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Posts posted by cameltoe

  1. Has anyone got any experience with the above?

    One is advertised locally, and I've been toying with the idea of replacing the speaker on my current small combo, an AC EURO 200B.

    I have a Hartke vx3500 combo I use for the bigger stuff, but it's a pain to lug about, so a smaller combo is ideal for most of the pubs we play at.

    The AC is fine, but it's not great. It's easily loud enough, I only usually have to go about half way to cut through a five piece band.

    The Trace is up for £180.

    I don't really know much about them so before I go have a look and have to awkwardly explain it's not what I'm after, can anyone shed some light?

    I've always fancied some Trace gear as well!

  2. My band will be playing alongside 3 Daft Monkeys at this years Fal River Festival in Falmouth, Cornwall.

    It's being billed as a Celtic Night, almost double headliner type-thing, but we're definitely a support act.

    This is a bit of a step-up for us, to be honest. We've done the odd beer festival but we're really a pub band that doesn't take itself too seriously.

    Anyway, any words of advice for playing alongside actual musicians would be gratefully received- and hopefully see you there!

  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='847483' date='May 25 2010, 01:38 PM']The by all accounts very good Eminence Kappalite 3015 looks to be ok in this box, not gonna go really low, but it is the first thing I modeled, and it looks happy, I am supposing the port is a round one?

    If you can get another driver much cheaper, might be better with one of those, you'd be wasting a bunch of the potential of the kappalite.[/quote]


    Yes the port is round and front mounted.

    Price is a bit of an issue, so sure, if I can find a driver that can do 90% of the function for 50% of the price I'd edge towards that.

  4. [quote name='Phil Starr' post='847454' date='May 25 2010, 01:17 PM']Just to save anyone else needing to do the calculation the cab is 52litres. this is fairly modest for a 15" speaker so you are probably looking for something with a fairly decent magnet if you want a tight non boomy bass. Try reading this as a start [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/columns/gear_maintenance/choosing_speakers_to_drive_your_cabs.html"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/columns/gea..._your_cabs.html[/url]

    You sound as if you quite like the tone of the speaker you have so why don't you stick with it whilst it is reliable

    the only speakers I can find quickly that would be happy in a cab this size would be the Celestion BN15-400S or one of the Peavey Black Widows though I am sure that there are others. Of course it is not unusual for manufacturers to compromise the cabinet volume for convenience and for people to be happy with the sound. It would be interesting to see a pic of the current speaker to see if the magnet looks adequate for the cab it is operating in.[/quote]

    Mines OK but it is a touch boomy for me, I have to EQ very carefully. Plus I think there may now be an actual problem with the driver, as it's been sounding farty at recent gigs. Nothing has changed in my set up, but it does sound like maybe the cone has torn. It's a paper cone, and it does look a bit knackered.

    Cheers for the recommendations.

  5. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='845127' date='May 22 2010, 03:04 PM']If you are making a noise which is a nuisance to other other people, turn it down or use headphones. Its not difficult.[/quote]

    Ah but you have to remember some people have the capacity to make a complaint if they can even hear it, no matter how quiet it is.

    We used to get the neighbours complaining when we rehearsed in a semi-soundproofed studio. Their house was about 100ft away from the studio and there was a stone wall in between. I got the rest of the band to make a big racket once whilst I went outside the studio. It wasn't at all loud. I was suprised if they could even hear it at all, but my theory was at the time that it probably annoyed them in the same way someone else's headphones annoy you. It's not loud, it's just some people are intolerant.

  6. Just bought a '51 RI Pickup from Tim for a steal after he had picked up a bargain Seymour Duncan.

    Nice to see people pass on good fortune instead of trying to rip everyone else off for a change. I know too many people like that unfortunately.

    The best thing being, I hadn't even advertised that I wanted this pickup, and he hadn't advertised it for sale. He popped up in a thread about pickup recommendations and like some kind of bass chat superhero offered me the '51 reissue which had already been recommended to me, for a bargain price.

    What a legend.

    It even arrived in a lovely Seymour Duncan box with the pickup nicely tucked away in a cloth bag! Miles better than the usual stuffed-in-a-jiffy-bag ebay transaction.

    Can't recommended this guy enough.

    Oh, and if all that wasn't good enough, I paid for the item on Thursday afternoon- it arrived Friday morning.

    Top bloke!!

  7. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='842414' date='May 19 2010, 07:29 PM']I was lucky & found a stunning Seymour Duncan antiquity on Ebay for £28. This is in my 51RI - I liked the stock pup but I couldn't pass up this bargain. If you want to save a few quid I have the Fender 51RI pup that i'd post to you for £15. If not no worries but I always felt it would be a great upgrade for a Squier.[/quote]


  8. Have your guitar set up properly and ask for a low action.

    Most of the basses I've had have fairly low actions, but not low enough and to get to the required 'compliance' means having fret buzz and clanking all over the place.

    Use DR strings as well, these are lower tension as they are handmade (expensive though but last ages)

  9. Hi all,

    I recently aquired a Squier Classic Vibe 50's Precision. I've wanted one for ages, and it will be gigged, although primarily as a back up. I found out pretty quickly that the pickup is a bit weak, and along with a wiring kit I'd like to change the pickup for something a bit more powerful.

    Soundwise, it has to be nice and punchy, not completely flat as I do want to cut through a touch, and certainly nothing too muddy or warm that sounds spread out- I like the low end to be tight. Having just got rid of a bass that had a P/J pickup combo I actually realised how much I liked the addition of the J pickup in terms of adding a bit of richness to the tone. If I could find a single coil that does this (or gets close) that would be amazing.

    On the other thread where i show off my bass, I've had some interesting recommendations of both a Lollar pickup, and a Seymour Duncan QP.

    There's not a great deal in price, I can find the Lollar for £64 online, and I think the SD are usually £55-ish. What I want, is to find the best p'up for the job.

    Any advice and further recommendations appreciated, although £64 is about my limit TBH.


  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='840434' date='May 18 2010, 01:41 AM']That's strange mine is of a real high quality, also I have 2 basses with maple and blocks 1 is finished and 1 isn't, I prefer the unfinished but I guess it's horses for courses.[/quote]

    I have heard that some of the earlier VM squier Jazzes had real block inlays, so maybe you got lucky?

    This wasn't a great job- like I said, it was just drawn on with ink.

    The neck was OK, and one of the best I had played that day, but the blocks and binding looked very tacky- like an afterthought.

    I'm not against unfinished necks, I love them, but it felt too much like there was still work to be done on it.

  11. Ah good work.

    Now I just have to get a pickup.

    I've emailed Wizard to see if they do any single coil P pickups, not sure if anyone has already pursued this?

    Otherwise it's going to have to be a choice between the Lollar and the Seymour Duncan QP.

  12. I've bodged together a new wiring kit out of some CTS pots and stuff I had lying around... The job will be completed properly once I decide on a new pickup. One question though, since the new pots have a fatter shaft, what do I do about the control plate and knobs? I guess I could drill the control plate to allow the shaft through, but I'm gonna have to source some knobs from somewhere. Suggestions?

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