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Posts posted by TheRev

  1. While we're here and chatting about it, can anyone recommend a soft case/bag with decent backstraps?

    The straps on my bag finally gave up at Boomtown this weekend after 7 years of faithful service.

    Ideally I'd like one where the straps are anchored with webbing, thick canvas or real leather, not that stupid faux leather vinyl stuff with a single rivet stuck through it.

  2. I bought a Krivo out of sheer desperation about 3 years ago and haven't looked back. I've not tried the Schaller so I can't comment on whether it's worth spending more on the Krivo.

    String wise, I'd recommend starting with a set of Spiro weichs as if you really don't like them you'll easily sell them on again.

    If you want a really low tension string that works with magnetic pickups, then the Presto Nylonwound lights are the way to go.

    • Thanks 1
  3. We were setting up for an outdoor cider festival when some bloke just started giving us grief - 'This band's s**t' , 'f**k off' etc, etc. We ignored him and got on with our job.

    Two songs in and he's standing at the side of the bandstand shouting:

    'Skimmity Hitchers! Just finish your set and f**k off!'


    'Um, yes pal, that's exactly what we intend to do....play our set and go home'

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Houndogg said:


    2/ when I bought the bass it came with a large rigid bass case , a bit road worn but totally solid - what should I do with it ? 

    Ta 🐶

    These sort of cases can be useful for those of us touring on a budget. I know guys who buy them on ebay for 50 quid, go on tour for two or three weeks and then chuck the case away at the end - they don't last much longer than a few weeks on the road.

    So, it might be worth putting it on eBay but as Happy Jack says, don't expect much money for it.

  5. I don't dislike it, as long as I dont think about the neck joint or the headstock (which applies to intact Warwick headstocks IMHO).

    It would suit the look of an industrial or death metal band I reckon.

  6. I don't dislike it, as long as I dont think about the neck joint or the headstock (which applies to intact Warwick headstocks IMHO).

    It would suit the look of an industrial or death metal band I reckon.




    I'm cool with the plectrum though, old school bass with a pick has a really nice sound. Think anything done by Air.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Rich said:

    Yes, we supported them at the Thekla in Brizzle a couple of months back. They were fantastic. (Playing at the Thekla was a tick off the bucket list too :D )

    Me love the Thekla - finally got to play there last year with the Lancashire Hotpots...


    Back OT - I briefly played in a band doing Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan covers. We were called Bobby Cash.

  9. Bristol Violin shop and Cremona House Violins in Bristol do double bass repairs but I don't personally know of anywhere closer to South Devon.

    Martin Penning in a good shout or try searching for string instrument shops in Devon or Cornwall?

    Even if they can't do the work, they should be able to tell you what work needs doing.

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