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Cat Burrito

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Posts posted by Cat Burrito

  1. I think it completelt depends on the neck wood and the scratchplate etc. I'd agree with not liking black but then when I see an all black jazz with the block inlays and ashtray covers it looks the buisness.

    Personally my money is on a walnut P-bass. I'd love one. I reserve the right to prefer something else next week.

  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='619600' date='Oct 7 2009, 02:34 PM']Don't know why anyone would expect the Police to be interested, or even able to do anything if they were. Despite the negativity above, they've got better things to do and, anyway, can only act when a law's been broken, which - technically - it hasn't.[/quote]

    Agreed. An awful situation but this is a civil transaction that has gone wrong and not criminal law. Going around and threatening him is criminal law. Sad but true. Your main option is a civil claim.

    A shame as the vast majority of transactions on this site go very smoothly indeed. Use paypal or meet face to face at agree locations people.

    Good luck sorting it out.

  3. Everyone's said it all already! Did a trade with Greg (aka Shaggy) who took my 1977 Gibson acoustic in exchange for his 1978 Bassman 135 head. The head was very fairly described, he was very easy to deal with and an all round good chap. I wish I could add something new to the 16 existing posts...

    During the trade Greg rescued an abandoned puppy from a burning building with no thought for his personal safety.

  4. Practice. Having started on the double bass recently chords on a bass guitar are now like a walk in the park. When I first started on the double bass I couldn't play for more than a song and a half without getting major hand cramps. I got a powerball and practiced every day. Job done. My chords used to sound rubbish now they are really smooth. Not that I use them that much.

  5. Several & hopefully more still to come but the big highlights in no order are;

    Playing the Marquee Club in London back in the early 90s

    Being hotly tipped by Vanessa Warwick on MTV as "mostly likely to make it" - she was wrong!

    Releasing a vinyl record back in the mid 90s

    Backing childhood hero ex-Dogs D'Amour frontman Tyla on guitar at a gig last year in Swindon

    Playing my first gig on double bass this year.

    None of it is big league but it meant a lot to me

  6. Try playing in a Glam / punk band in the early 90s! We played a Skinhead pub in Brockworth in Glocs back in 94 and were literally chased out of town. They threw a bar stool at us and everything. A real chicken wire situation. We did 2 encores because we were so universally hated!

    I have to say these days gigging is a much more sedate affair.

  7. I can see your point but having recently been playing lead guitar too it's nice to go through the solos with a backing. One way around this is to have the rhythm guitarist get together with the lead guitarist away from rehearsal so he can get his chops down tighter. As a bass player who now plays guitar as well, this is what I did for my solos - so as not to lose the interest of the singer.

    I do find it usually the singer and the lead guitarist who tend to cause problems as a rule.

  8. I agree with the general view - this is a communciation problem. Always best just to double check with the owner of the gear. We always do & it saves any arguments. Not the end of the world but probably a small error on your part.

    I haven't fallen out with a band since December 1994 (100s of gigs ago!) & that was over kit share. It's easily done if you aren't careful. I always try to make contact with bands on the bill before we play & match up drummers with drummers and guitarists with guitarists etc.

  9. [quote name='WarPig' post='614601' date='Oct 2 2009, 10:34 AM']Deleted my comment because it was incorrect. I tried searching for serial numbers for you to no avail.

    Have you tried emailing Ampeg?[/quote]

    I appreciate the effort. Thanks. I took your advice and emailed Ampeg... to my surprise they got back to me inside of 6hrs to confirm 1996. However they didn't comment on the "E" part of the serial number. I was surprised at the speed of their reply - especially as I hadn't bought from new.

  10. My 1978 Fender Bassman 135 head running through an Ampeg SVT Classic 115E cab. Retro heaven. And pictured at the car park at work not plugged in, just in case anybody wondered what a bass rig might look like in that setting!?!

  11. It looks great and I was admiring it myself. However I don't think Fender is exactly the leader when it comes to acoustic instruments. I've owned a Fender mandolin which was ok until I started playing other similar priced mandolins. Equally I've tried their acoustics and banjos - similar story. I love Fender basses, I love teles, I love Fender tube amps, I am a fan of strats but I do have my doubts on their acoustic range. Perhaps I've not yet played a good one?

  12. [quote name='WarPig' post='614377' date='Oct 1 2009, 11:34 PM']E doesnt mean Europe, most likely Enclosure or something [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/classic/index.html"]http://www.ampeg.com/products/classic/index.html[/url][/quote]

    Yep, that makes sense as it is that model. Therefore the serial number doesn't fit the theory on serial numbers as it doesn't list a country of manufactor as the fourth digit so I wonder if it's pre-84 or how I can guess the age. Any ideas anyone?

  13. I think it's fair to say we have some seriously good players on this forum! So it's only fair that my mediocre offerings reflect the many of us who would otherwise be too scared to post. I play Americana so it's fair to say the root, the fifth and the odd little run are covered here. I don't come in for nearly a minute so please feel free to grab a quick drink or go for a loo break! The backline was provided so it's not *my* exact tone but I managed to get what I could out of the Laney combo. This line up had only managed 2 full rehearsals but I think it has a good vibe to it. Just a shame the bunting kills our bad boy rockers image...

  14. From what I can gather,

    The modern Ampegs of the St. Louis Music era were all made after 1985. The amps made since 1988 have a 10-digit serial number which is encoded for model, country, date, and year. The serial number can be broken down as follows:

    Digits 1, 2, 3 = Model

    Digit 4 = Country Code where:
    U = U.K.
    D = domestic U.S.
    W = worldwide
    Y = Europe

    Digit 5 = Year where:
    A = 1988
    B = 1989
    C = 1990
    D = 1991
    E = 1992
    F = 1993
    G = 1994
    N=2001 etc

    Digit 6 = Month where:
    1 through 9 = January through September
    0 = October
    A = November
    B = December

    Digits 7, 8, 9, 10 = serial number

    [b]SO[/b] my question relates to a 1x15 cab that I picked up off Zombywoof from these pages. The serial number starts 115EI4**** which in my reckoning means the 115 reflects the model. The E is what? A variation on Europe? And is this an April 1996 model? Any pointers gratefully received.

  15. and my unusual wildcard bass that comes via Houston, Texas - the resonator bass. This has a seriously good tone. Cheap as anything so I hope it lasts but it has a really good vibe to it.

    And FINALLY, there is my double bass which is the best instrument I've ever owned. Pictured here with a small Ampeg combo

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