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Everything posted by Fishfacefour

  1. Weird fishes - radiohead Was too slow to post again...
  2. Pretty much all of the later Scott Walker stuff is heavier and more terrifying than most other music. It's not something you can put on as background music. Even his 60s classic period stuff has a certain weight in the orchestration that hints at what's to come.
  3. It's not so much about age, it's more about being out of the loop. The natural networks you develop when younger and without responsibilities have dissolved, and in my case I'm in a new city. It's difficult to make new networks if you're not out drinking or at gigs. Now we've had 18 months without gigs it can be difficult to start afresh.
  4. I'm in a similar position to the OP. Definitely will be looking to jam with real humans soon. I took a look at musofinder and think I must be doing something wrong. I signed up and there is no content on the site, I found their search function through different pages but nothing comes up in the search... Has anyone had any luck with the site?
  5. Til the freedom comes home - shabaka and the ancestors
  6. Papa was a rolling stone - the temptations
  7. Santa claus, go straight to the ghetto - James brown
  8. Yes, other modes of transport definitely welcome! Maybe I should start a parallel thread: what car is your bass playing style. I'm still on the training wheels/tricycle stage I think..
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