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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140302405590&category=4713&_trksid=p4340.m212&_trkparms=algo%3DSI%26its%3DI%252BC%252BS%252BIA%26itu%3DPSS%252BCRS%252BUCC%252BUCI%252BIT%252BUA%252BSI%252BUS-BWR%26otn%3D4%26ps%3D56"]epihone rivioli [/url]

  2. another vote for the lakland but if you want to compare like with like, the lakland bob glaub is the direct equivalent.

    The japanese precision come with either a japanese made pick up, or a fender reissue pick up. The Lindy fralin is top notch replacement which I much prefer to the standard fender.

    I think the neck finish is nicer on thre lakland as well.

  3. I try not to buy new these days, Id rather have used, and sell it on for a similar price to what I paid.

    I got an incredibly good deal on a 20th anniversary stingray, and a 5 string ray a few years ago because a local shop was prepared to order one in and take a small profit as a handling fee, but I think things may have probably changed more recently.

    I also upset, and got upset by everyones favourite bass shop in Denmark street. I negotiated a very good price on a purple stirlng with the gallery, and when I went up to collect it I had a mooch around and saw the same bass in that shop.

    On the basis if you dont ask you dont get, I asked him if he could better however much it was at the time and he said no one would sell me a stirling for that price. I told him that martin would and he went off on one, called me a liar, and then phoned the gallery.

    I left, collected my stirling, and have never been back since.

    An effective way of getting a discount sometimes is to ask for something to be thrown in. Case, gig bag, strings, whatever.

    A set of string is effectively a £20 discount to you, but costs the shop £10

    Both sides save money.

  4. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='412790' date='Feb 18 2009, 10:11 AM']Lightweight 2x15 is about as likely as a lightweight 8x10 ;)[/quote]

    Weight is not everything, its ease of movement that counts, My acoustic 2x15 and its predecessor eden 215xlt both have floor mounted tilt back castors.
    Pull the handle at the top and pull it behind you as a trolley. No lifting and carrying. Tilt and slide into the back of an estate.
    Ive has 4x10s,2x10, 1x15s, ashdown minis and I rather move the 2x15.

    Stairs and High stages are a problem I would agree.

  5. Discount for cash is not really a benefit these days in a shop, depends on the shop. Theres always the inference that by paying cash, the retailer will somehow gain by not declaring it in someway.

    It wont work in a big store unless an employee is on the fiddle, and in a small store, depending on the system there are other ways of achieving the same end. What the retailer will save is the cost of a credit card transaction, depends on the retailer card arrangement, used to be around 1.5%, dont know if it still is, but on the other hand the retailer has all the hassle of taking the money to the bank.

    A better means is to do your homework. Whats the best price you can see advertised. If a retailer already has heavily discounted, he is unlikely to discount much after that. How long has it been in stock? is there one down the road, £50 off

    Is it todays hot item, if he thinks it will sell tomorrow for full price, why would he discount it.

    I am close to a retailer who wouldnt discount at all a squier 50s vibe. I got it somewhere else, and last I saw, the one I wanted was still there.

    Its their right to sell for what they want, and your right to buy where you like, in the middle there is compromise.

  6. Ive just re aquired an early L2000 from a guy i sold it to some years ago

    The pick up pole pieces have slot tops not alen screws, and some of them have been adjusted so that they stick out a fair way and they are quite sharp.
    are they locked in any way? or is it just a question of sticking a screwdrive in and turning

  7. A few years ago now I got a job in a country band basically for the money.

    At the first gig I saw two blokes dressed up in the uniform of the 7th cavalry practising quick drws and shoot outs, and i thought I was going to die laughing.

    I also got thoroughly sick of being offered bangers and beans at every gig.

    Truth is, its like everything else, theres good and bad, great songs and crap songs, good musicians and bad musicians. some of the songs are platyed to death, just like they are in covers band and rock bands.

    Having also played a lot of 50s rock and roll you start to see the influences and cross polination between artists and styles,

    I couldnt define new country? WTF Is that the eagles? or Eric Clapton unplugged.

    Who cares, but you wont find Johhny Cash in my collection.

  8. [quote name='henry norton' post='404585' date='Feb 9 2009, 06:02 PM']Rumour has it that Trace copied the Acoustic circuits for its early products a-la Marshall copying Fender amps when they started out. I'm not sure if it's true but either way, used Acoustic rigs have always been quite expensive - probably as much to do with rarity value and Jaco Pastorius of course.[/quote]

    They have become more expensive recently because people have started to collect them
    They were frighteningly expensive at the time.
    I couldnt afford a 360 at the time, so I bought a 456 which was a 170watt amp with a 2x15 cab

    it was £700 in 1977 making it £2777.28 in todays money according to the inflation calculator so you can imagine how much the 360 was.

    Having said that, I gigged it for almost 20 years, I blew one speaker and had a transistor replaced, I never regretted a penny.
    I sold it for peanuts in 96 and after buying ampeg /mesa boogie/eden/ashdown I bought another acoustic, this time a 220 and a 406.

    I would still like a 360 althoughIm not sure I could lift it these days.

    I saw a photo a while aho [might have been sly and the family stone] 2 360s and a couple of acoustic keyboard plus guitar amps, of similar size, all in white. looked great

  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='404699' date='Feb 9 2009, 07:46 PM']Gutted, the diagram I posted in my previous thread is no more. Pretty sure it faces straight back, W sot of shaped horn.

    This is the central bit with speaker taken out (mines not an acoutic, but is a clone of)

    Edit: Hmm, actually a lot of the info on Acoustic stuff that used to be on there seems to be gone. Is that to do with the name being ressurected? Anyway, found some of it in google cache, gonna try and find some schematics.[/quote]

    The unoficial acoutic homepage has been down for a couple of days, and will be fixed I expect.

    From the french site the size is 48x24x18

  10. [quote name='Jarhead' post='402828' date='Feb 7 2009, 02:44 PM']Actually, earlier I saw two Acoustic cabs. Looks battered and beaten, but they could still work. I'm going to ask about them next time I go to that cafe.

    Where abouts? unless you are interested

  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='402094' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:45 PM']As you have experienced, TIs are low tension and remain low tension through the body. I'm not actually convinced that through-body really makes more difference than a psychic medium could tell.[/quote]

    I gave up thro body in the end

    I have TI flats on a lakland Jerry Schef, My stingray, and a p bass which is fitted with a steve rabe pbr active circuit.
    I even had them on a lakie 55-02 before I sold it.

    An active will give you that bit more flexibulity to play around with, to get whatever sound you are looking for.

  12. [quote name='artisan' post='402714' date='Feb 7 2009, 11:39 AM']if you bought your Fender new it comes with a tool for adjusting the truss rod without removing anything.basically its a 3/16" ball ended T handled allen key,fits right in dead easy,these come with all American standard & deluxe basses.[/quote]

    Depends on the model

    60s and 60s re issues need the neck taking off which is a pain

  13. Guitar centre have intoduced a fairly conventional range ie 4x10, 1x15, combos, amp heads etc,under the old acoustic banner in the states. These are all made in china and have some good reviews.

    A new redesigned 360 made in the usa has been in development by some of the original acoustic people for some years. The original 360 had the amp in the cabinet so you could use one preamp, and multiple cabinets. They later combined the amp and preamp as the 370 which is still sought after today.

    They ccost a small fortune in the day, a 360 was near on £1000 in the late 70s, and were one of the then industry standards for pro musicians. Certainly bands like Argent, Led Zep, Slade, AWB, SAHB all used to use them.

    IIRC they were less than 300 watt, and phenominally loud, although not so close up.

    I remember Jim Rodford with the Kinks said he had to use a 4x12 on stage to hear himself, while his 360 used to make peoples ears bleed in the 10th row.

    They had some interesting designs including the 408 cabinet, which had 2 15s facing forward, and another two facing at an angle. That must have been fun to carry up stairs.

    I still use a 220 head with a 406 2x15 cab, and a single 15 cab, and I have a 150b amp waiting restoration.

    Great amps

  14. I was in a band which backed him in some sort of hall in reading in the late 60s. He was playing in a band called hopscotch, with onnie the AWB guitarist, and a guy who rested the bottom of his hammond on two 1 gallon castrol GTX tins to raise it up.

    He was sh*t hot, and Ive always thought he had a great voice. Was never that fussed about Hamish Stewarrt though

  15. I have a US Jo osbourne, and I used to have a skyline which I sold to buy the US version, and i still have a skyline Jerry scheff.

    The skyline Jo I had was unusually heavy, and I read somewhere that they tightened up the QC considerably to control the weight so i think mine was unusual.

    The differences are [relatively] small.

    Its a jazz with fralins, and dual concentric pots, and birdseye maple fret markers, but its still a jazz. The finish is absolutely flawless, inside and out, [apart from wear].

    The fret work is immaculate, and its set up beautifully, and Ive never touched anything. Its has graphite reinforcement in the neck. and it is hard to find fault in anyway.

    When I bought mine second hand, and direct from the states, there was a new one on sale in the old bass centre for £2300.

    Are they worth it, difficult. Do i regret paying a lot of money for a jazz bass copy? No.

    But the skylines are so good, that you get nearly as much bass, for half the money.

    If I had the chance all over again to buy one, would I buy a US made Jo, or would I buy a skyline jo and a skyline bob glaub................ er er dunno

    Does that help? probably not but its the best I can do

  16. [quote name='Leowasright' post='399810' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:24 AM']Here is one without looking too hard:


    and another


    Hey Carefull thats in Japan
    Dont forget shipping plus 22% roughly duties makes this a lot more expensive than it looks

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