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Posts posted by harvey1-8

  1. [quote name='Finbar' post='508294' date='Jun 8 2009, 04:18 PM']I think my ER15s got lost at a gig on Saturday night :)

    I'm fuming :/[/quote]

    I almost lost my left one at a gig on Friday. I spent the best part of an hour crawling around on the floor looking for the bugger before I found it..... Time well spent.

  2. [quote name='iamapirate' post='508999' date='Jun 9 2009, 01:20 PM']hmm, I think the general internet consensus is 69 russian muffs, a roland synth, an akai deep impact and a clean trak mixed in.
    79 amps:
    3 overclocking in a fridge to stop them exploding
    30 tube amps mod'd to produce more gain than is possible
    34 russian muffs running into a seperate amp each
    2 clean amps
    9 roland synthesizers running in parallel
    1 akai deep impact going into an unknown amp

    Or something like that....[/quote]

    I always love it when someone brings up the number of big muffs thing. So funny.

  3. [quote name='Finbar' post='496171' date='May 23 2009, 05:41 PM']Am I the only person who has this point of view? :)[/quote]

    Absolutely not, I've tried a few compressors myself and have had much the same experience as yourself. I sold all of mine. Don't regret it.

  4. [quote name='Finbar' post='496173' date='May 23 2009, 05:42 PM']I do quite like the sound of that Animato, but not enough to spend £200 on it I don't think.[/quote]

    On the strength of that sound clip I would have passed on buying it as well.

    Through the amp it's completely different.

  5. [quote name='AM1' post='494996' date='May 22 2009, 11:27 AM']No, no, no.

    Hi-Beams are THE LAW!


    Seeing as I've never used them I will give them a bash and see what they're like.

    EDIT: Maybe not, they are ridiculously expensive.

  6. [quote name='AM1' post='494952' date='May 22 2009, 10:36 AM']I haven't tried that many makes of strings actually, (well not on my basses) it does seem to be Hi-Beams that always die quickly, but I did kill some D'Addarios fairly fast recently as well.[/quote]

    Variety is the spice.........

    D'Addarios, Ernie balls and Rotosounds are all makes that I have killed off quickly. Not to say they're rubbish, some bass players I know swear by some of these makes.

  7. [quote name='AM1' post='494906' date='May 22 2009, 09:46 AM']I'm as fit as a fiddle mate, cardiovascular conditioning is THE single most important factor in deep diving.

    Maybe if I jumped around like a loony less when playing, I'd sweat less! :) (Or played jazz) :rolleyes:

    I don't really think it is just sweat off my hands at practices/gigs is what is killing the strings so fast, I think it is also probably oil, plus the fact that I am pretty much glued to my bass most of my free time. In fact, any more and it will have to be surgically removed![/quote]

    I don't know the first ting about diving so interesting to learn that cardiovascular conditioning plays such an important part in diving. I'm a good middle distance runner and I attribute my lack of sweat on stage to that.

    I'm assuming you've tried several different makes of strings? Like I said, Elites work for me and I've found Ernie Ball, Rotosound and a few other stings just don't last as long under my fingers.

  8. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='494549' date='May 21 2009, 06:37 PM']REALLY nice board mate, I think if I had a small one it would look something like this, nice work.

    Question on everyone's lips: what's the Animato like? Worth £200?[/quote]

    Thanks for your kind words. I like the Animato a lot. I had no idea how it would sound so a completely blind buy. But it has a very unique tone and many people have complemented that tone since I've had it. £200 was a bit of an extravagance but I'm glad I got it. I very much doubt I'll sell it.

    [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='494632' date='May 21 2009, 08:29 PM']Not enough distortion on that board I'm afraid... :lol:[/quote]
    HA! :)
    The Fulltone bass driver is on there for the covers band. It's a little more subtle and sits better with the style of music we play. The other 2 are permanent for my proper band. I'm still experimenting with other pedals to fill the gap the Fulltone leaves. I've got a Carbon Copy and a bass octave that I've had on and off the board in it's place but still not settled on anything. Any suggestions?

    [quote name='Finbar' post='494704' date='May 21 2009, 10:12 PM']Wouldn't mind soundclips of the Animato if you're capable of doing them :rolleyes:[/quote]

    I'll have a play at the weekend. It's supposed to rain on Monday so it'll give me something constructive to do. I'll post a link here if I have any success.

    Hopefully the attachment below will work. It's taken straight out of my pedal board into the computer, nothing fancy going on, just a fade out to kill the endless sustain from the Thunderbird, so you'll have to excuse the crap quality. Clean for a bit then Animato after about 10 or 12 seconds. Hope it works!
    Animato Demo: [attachment=25757:Animato_Demo_MP3.mp3]

  9. [quote name='AM1' post='494687' date='May 21 2009, 09:45 PM']No, no, no...you got that a touch mixed up. Let me assist you by correcting it:

    If you're abnormally, disgustingly into jazz or play like a boring tw@t, with no energy, change your strings every few months.

    If you're normal and play top quality, energetic, sweat-inducing music, fill a tube with beer, to cool you down and bulk buy lots of strings.

    I'll get my coat! :)[/quote]

    Ha, I don't play jazz and I don't play like a boring twat but I can get away with changing every few months. But I get what you mean.

    Maybe if you improved your cardiovascular endurance you may sweat less?

  10. I've been meaning to do this for a while. Here's my current board

    The chain goes right to left, top to bottom. Pretty self explanatory. Diago power supply, George L's... I'm sure you guys and girls know what it all does.

    A short sound clip of the Animato. It's taken straight out of my pedal board into the computer, nothing fancy going on, just a fade out to kill the endless sustain from the Thunderbird, so you'll have to excuse the crap quality. Clean for a bit then Animato after about 10 or 12 seconds.

  11. I like Elites, I think quite a few people here use them. I usually change them once every 2-3 months depending on how many gigs I've played and how much practice I've done. I find they have a long life. I don't sweat that much so can't comment on the effects of sweat on string life. In the past I've used lots of different brands and found Elites to be the ones that work best for me. If you're looking for a place to bulk buy strings then Strings Direct is the place I would recommend. I'm sure there's plenty of other places online to buy from though.

    I met a guy once who told me he boiled his string in oil (Engine oil, not vegetable oil) to clean them and imporve tone! Not sure if there was any truth to this. Apparently it works quite well on old bike chains as well.

  12. Thanks for taking the time and posting all that information. I really appreciate it.

    I've been using a TU-2 for years and never had a problem with it. I find the b and bb settings really useful, especially when on stage. I play guitar and piano as well as bass and my theory is pretty good, but I still prefer to tune by 'numbers' when it's dark and I've been jumping around a bit. (I'm sure you'll understand that theory isn't a top priority at those times). I was curious to find out why so many people are raving about the PitchBlack, so I went into the guitar shop in Brighton and spoke to a friend who works in there. He said they've had to replace a few faulty/broken PitchBlacks but he's never seen a faulty TU-2. (Not saying they don't crop up from time to time of course). Think I'll stick wit my old TU-2. Interesting to see the pros and cons though. Thanks again.

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