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About Sibob

  • Birthday 16/06/1983

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    High Wycombe, Bucks

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  1. Been playing my Lakland 55-01 almost exclusively over the last couple of weeks (through necessity for an upcoming gig), and it's just brilliant. These hit so far above their weight for the money!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sibob


      The US models have a much more vast selection of woods available to choose from, quarter-sawn necks (more stable) etc etc. But they can cater for a lot more than I think people realise, so for example; want your 55-02 but with two humbuckers instead of the J, or a P and a humbucker, or three humbuckers!?! They'll likely be able to hook you up with a custom 55-94. Want a passive 44-94 with a P/J setup, they'll build it.....that's what I got :). They built a very cool short-scale Decade with MM/J pickups for a guy in america, sonic blue colour, no scratch plate, looks like the lovechild of a 44-94 & a Decade, really cool.

    3. jonnypf


      Sure, they have amazing custom options etc, I mean more in terms of pure function. It's hard to beat the 55-02 for what I want in a 5 string, especially with the US pickups & pre-amp, it being pleckd, then getting installed/finished/QC'd in Chicago.

      I am SURE if I had the spare cash I could easily find something truly amazing from Lakland USA! :biggrin:

    4. Sibob


      Oh absolutely, don't get me wrong, the Skyline stuff, for the most part, is amazing if the spec fits your needs.  I would only 'upgrade' my 55-01 to a custom 55-94 with two humbuckers if I had a fair bit of money to burn.......which is never going to be the case I imagine haha, just because the 55-01 is excellent.

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