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Everything posted by Bassfingers

  1. Thank you for the welcome. I already feel quite at home here 😀
  2. Too late Paul! That's what brought me here in the first place. I'm a lost cause!
  3. Hello, Just dropping a line or two to introduce myself. I'm in Leicestershire, mid 50s. I played bass back in the 80s and after a loooong break I picked it up again, probably five years ago now. Since then it's been a daily obsession. If I'm not playing bass I'm thinking about bass, window shopping for basses on the internet, reading music theory or taking basses apart and swapping components out etc. You know how it is! 😆 I'm mostly playing a stingray HH. It's a beautiful, well crafted instrument, but I do keep jumping back on to a beat up cheap old fretless for fun. Over the last year I've been schooling myself in jazz to stretch my playing (and brain) a bit. I'm most at home with a good funk line. I'm no Joe Dart, but maybe one day! Anyhoo - nice to be part of the community. Look forward to basschatting with some of you in the future. 😎
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