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Posts posted by bassbluestew

  1. Welcome Frans.....................like Mrs T I love Bavaria.

    Mrs Bassbluestew - an oboeist - worked in a Kur Orchestre in Bad Weisee ( just south of Munchen ) for a few years so I got to know the surrounding area quite well. Also spent a few years myself very recently doing the Oldies cicuit ( surprisingly huge ) with Middle of The Road.


  2. Sorry good folks, I geunuinely was overwhelmed by the response to this and the Overwater I was selling. I was concentrating on deperately trying to keep all the PM's in order and not let anyone skip the queue. I just didn't have time to get pics up. Both were sold in priciple within 24 hours, in fact the Ray was sold in principle in a couple of hours.

    Not sure if it is good etiquette to post pictures now that is is sold. Is that "not the done thing ??"

    I am very sure however that a very excited puppy will be plastering this website with pictures of his new baby when it arrives early next week.

    Apologies if anyone feels let down,

  3. Hi all,

    I honestly never, ever thought I'd do this, but I have incurable Smith GAS and a chance to do something about it. It took a loooong tiome to find a pre-EB Ray that I loved to play, and this is a players bass.

    It has the cherished and sought after BOO serial number and the original hard case. I have just taken the controlplatw off to take some photos and guess what, it has the black epoxy preamp. How cool is that, just like Mr Edwards I'm told.
    Neck date stamp is 10 June 1977. My 15th Birthday.

    According to the owners registration at Music Man it was originally a natural finish but has been very poorly painted in black. I would not say refinished as this gives the impression of permanace and professionailism. It's a shoddy job which according to a local respected luthier can be put right very, very easily. In fact on a hot night some of the finish comes away. From what I can see it looks really nice underneath. Has a beautiful maple neck and plays like a dream !!!

    The mutes need to be replaced, but as far as I know the rest is all original ( I put straplocks on but have the original strap pins ).

    It sounds absolutely huge, it somehow sounds to go lower than a 5 string, it just sounds THAT big. But the top end is all there in spades too, don't want you to think this a muddy beast - quite the opposite. It's very articulate. A real players bass. I can honestly say I have had more complements on the sound of this bass live than any other bass I have played in 35 years of playing.

    I will get photos up tomorrow in daylight.

    Looking to get back what it owes me - £1500. I can't stress enough how I love this bass, but you all know how GAS affects us.

    Again sorry no trades - unless you have a neck thru Smith and would like this and my Overwater which is also for sale.


  4. Hi all,

    As regular readers will know, I love this bass but have real bad Smith GAS.

    I have an opportunity to satisfy this GAS so will be selling everything I own ( see my other thread too ) to get it.

    It this bass [url="http://www.overwaterbasses.com/basses/basses-recently-sold/perception-series-3/per00006.html"]http://www.overwaterbasses.com/basses/bass...3/per00006.html[/url] -

    It's a 35 inch scale, and is in very good condition.

    For a quick sale I will take £1000.

    I reserve the right to remove this at short notice if my Smith goes.

    Sorry no trades on this one, unless you happen to have a neck through maple Smith and want this and my 77 Ray !!!

    editied to fix broken link.......apologies

  5. [quote]Prices on here can go down easily... someone just wants to shift something quickly.[/quote]

    Absolutely, I have no problems with someone reducing their price for a quick sale. Unfortunately is seems that when someone has done this, rather than folks realising its a one off bargain,it sets a precident and benchmark what for that item is worth - which is not realistic.

    [quote]But it is harder for them to go up because people don't want to profit off people.[/quote]

    Again I totally agree - but asking a reasonable price ( close tho what you paid for it for example ) is not against the spirit of Basschat, or indeed is it profiteering. Buying that 5'er Ray last week at a stupidly low £600 and whacking it straight back up for a higher price on here or ebay - as has been done by some in the past - would IMO be profiteering and although is not "in the spirit of Basschat" is not illegal. Just morally questionable. I have seen some great deals on here ( not silly cheap, but great value nontheless ) as sellers offer up items for sale that they have bought at a good price from other 'Chatters. Thats the kind of "spirit" I was talking about and what has made this place a bit special.

    It is a buyers market at the moment as was highlighted by Mr D-L-B, but there is a real danger that the For Sale boards will suffer as sellers go elsewhere if items are continually under valued and prices driven down. I for one think the prices on the For Sale boards have always been very fair and and never over inflated. For me the For Sale boards have always been a vibrant and important part of the Basschat experience. However I firmly believe you will see less and less quality gear being offered as sellers realise they can achieve a more realistic and fairer price elsewhere. In the end we will all suffer as the choice of quality sale items dwindles. Notice the huge increase in Trades at the moment. Hopefully this will keep things afloat until some sort of normality resumes.

    Sorry, that all got a bit bit long winded and longer than intended. Still you know what I'm getting at.


  6. [quote name='silddx' post='1103234' date='Jan 26 2011, 09:59 AM']But I want a Jap Fender RI with a B&B neck. I can't understand why. I have wanted one for ages. I got a bonus at work and to my huge surprise and deep disappointment my normally faultless car ate it all in the MOT last month. All my cash went towards it, so the Wicks are going.

    I know what I'm like, I will probably sell the Fender in six months time. Fickle f***er, that's me. My dream is to have a lifelong relationship with a bass, but I doubt whether it is possible with my personality :*([/quote]

    If its any consolation I too lust after a B&B necked Jazz, and its not only Warwick prices that are stoopid low. Didn't a 5'er Ray in great nick with original hard case sell on here for only £600 last week.??

    I am looking to offload a whole load of gear soon, both amps and cabs ( Trace/EA/Ampeg ) and basses ( Overwater/ possibly my 77 Ray ) but AND IT PAINS ME TO SAY THIS, I won't be selling them on here until prices get more realistic. If Ebay is offering more realistic prices, I'll be selling there. Unfortunately.

    Be strong, I realise my B&B lust is maybe cosmetic so I might well buy a cheapy to get over it............then again I may sell everything and get Sei / Overwater to build me a Super Jazz !!!!!!!!!!!

    As you see, you don't have the sole rights to fickle.........ask any of our long suffering partners how many times they have heard us say "this is the one, I'll keep it forever" when trying to justify a bass purchase. It goes with the territory. As does baldness and goaty beards.

    Go with your heart............

  7. My first 5'er was an Eggle Milan 5 in blue...........great bass. A complete steal at this price. Very well built and sound great. And cost me way more than twice what your selling your 4 for.

    And for a nice touch of irony, I'm left handed too................but play right handed !!!

    Good luck bump,

  8. Please don't take this the wrong way, and this is in NO WAY a reflection of the quality of this bass, but these do nothing for me at all.
    I am absolutely sure these are fantastic basses and I would love to play one someday.....even better I'd love to be able to afford one.

    Have a good luck and "I hope I haven't annoyed you" bump on me !!!

  9. I think our chum Truckstop was being a tad facetious ?? Trying to put an ironic twist on the lovefest, I don't for a minute think HE actually thinks its naff.

    FWIW I don't normally like Alembics and wouldn't have one, BUT there is no doubt this is a GORGEOUS looking piece of kit and I'm sure it oozes the quality you'd expect for the price of a kidney.

    Good luck with the sale,


  10. I recently spent hours and sweated blood learning the bass part for Robert Palmers "She makes my day" ( wedding band first dance, those who play in wedding bands know the hell of learning obscure songs never to be played again ) . It's a tune I like so it wasn't too much of a bind, and it's a tricky wee part. Once I got into it really wanted to nail it as best I could.

    Reh before the wedding was cancelled, showed up at the gig with the bass part nailed feeling very pleased with myself. As soon as we started playing it was obvious our normally reliable drummer had just not bothered - boy was I pissed. Having said that, the couple were delighted.
    Interestingly we are having huge debates whether we should reh so often or not. A vocal dep we used at the weeked said at the break, I love playing with you guys, you are so well rehearsed and make my job really easy.

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