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Status Replies posted by Shambo

  1. Hi guys. I have quick question about strings. I wanna try 55-110 EB Cobalt flatwounds or even "Jamerson set" LaBella for standard tuning. My question is: Are these strings are not too stiff and have too much tension to set them in standard? Will I have to cut nut slots more or factory cutted slots will be ok for so thick strings? I used to use 50-105 and everything was ok but I'm afraid that when I cut them more it will be too much for smaller gauge strings. 

    1. Shambo


      I've not yet tried the EB Cobalt flats, but I'm a fan of Jameson Labella's and I've been using them for years. I currently have them on two precisions and a jazz... and numerous others in the past. I've never needed to cut the nut, they fit just fine. I love the sound of TI Jazz flats but swapping between basses/strings and the differences in tension is disconcerting. When you get used to the extra tension of the Labellas, 'normal' strings start to seem a bit too floppy. The stiffness allows me to get the action a shade lower than I would with your average rounds, which means less pressure needed to fret, so for me these things even themselves out. They last for decades, sound great and mellow with age. I'd say try a set. You see used sets for sale occasionally on this forum. I don't understand "too much tension to set them in standard?", you might want to adjust the relief in the neck to suit, but you might want to do that for another brand of string. Good luck.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Is it not against the rules to post an item for sale on here asking for the buyer to send money through Paypal Friends & Family? If not, it should be!! I see at least 1 scammer get called out on Facebook per week and it's ALWAYS because the buyer sent payment through F&F. 

    1. Shambo


      F&F was demonised on here a while back after a couple of scams came to light and I was pleased when it was eventually unstickied. If somebody without extensive positive interaction and/or feedback on this forum wants to buy a bass from me and use paypal, then I insist of F&F. If they don't agree then I'l happily accept a bank transfer.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Who says flats cant go on a jazz!?!  They go on EVERYTHING for me!

    1. Shambo


      I've got flats on my jazz... and my stingray.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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