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Posts posted by cameltoe

  1. I've got a Classic Vibe Precision 50's, and the thumb rest is currently sitting in an era-correct tugbar position below the strings. The single coil pickup doesn't allow me enough headroom above the strings to use it as a thumbrest, I end up curling my hand in a weird claw-like grasp so I don't over reach the strings.

    The obvious solution is to move the thumbrest from it's frankly now useless position under the strings and reposition it on top, but I didn't want to do this without first checking on here for anything that may go wrong!

    If someone could be kind enough to also describe/post a picture of roughly where it should go and how close to the strings (to be factory correct), as I just know it's either going to end up looking wonky, or I'm going to have to reposition it over and over as I realise it's still too close to the strings/ I can't reach the strings.

  2. Almost new American Standard money, so it would have to feel damn good. Better, even.

    There are some damn good second-hand Jazz basses for £750. A JV Squier wouldn't be the top of my list, but I'm not a collector. Their prices seem to have increased a fair bit in the last couple of years on ebay.

    I'd go with what felt right to me.

    I bought a Road Worn recently, which some people would say are expensive for a Mexican made Fender that someone has dragged across the shop floor and spat on, but the thing that sold it to me was how it felt. It felt amazing.

    If I was looking to invest or buy a piece of history I'd be looking at vintage American's. Otherwise I'd find the best feeling instrument I could get for £750, and there are a lot of really good Jazz basses for that price. This JV might be one of them, it might not be. It's up to you to try out as many as you can.

  3. [quote name='dan670844' post='854942' date='Jun 2 2010, 02:52 PM']I would assume that the internal driver is 8 ohms in which case you can connect another 8 ohm cab this will give you 4 ohms and max output. sometimes combos have a 4 ohm speaker already fitted so you cant add another cab. If your Trace combo has two outputs for speakers on the back then you can put 8ohm cab on it. I would be careful connecting the speakers from the Hartke as it might be a 4ohm cab already, in which case..............bang. Better of getting an old 1518 trace cab me thinks[/quote]

    It says speaker output 4 ohms on the Hartke too, if this makes a difference. I have an old Ampeg 1x15 combo which i think might be the same Ohmage. I just want to see what kind of noise it kicks out with extra speakers, to see if it's worthwile biuying a cab.

  4. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='854341' date='Jun 2 2010, 12:00 AM']Strangely, I've got the very same bass and I didn't find anything wrong with the tuners on it, yes they are cheapo but they do work as expected. I have only tighten the big screw on them and now they hold in tune perfectly, try to do the same see how you get on before you buy a new set.[/quote]

    I'll try that, cheers!

  5. [quote name='Merton' post='854410' date='Jun 2 2010, 06:46 AM']It's the RMS figure you should concern yourself with, peak power is nonsense. So you have a 150w combo, which gives about 80 to 100w into the internal driver and with additional 8 ohm cab you'll get the full 300w :)[/quote]

    Should I be using an 8 Ohm cab or a 4 Ohm cab? It says 'speaker output 4 Ohms'

    I might connect up the 4x10 Hartke drivers from my combo just to see what it can do, but I don't want to blow anything up by connecting the wrong Ohm cab

  6. Hi, Just a quickie.

    My newly aquired Classic Vibe 50's precision is a joy. It does have a couple issues, but I was expecting that. One of which are the tuners. They're not great if I'm honest.

    I'd like a decent set to upgrade them with, but I don't want to spend a fortune. Can anyone recommend cost effective replacements? The tuners on my Mexican P are significantly better, so even they would do fine.

  7. I got to figure out how I can apply for the governments 'take it away' scheme behind my GF's back to buy this beauty!

    Oh, we love finance!

    Aren't the necks skinny on Jags? Could be a problem..... one I can live with though. CRAMP!!!!

    Seriously though, what with the whole Classic Vibe range aren't Fender going to put themselves out of business?

  8. [quote name='Merton' post='854066' date='Jun 1 2010, 08:25 PM']Er, if it's a 150W combo it'll kick out 150W with a cab connected, and about 90W without.

    If it's a 300W comobo it'll kick out around 180-200W without a cab, and 300W with.

    Nice simple combos these were, always sounded great to my ears :)[/quote]

    This is where I'm getting confused.

    It says "150 watts RMS"
    "300 watts peak"

    Speaker output 4 Ohms.

    What does this all mean?

    Yes, it's loud enough, it will cover nearly all the gigs we do in local pubs, but it wouldn't be loud enough for some of the beer festivals we're doing this year, most of which are in huge marquees with no wall or corner to place my amp in.

    I can line out, of course, but our PA has no bass bins so it would probably sound better if I didn't.

    It's an SM combo, yes. The front says GP7 SM 150.

    At the moment I'm avoiding using the EQ too much, it has the Trace 'shape' button on the front, shape 1 and 2. Apparently shape 1 is the classic trace sound, but it's been a bit muddy so I've been using shape 2 with just a touch of low mid boost.

  9. I have just managed to pick up a Trace Elliott GP7 SM combo locally. It's a 150w with a 15" driver. Sounds great! I had been toying with the idea of changing the speaker on my old combo, but I ended up getting this combo for a great price and it seems like new....

    Anyway, I really don't know much about amps, cabs, how they work or anything really. I usually just hit random buttons til I get the sound I want.

    This combo will be my main workhorse, but for the bigger gigs I have a Hartke vx3500 combo.

    As I was reading through the Trace manual online, it mentions something about being able to connect a cab, and doing such increases the power output to 300 watts. I don't really understand the whole Ohms thing, so I don't know if this means the amp will get significantly louder when I connect a cab, or if it will just spread the volume a bit.

    The aim of all this, is to find out if I still need the Hartke combo. If, with a cab connected, the Trace will kick out 300 watts (Hartke is 350w) then it'll be fine for the bigger gigs. There are a lot of good cabs on the second hand thread that I could buy, sell my Hartke, and end up with more room in my house and maybe a bit of money in my pocket too.

    Apologies for my ignorance :)

  10. [quote name='Musicman20' post='851373' date='May 29 2010, 07:30 PM']Where can you pick up a Roadworn for £699?! Id be quite tempted by the Fiesta Red Jazz!

    PM me if you prefer. I was after another Jazz or Stingray to replace the place the Classic Ray was supposed to take. £699 seems fine to me and I can use the other Fender cases.[/quote]

    Modern Music in Truro, Cornwall sold it to me for that price.

    It was in the shop for a few months at £899, beautifully set up by the owner of the shop. He also had a sunburst one in previously. At first I didn't want the Road Worn- I played it, loved it, and he offered it to me for £799. It was still a bit too much, so I started looking at the Classic 50's series. He got a couple of those in for me to try, I didn't love them as much as I loved the Road Worn, which is when he went away to look at his books and came back to offer it to me for £699.

    This place has RW Precisions for £699- by far the cheapest I can find. [url="http://www.guitar.co.uk/guitars/bass/2419-road_worn_50s_precision_bass_while_stocks_last"]RW[/url]

    But you're after a Jazz, and these seem to be a touch more expensive. Can't find them for under £800

    Wonder why that is? Aren't Jazzes and Precisions from the same range usually roughly the same price? Maybe it's all the great reviews the Jazz has been getting pushing up the price.

  11. Hello.

    I bought this second hand about 18 months ago, after get hacked off with karting my Hartke vx3500 around to every gig we had, even small ones.

    I'm no longer using it though, so it has to make way before I move house.

    It's suprisingly loud actually. It easily copes with most of the gigs we do, and I'm in a LOUD five-piece band. I rarely have to push it above half way.

    200w, (350 max) although there aren't many figures on the back of the amp to make clear all the output ratings. There is no speaker output- the speaker is wired into the amp, so I reckon it could be 4ohm.

    As far as I can understand, AC Euro were a British company from Yorkshire making well built equipment, with good components, albeit aimed at the cheaper end of the market. (cheers to stevie for the info)

    Bass/Treble master Equalisation plus a 4-band graphic EQ. Line out, compression, switchable active/passive input.

    The castors are located on the side of the amp, which is a stroke of genius. Means you can easily push it about without worrying about it toppling over, and then stand it upright at gigs. :)

    I'm in Cornwall- You can come collect or I can meet you somewhere within reason. I can also post this item for around £25 via TNT.

    Cost? just [b][size=3]£75. [/size][/b]Not much at all for a solid, reliable gigging amp.


  12. I got my local music shop to drop my Road Worn P down from £899 to £699, so if the hardcase is a huge issue get your best haggling boots on!

    It is a bit of a cheek to sell an instument for up around the £800 mark and only chuck in a £15 gigbag.

  13. I gigged my recently aquired Classic Vibe 50's Precision last night. Really good, really impressed, although I did change the pickup and rewire it already :)

    However, what I discovered was an amazing drop in volume ONLY on the D, 5th fret A string.

    The A string itself was loud enough on all other notes, and all the other strings seemed to be fairly consistent across frets, but this was really noticible!

    Considering a lot of our songs are in D, this became a bit of an issue!

    Is this what's known as a 'dead spot'? If so, what can I do to try and fix it?

    It's still wearing the Stainless strings it had on it when I got it, haven't had time to change over to my preferred nickels yet, but I will do this.

  14. The Road Worn's are very, very good.

    Like the guys have said though, it depends what you want. If you want a bass that feels like you've owned it forever, feels comfy, and just feels right in your hands, go for the road worn.

    I ended up getting a road worn precision, after being determined NOT to get one. I hated the fake relicing, I hated they were asking so much for a MIM bass, hated the salmon pink......then I played it.

    Knocked the socks off everything I played in the shop and everything I had played that year.

    But it does feel like an old bass, in a good way. Like an old comfy pair of jeans.

    You just have to try them all and see what you prefer- although I've heard the RW Jazzes are even better than the Precisions.

  15. [quote name='stevie' post='848913' date='May 26 2010, 08:58 PM']It was a budget brand. I knew their PA speakers but I didn't even know they made a bass amp. They were well built though, with decent parts, but they were aimed at the lower end of the market.

    Your best bet might be to keep your eyes peeled for a secondhand unit. The current budget speaker best buys in the UK come from Fane and Celestion, both designed in the UK and built in China. I believe Phil has some recent experience of these.[/quote]

    Cool man thanks a lot. I'll weigh my options up. I've seen a Trace Elliott GP7 SM 150w combo for sale locally for £180 that I might go take a look at. I posted another thread to find a bit more about them, hopefully it'll be up to the job, but who knows? £100 for a decent driver in a budget amp doesn't sound as appealing as a trace combo!

    I'm hoping a Trace 150w will keep up with an AC Euro 200w. I had plenty of headroom left on the AC though.

    I'm gassing a bit for Trace at the moment I think.

  16. Have a bump on me.

    I'm a Precision man at heart but I tried a stingray the other day and loved it.

    Black on maple is the best colour by a mile too.

    My next bass for sure!

    £700 seems ridiculously cheap for a stingray. I think it may be suffering from the fact that there seem to be a few second-hand ones around at the moment. Things seem to come into trend- I'm sure Fenders are 'in' at the moment. They don't seem to be hanging around, even the Classic Vibe squiers are getting snapped up quick. Stingrays are so cheap now, I can't understand why people aren't taking advantage. I would be, if I had the funds.

    Hopefully the prices will still be low when I next get my hands on £700!

    Good luck.

  17. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh beautiful!!!!!!!

    Would you take a kidney as payment?

    Seriously, what a beaut.

    If I hadn't got my Road Worn on the way I'd be biting your arm off for this. The J pickup is a nice touch too.

    I know some people won't like the fact it's been refinished and a pickup added, but I'd jump at that.

    Good luck!

  18. [quote name='stevie' post='848880' date='May 26 2010, 08:31 PM']You might like to consider using a 12" driver for your cab. 52 litres is too small for a 15" unless you want it to sound like a floor monitor, but it's an ideal size for many 12s. Apart from giving you a much wider choice of potential drivers, a 12" chassis will:

    a) be cheaper
    :) provide a better balanced sound
    c) have superior midrange (all things being equal)
    d) have better dispersion.

    You'd need to cut a spacer ring from 1/2 inch MDF or ply to fit the 12. Quite easy with a jigsaw.

    AC Euro was a Yorkshire-based company from Doncaster.[/quote]

    Hmm that's good info, cheers!

    Do you know anything about the amps? I really can't tell how good an amp this thing is. Some gigs it sounds OK, some gigs it sounds horrendous. It has a few funny turns now and again, but it's fairly loud.

    Was it a budget type brand or more mid-range? Reason I ask is I don't want to spend a ton of money on something to find it still doesn't do what I want it to do, then have to sell it for next to nothing because AC Euro were the Yorkshire equivelent of Behringer.

    I'm fairly handy with a jigsaw, so the challenge appeals to me, although I have started looking about for a replacement combo.

    Any ideas on the perfect (cheapish) 12" if I was to take this direction?

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