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Posts posted by bassbluestew

  1. I recently spent hours and sweated blood learning the bass part for Robert Palmers "She makes my day" ( wedding band first dance, those who play in wedding bands know the hell of learning obscure songs never to be played again ) . It's a tune I like so it wasn't too much of a bind, and it's a tricky wee part. Once I got into it really wanted to nail it as best I could.

    Reh before the wedding was cancelled, showed up at the gig with the bass part nailed feeling very pleased with myself. As soon as we started playing it was obvious our normally reliable drummer had just not bothered - boy was I pissed. Having said that, the couple were delighted.
    Interestingly we are having huge debates whether we should reh so often or not. A vocal dep we used at the weeked said at the break, I love playing with you guys, you are so well rehearsed and make my job really easy.

  2. [quote name='lee650' post='996314' date='Oct 21 2010, 08:00 PM']never did hear back from you regarding my smith offer :) hey ho, all for the best!!! bump for a lovely looking overwater!!!![/quote]

    Sorry about that Lee, if I could possibly afford it, I would have snapped it up. Just don't have any spare dosh..............just signed a check for several thousands of pounds for home improvements.............damn that Tool Time Tim !!

    PM me with details if you like, I have lots of bass toys to trade ,but no dosh, and I'm too disorganised to sell them.


  3. Ste, if it was anyone but you I'd be offended, but you seem to be the only person I know who can locate and buy a quality bass for the price of a good lunch, or maybe dinner !!!

    It needs to be very close to fuel my gas.

    If my proposed purchase goes I will very happily remove this bass from sale, so if you are even considering it, make a move sharpish like. I've missed soooo many good buys through procrastination ( and poverty of course )......

    Moochass Grassyass amigos,

  4. An appreciative, and very grateful early morning bump.

    Smith GAS is indeed a terrible thing........................20 years now and not sated. Some lovely MM's have kept it at bay.

    BUT, and trust me I do realise I am taking a huge risk selling this bass which I really have come to love in a realtively short time ( it is my go to ) ...........and I REALLY have had lots of very positive comments, even from guitarists................to go for a bass I have never gigged.
    Will it sound good at volume I ask myself :)
    Will I still look like a sex god and have to beat the girlies off with a sh*tty stick as I do when I'm wearing this bass :lol: ??

    And trust me it's the bass that attracts them, not me :) As anyone who has ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on me will vouch for, although I am ( almost ) half the man I used to be !!

    Thanks again to all you lovely folks...

  5. Lads'n'Lassies,

    Due to a bad attack of gas which I thought had been cured but has resurfaced I am considering parting with this lovely,lovely bass.

    Its this one [post="0"]HERE !![/post]

    It's a truly lovely bass, plays like a dream and I get lots of comments from folks as to how good it sounds. It looks real purdy too, dontcha think ?? Condition is very good.

    Anyhow, as I say I am only considering moving this to cure my gas, if the object of my desire goes, then I will withdraw this from sale. So if you fancy it don't hang about.

    Priced to sell at £1100 ovno plus postage.
    No trades on this one please.


  6. Guys,

    Whilst I am really,really happy for , and if I am being honest, stlightly ( read very ) jealous of Mr Thisnameistaken. ( At the risk of being perceived as homophobic which I am sooo not darling ) it [i]is[/i] MISTER Thisnameistaken ?? Just the avatar - that's all. Very attractive btw.

    Sorry, back on topic. I started my band with the drummer some 6 years ago. We are a quality wedding band - not cheap - and we occassionally venture successfully into the corporate market too.
    The problem is that very early on I relinquished manager duties to our present manager as it was getting too much as I was training for a new job and just didn't have time to do everything. We also have a sound engineer, and its a 6 piece band. So were a big ticket item and I just feel we are pulling in too many directions.
    Our keyboeard player is a complete social retard and I haven't actually spoken a word to him in more than a year ( thats probably 120 gigs and 30 rehearsals - and not a dicky bird ) Anyone who has met me knows how unlikely that is. I'm a nice guy, honest !!!! But very soon, I am going to maim him in a very bad way.( Could I just insert at this point that I never would - just in case he gets mugged and this post. finds the light of day. Its a figure of speech m'lud. ) He's a talented player, has never played in any other band of note, and when he joined us he was a shy wee thing and we really worked at bringing him out of his shell and bigging up his very obvious talent. He has continued to flourish, but, and here's the rub, he has started to believe his own press and now thinks he is the bees knees. I must say in fairness that he is very good, and real perfectionist ( 1st class honours in Stats, and closet OCD ) but he is by no means the best I have ever played with. And his plack of social skills is beginning to annoy other folks too. Frannkenstein could learn from this guy.

    Anyway, as I hoped, I now feel much better for getting that off my chest and am now looking forward to tonights gig, and not just the paypacket. I don't want to quit as I feel that despite everything its my baby still. But if things don't improve soon I WILL be off. I must retain my sanity.

    Thanks for all the collective shoulders !!


  7. Also have bought from him............a 77 Stringray with my DOB in the neck pocket, well I had to didn't I.

    Top bloke, good coffee, and he even gave me cash back to cover my petrol down from Glasgow and back.

    Don't hesitate to buy from him.


  8. I played with Middle of the Road for a number of years ( Chipy Chirpy Cheep Cheep anyone...no ? ), only quit 3 years back.
    Anyways I got loads of pelters from mates for this but, I met loads ogreat folks on the Oldies scene in Europe ( Slade, Marmalade, Tremeloes, Hermans Hermits, both Rubettes, Village People, Bacarra, Kenny and LOADS more besides, and Alvin is a top bloke, his stories about his Mums showbiz digs in the 50s and 60s would make a brill book ) and if we played to less than 2,000 folk it was a real exception. We regularly played to 20,000 !!!
    I made a good living from this, played some stonking gis and met loads of really nice folk doing this gig that I would have missed out on otherwise. I am sooooo glad I didn't let my integrity get in the way.

    If a jobs worth doing, do it to the best of your ability, and remember, where there's dough, there's a show !!


  9. All pm's now replied to.

    Thanks for all the interest, I am going on holiday on Tuesday, and tbh if it doesn't go before then ( or at least a solid sale offered ) I'll probably withdraw as the Smith will probably go whilst I'm sunning myself en Francais.

    Cheers again for all the interest - who'd have thought my humble bass would be so popular !!


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