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Posts posted by TheRev

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I suspect that Bill is probably right and it's my cab farting out (although its a BigE/MAS45, which has pretty high excursion drivers).

    I already use a HPF in my Fishman preamp, so that's covered.

    In terms of volume, I'm not using the full 500w output as my cab is 8 Ohm, but at some gigs I'll have the input gain at 2 o'clock and the main volume at 3 - 4 o'clock, so I'm pushing the amp quite hard.

    I probably need to add a second cab..... didn't want to have to do that, I haven't got anywhere to store the bugger...

  2. I currently use an old model EA Doubler amp which is rated at 500w @4 Ohms. The new model of the Doubler has an uprated power amp rated at 650w @4 Ohms.

    I'm considering buying the new model as I sometimes overdrive/clip my amp on big stages and I hope that the more powerful amplifier will give me more headroom and therefore reduce the chances of overdriving the amp.
    Am I on the right track or talking bollocks? Will I even notice the difference between 500 and 650w?
    Just to be clear - I don't need more output volume, I just want to stop the occasional farty noises.



    *Edited for 4/8 Ohm typo.*

  3. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1504015768' post='3362126']
    I was in a pub in Stourbridge once when Neds Atomic Dustbin were in. They had two bass players!
    Didn't talk to them.

    My ex girlfriend used to go out with one of the bass players from Ned's Atomic Dustbin. No idea which one.

  4. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1503582018' post='3359368']

    And I once bought an old Ampeg SVT cab that was reportedly ex-Wurzels.


    I've gigged with the current Wurzels bass rig (Ashdown 4x10 combo). Didn't like it.

    Half of my bands second album was recorded and mixed by Jim Barr, who played bass with Portishead.

    I bought my first bass from the bassist of the band that went on to become The Divine Comedy.

  5. Not in the UK/EU, no. I ended up making my own from some floorboards and an old shelf along the lines of the Concord bass stand from Kontrabass.de


    Scroll down to about halfway....

  6. This:


    You'll need a mono to stereo 'Y' cable or you could wire both pickup outputs to a single stereo jack.

  7. I've not found a slap string set that was also good for pizz on the E string, they're always too floppy to get decent note definition. But that's the sacrifice you make to have a low tension string for slapping, Innovation strings are great though, so the Silver Slaps will do the rockabilly side of things nicely.

    When it comes to changing strings, do them one at a time and keep the tension on the remaining three strings, If you take all the strings off at once there's a good chance your sound post will fall over and that will require a trip to a luthier to put back in place.

  8. I used to play in a duo with a singer guitarist who used lots of altered tunings. He was also a massive stoner an would often forget to either bring or use his tuner, so he would just tune his guitar to itself for each new song, with the result that by 4 songs into a set his A was not even remotely the same as my A.
    I dealt with it by playing a fretless bass until I got fed up with his inability to even concede that it was a problem and quit after a particularly disastrous gig.

  9. I'm currently having lustful thoughts about this.

    Though it looks like it has dark fretlines?

    Or have a look around the build threads, I'm sure one of those blokes could make you something that falls within your budget.

  10. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1495110595' post='3301350']

    I saw a Stentor some time back - in fact, I had considered trading it + some cash for my Gage (then saw the light! lol) It certainly wasn't a small proportioned bass, and the endpin extended beyond coping with me at around 6'00".. perhaps the smaller basses are the Stentor Student range? Does anyone here own a Stentor Student bass? It'd be worth knowing whether they're full size

    Our guitarist's Stentor Student 2 bass is currently living at my house - I can make some measurements if you like?
    It's definitely a 3/4 sized bass though.

  11. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1495032161' post='3300698']
    I looked at the Stentors when I was searching for a bass, something like 12 years ago. I don't know if this is still the case, but I remember noticing just how small proportioned all of their 3/4 size basses were, to the point that the endpin didn't extend far enough for me (I'm about 6'2"). It's not necessarily a negative, just something to consider.

    That may be why I like them, I'm a total shortarse.

  12. Thwaites in Watford used to have a good selection of used Eastern European instruments at the £1000 mark, but looking at their website, that doesn't seem to be the case any more. May still be worth giving them a call to see if they have anything in though.

    If you're prepared to wait for a bass, then I'd definitely agree with others and suggest that you go for a nice old Eastern European bass. You'll have to spend some time repeatedly scouring ebay/gumtree/bassschat to catch then when they come up but you can pick up a pretty solid bass that's been around for 20+ years and is still in one piece so you know it's decent quality. Both my basses are Eastern European (one East German, the other Hungarian) and both cost me less that £600. £200 spent on a set up and bingo - you've got a very useable bass for <£1000.

    If you're not prepared to wait, then I'd recommend one of the Thomann 2 double basses. They're built in the Hora factory in Romania and are very good for the money. Another option is the Stentor Student 2 bass. Oue Guitarist has one and it's also very good.



    I've played both of these and would more than happy to have either as a regular gigging bass.

  13. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1493825175' post='3291021']
    My first band in school folded. And then started again in a month with a different name and a different bassist. Luckily I am so thick skinned that I was over it within a day.

    This songs is for all of us.


    Well I thought about the army,
    Dad said, son you're f***in high.
    And I thought, yeah there's a first for everything,
    So I took my old man's advice.
    Three sad semesters,
    It was only fifteen grand.
    Spent in bed I thought about the army,
    I dropped out and joined a band instead.
    Grew a mustache and a mullet,
    Got a job at chic-fil-a.
    Citing artistic differences the band broke up in May,
    And in June reformed without me, and they got a different name.
    I nuked another grandma's apple pie
    And hung my head in shame.

    If nothing else, this reminds me that I need more Ben Folds Five in my life.

  14. The original incarnation of my band were unashamed Dorset sectarians and were called 'Who's Afear'd', which is the moto of the county of Dorset. The current incarnation has carried on the Dorset theme but with added rough cider to become The Skimmity Hitchers. The name is taken from a scene in 'The Mayor of Casterbirdge' by Thomas Hardy, where he describes the public ridicule (a 'Skimmington' in the Dorset dialect) of two married people who are having an affair. Effigies of the couple are tied to the back of a cart and paraded thorough the village accompanied by 'rough music'. A similar practice was used in Dorset to shame drunkards - they would be piled into a cart and paraded through the village to be ridiculed by the villagers.
    The cart was called the Skimington or Skimmity Waggon and the drunks on the Skimmity Waggon were called Skimmity Hitchers.

    Essentially we're Dorset drunks playing 'rough' music....


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