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Posts posted by bubinga5

  1. [quote name='rjb' post='313693' date='Oct 24 2008, 12:17 PM']For the money I would much sooner consider a Sadowsky Metro, but that's just my opinion! :)[/quote]I have played both the US standard and Deluxe and they are lovely..(i would go for the Standard)..But i have to agree. i have a Sadowsky RV5 and its in a different league..Bit more cash but its worth it..Its a very special bass..Sorry about the diversion.

    The standard Jazz is such a pure, simple instrument.

  2. Im sure this has been asked before but what do i need to record loops..what i need is to play chords, major or minor, and record so a loop carries on..Then i want to practice solos over them..Is this possible on Garage Band??

    Or do i need something else??

  3. Thanks Dood...well i thought that was quite comprehensive.! i dont want to spend too much, £200.00 max..Is it possible to subtly change the tone of a bass on, lets say the Boss unit..or is it a ..press the button and you get an effect.. i would like to be able to mould the tone.. With the obvious chorus, delay etc


  4. [quote name='Archetype' post='308286' date='Oct 17 2008, 12:17 AM']Just plug it in then. once thats one on your macbook go into the apple logo then into system preferences. Under the sound option you should see the saffire listed under input and output tabs, make sure you select it for both.

    Once thats done, fire up garage band and away you go.

    :huh:[/quote]Hey thanks Archetype, i will get on to it later!! :)

  5. [quote name='Archetype' post='308090' date='Oct 16 2008, 07:22 PM']Yea, just plug it in and your mac should detect it and set it up.

    Which software are you using to record?

    Archetype[/quote] garage band at the moment, but when i get to know it i wold like to get pro tools..

  6. [quote name='YouMa' post='307542' date='Oct 16 2008, 02:33 AM']I cant see the problem you are having,i could maybe help you on line,Whats wrong?[/quote]Hey..Well im trying to set up the interface ( a focusrite sapphire LE) to my MacBook, then to some monitors...As well as inputing bass and synthesisers..

    The interface has come with no instructions apart from a leaflet telling me i have to download the software..Thats it..I really am starting from scratch here!!

    i have downloaded the software..Maybe i should link the fire wire up then see what happens?? :)

    It seems i have been a little foolish and bought equipment with out prior knowledge as to how to use it!!!


  7. Hey people, this is a long shot but is there anyone in the cheltenham area that can help me set up my mac book/ Yamaha mo6 to an interface. im a little clueless when it comes to tech stuff..I actually live in Tewkesbury.

    Long shot i know...Anyone??

  8. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='301718' date='Oct 7 2008, 08:55 PM']Difficult question time now, probably a silly question too, as sound is personally subjective.

    How do the Sadowsky basses sound compared to the Laklands, or the Fender reissue basses, I've been offerred a US reissue 70's bass, and it really does look a beautiful bass, here's a photo of it.[/quote]

    I think Sadowsky's are a more modern take on the Fender sound, and an awsome one at that!!!, and Lakland's are a good clone on the Fender sound..with also tone of there own..

    I bet that US reissue sounds bloody nice mind..

    Your ears will tell you, so go and play if you can..

  9. Sadowsky UV70 4, very very nice instrument.. Lakland JO4's are amazing..Also Moon Jazz basses are cool if not a little hard to get hold of...Even though i have a Sadowsky, for the money i would take the Lakland....That jazz in your link is too cool..Both pickups in slap..wow..

    Also consider Sandberg, Mike Lull, Fender Jazz24, (i have this bass and it rocks.. seriously!!)

  10. [quote name='molan' post='299279' date='Oct 4 2008, 12:16 PM']The Steely Dan 4CD box set is well worth the money, look out for it on EBay, it comes up for sale now & then. Cost me about £20 I think.

    Watch out for Nearly Dan, great covers band with some really good musicianship [url="http://www.nearlydan.co.uk/gigs.htm"]http://www.nearlydan.co.uk/gigs.htm[/url]

    What was the Wilton Felder album you were after?

    Was it Inherit the Wind? [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BTq8e6M-k"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BTq8e6M-k[/url]

    I'm sure I've got it kicking around somewhere - I'm a complete Bobby Womack nut so bought it purely for the fact the sang on it :)[/quote]Molan,yes the Wilton Felder album was Inherit the Wind.. Yeah i love Bobby Womack too

  11. [quote name='thebeat' post='299093' date='Oct 4 2008, 04:52 AM']

    I like Steely Dan too...thought sometimes they can be a just a wee bit too shiny and perfect.[/quote]Yeah i know what you mean, i like a few mistakes. but for me i appreciate the effort that they make..its like taking a girl you really like out, thats really made an effort...or maybe in my lack of sleep that didnt make any sense at all. :)

  12. [quote name='YouMa' post='299086' date='Oct 4 2008, 03:36 AM']Off subject but i like Outta space by billy preston.[/quote]
    Am i still up!?..Oh Billy Preston on the organ..Totally off the subject but i like Billy Cobham's Spectrum..Mind blowing..Think its Lee Sklar on bass.not sure mind??

  13. [quote name='YouMa' post='299075' date='Oct 4 2008, 02:43 AM']I hoover up anything to do with them,the creme de la creme,Aja is probably my favorite album of all time and something i will neverever stop loving.Steely dan are proper music!.....Anyone who wants to argue,,,,play the bass line to peg properly.[/quote]

    Oh more love. :) .Peg is one amongst many, i erm....i havent learned to play.....i like my hip hop, and De la Soul were very clever to sample that great erm....synth brass??
    A long shot, but can anyone tell me what bass Chuck is playing on this record.?...Great punchy tone he has.. Didnt he play Spector basses or Ken Smith??

    I have heard Walter and Donald were sticklers for everything being perfect, ie tightness..and it shows, i couldnt get a Rizla between there rythm section.

  14. Ahh..when i post i always know i will get a wealth of knowledge from my bass brothers .I will check Donald's album out...Yeah SD were so innovative..fantastic bluesy guitar playing.. , as a time in music, the 70' s never stop amazing me with these amazing people.

    Stingray5 i think i mentioned The Allman Bros, dont know if you have heard these guys.. i recommend an album called Begginings..Some 70's hammond rock, but some turns into Jazzfunk.. Very cool.

  15. Hey guys girls.

    My mum used to listen to these guys where i was brought up in New Zealand, this great music was my musical diet along with lots of great stuff like Donny Hathaway and The All.man Bros (sorry to name drop).....Steely Dan to me are the perfect mix of pop, funk rock and jazz.

    Bass players Chuck Rainey and one of my favorite's Sax/Bass player Wilton Felder are on bass duties on a few classics..
    On a side line i tried to buy a Wilton Felder album on CD with Bobby Womack and it was +£200.00. :)

    Anyway does anyone dig this great band? I think its wonderfull...

  16. I had heard these basses were good and they really are, the build quality is like nothing i have seen (apart from a Skjold i played once) and the sound is amazing..

    Sadowsky RV5, 95 sunburst, Alder body, Morado FB, Maple neck.
    No hum Pups, Sadowsky Pre,and VTC...

    Also a great bass..fender Jazz 24 tobacco sunburst..

    Both sound great through these two..( Thanks Chrisdabass for the advice)

    Aguilar 500 SC

    Aguilar GS212

    Sorry about some of the pics by the way..

  17. sorry cant keep it in.. got this coming next week from Kevin at Sadowsky..very excited... so aguilar, fender and sadowsky pics soon. cant wait to hear the rv5 through the agy 2x12....

    Razzle centerfold soon.. :)

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