Amp and Leads. For sure the bass[/quote]

    The way a jazz is wired, if one of the pups or vol pots fails you'll still get sound from the other. So the most likely culprit is the jack socket itself or the wiring from the jack back to the pups. Use a multimeter to check wiring continuity of all hot (signal) and cold (earth) connections if you have one

  7. May sound stupid (probably is) but have you checked your lead..? Unlikely for both pickups or vol pots to fail at exactly the same time so I'd double check continuity of the wiring working back from the jack socket.

  8. [quote name='Ziphoblat' post='1204150' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:09 PM']This looks like Midnight Wine, which is one of the main colours for Highway One Jazz's, and not all that common on US standards. It's also got the satin finish, or at least looks that way on the photos.[/quote]

    Also the truss rod adjustment is at the headstock end and it doesn't have through body stringing, both of which indicate a HW1 rather than US standard...

  9. [quote name='son of frog' post='1202709' date='Apr 17 2011, 04:26 PM']Ahh,

    You see, i think my combo is actually connected to the 10" speaker via this external speaker output, I will enclose a picture to show what i mean.[/quote]

    Hmm, yes you're right. No connection for an additional extension speaker so looks like the head won't be suitable for a 4 ohm cab.

  10. This review of the BLX-80 suggests it outputs 80 watts into a 4 ohm minimum load - [url="http://www.bgra.net/2004/review.php?id=137&type=combo"]http://www.bgra.net/2004/review.php?id=137&type=combo[/url]

    I'm not familiar with the back panel of this combo. If the '8 ohm' speaker output on the back is for an extension cab rather than the internal 10" speaker then the amp will be able to handle a 4 ohm min load.

    I looked for the BLX-80 manual online but couldn't find one.

  11. Here's a link to a useful online import duty calculator - [url="http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-duty-and-tax-calculation/"]http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-d...ax-calculation/[/url]

    You will pay 20% VAT on the full value of the goods plus shipping costs. If the total value is over £135 you will also pay an additional 3.7% duty (if value is under £135 you just pay the VAT). Depending on how it's shipped, you will most likely also be charged a handling fee for processing the imported item. This is usually a flat fee (around £8 or so).

    A good rule of thumb is to add 25% to the totl cost of goods plus shipping. Not many items slip through without being charged these days. I've imported things such as pickups and sets of tuners and all have been hit with import charges. In the end it usually still works out a bit cheaper, but not by much.

  12. [quote name='Stinkfoot' post='1199743' date='Apr 14 2011, 06:44 PM']what can cause a drop in volume on one individual string,its happening on my A string,I have tried adjusting for saddle hight with pick up hight & even thought I would try the frequency range on my EQ channel,The strings are all from the same set although they are old..but why a loss of volume over one string...?[/quote]

    I'd suggest next thing you need to do is eliminate the string itself as the cause of the problem. Get a new set of strings on and see if that sorts it out

  13. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1171727' date='Mar 22 2011, 08:26 AM']One of the benefits of this forum is that the combined knowledge of fellow Basschatters should keep any risk to a minimum, if not eliminate it altogether.[/quote]
    The book 'Fender Bass - an illustrated history' is a useful reference - [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Illustrated-History/dp/0634026402"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Illust...y/dp/0634026402[/url]

    ...as is the information on this vintage guitar site - [url="http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html"]http://home.provide.net/~cfh/fender.html[/url]

    Any questions or concerns about a specific fender bass just ask this forum and someone will most likely be able to help

  14. No, the Audere is designed for use with passive pickups only. This is from their website:

    "To use our Z-Mode technology, you must have PASSIVE PICKUPS, meaning that the pickup does NOT have a semiconductor component in it. The vast majority of basses have passive pickups. EMGs are the most common active pickups. If you are uncertain about your pickups, google them (fastest), check with the manufacturer, or send Sales an email."

  15. [quote]Yamaha BBs, Are they as good as yamaha make them out to be?[/quote]

    In a word - yes.

    And yes, this little beauty of mine ('84 BB2000) plays as well as it looks! Stunning basses


  16. [quote name='Wil' post='1157886' date='Mar 11 2011, 11:59 AM']I dont think slackening the strings is a good idea personally, as you're trying to get the neck to settle where you want it while it's under string tension.[/quote]

    Heheh, six of one and half a dozen of t'other :) Slackening the strings has the same effect as a little backward nudge but does it without applying any force which I prefer. In the end I guess it's down to what you feel more comfortable doing.

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