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Posts posted by Badass

  1. There was a rock song, with a bass tone that sounded real cool on the BBC's F1 coverage of Monaco....Never heard it before, and I'd like to have a listen to the whole track. I've no idea who it was, so I can you help? Oh and [b]not[/b] 'The Chain'....The song I am trying to trace was during the build up on Sunday before the Race start.

    Can anyone name that tune?

  2. Anyone got their new copy for this month yet? Seems to be behind, probably due to the changeover?

    Just been told by the new pulishers that the magazine goes to press today and posted out next week. Subscribers should see the next issue within the next 10 days.

  3. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1328689889' post='1531073']
    This book's very good:


    I bought this last year - I'm still working through it & it's probably the best bass book I've bought in years that covers this type of subject. Thoroughly recommended :)

    Another vote for this book by Stuart. Makes you think about lines and scales from a different perspective. Well worth the money.

  4. [b]dave.c[/b] now that's a tempting offer, thanks, but I am a long way from you...Unless your throwing in a weeks B and B too I'll have to pass ;) Maybe next time I'm over London way I'll give you a shout. Thanks again.

    [b]BassBod[/b] Yeah i understand that, I just want to see what a wahwah can offer, it is a 'filter', and it's a very cheap ( erm borrowed from our guitarist ) way to dip a toe in the water.

  5. Zappa too, hmm maybe there is something in it.

    Still need to get hold of our guitarist old crybaby. Poor substitute for an Alembic bass or an ACG circuit, but it will do to give me an idea of the possibilities.

  6. Thanks for the info. I've just had a listen to some of the audio in a couple of theads we have here, and yeah the ACG cuircuits are very like the sweep on a wah-wah pedal. So I presume that the ACG is very similar to the Alembic filters?

    Makes me wonder if Stanley Clarke used his EBS wah as a wah or an extra filter. Can't say I've ever heard his play wah-wah bass, but maybe someone knows different.

    Next stop is the guitarists gig bag. I want to have a wee play with his wah-wah :cough:

    I used to know a guitarist that use a VOX wahwah left turned on, but never steped on to use in a wah motion. He swore, used that way, he could get a Hendrix style strat sound from a Les paul, but that's guitarists for you ;)

  7. Guys i have had no luck in searching so far....And $$$'s are short, so an Alembic is out of the question....Well so 'she' tells me ;)

    Can anyone post a sound clip or two of what these Alembic filter sound like on and in off position?

    I have read the pages on the Alembic site about what they do, but I'm having a hard time getting my head round how they will affect the sound.

    Thanks for anything anyone can offer in response ( maybe an Alembic? :P )

  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327765634' post='1516485']
    Thanks mate. It adds a MIDI event to every repeated loop :( Maybe there is an option to turn off 'Add to each repeat' or something, but I can't find anything to that effect.

    Hmm strange. I just tried it, I added a loop and then extended it over several more bars, it does indeed add to all. But if I add to the end bar it doesn't. Odd ! Must be a preferences thing...

    Only option, without reading up that I can think of, is to add a loop twice. Once for the one you want a crash, and a second time to stretch over several bars. I'll have more of a play when I have time and check for some reason for this behaviour.

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