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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1417377260' post='2619767']

    There's some good ideas in there. I quite like it but it does sound like a bag of spanners falling down a lift shaft. Could do with the old Booker T and the MGs treatment. They would jam for hours then come back the next day and pull out the riffs tang work and strip it down to the essentials.

    Only my opinion of course.

    That's improv for you!
    Reminds of the story about Derek Bailey recording an album for Bill Laswell; he turned up and was told the duration of the album was to be 1 hour. After playing for precisely 1 hour he got up and left...
    Compared to Derek the FreeFormFunkyFreqs are as polished as the JBs!

    Edited to add: darned automatic spell check sneakily making improv improve! Don't impose your taste on me, you machine, you!

  2. I saw them at least twice in the early 90s - once at the Electric Ballroom which was most excellent.
    However, my tastes now run more to Reid's free Form Funky Freqs improv band with Jamaaladeen Tacuma on bass and Calvin Weston as drummist...

  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1417088280' post='2616913']
    [size=4]Completely in harmony with the photo, this work takes us on a journey, although I'm unsure as to the amount of tongue in cheek involved. The composition, arrangement and execution are of a very high standard, and interest is maintained from beginning to end. A coherent progression throughout, underpinned by the relentless but discreet percussion and bass. I'd have liked to distinguish better the lyrics, but that's perhaps my failing hearing..? Very good work, in any case.[/size]

    [size=4]Douglas [/size]

    Cheers Douglas - nice review as always!
    Lyrics are partly tongue in cheek - as I'm afraid is most of what I do... And my "singing" doesn't help - you don't want to hear tto much of it!

    [i]Being old is just a state of mind
    Your mind is what you get
    Being old is just your time of life
    Your life is what you get

    Dance until you drop etc

    They say you can only be young once
    Or be immature for ever
    The idea is to die young late
    Your life is now or never

    Sanatogen, Zimmer Frame, National Express
    I ain't got nuthin' 'gainst bein' old
    But the Funk is the best

    Tena Lady, Wagon R, No more fancy car

    Cups of tea, Songs of Praise, worryin' 'bout achin' days

    Dance until you drop

    Hip op. don't stop, dance until you drop[/i]


  4. My one and only win and subsequent ability to actually choose next month's photo was such an amazing power-rush that I've re-mortgaged my house to fund purchase of a 128 channel Neve desk complete with outboards by Klark Teknik and custom monitoring by TAD and Bryston.
    And besides, my old laptop was 8 years old and often fell over with just a Word document and Internet Explorer running - which would have been embarrassing if us Weeds had been playing a gig with flawless backing from the laptop, only for it to crash leaving the unfortunate audience to hear only our over-the-top noodlings...

  5. I've just had a new laptop built by www.pcspecialist.co.uk - it was especially for music production and live use...
    It's a 17" i7 (not over-clocked, no real need for audio) running at 3.4GHz, 16Gb RAM, 1Tb hybrid hard disc with 128Gb of solidstate, with bog-standard sound card (no need for fancy sound card if it's always running into a Focusrite). All for £700 inc wireless mouse.
    And it's quick - I'm into an Ableton project within 20 seconds of switching on, and much of that time is typing in my pass word!
    And so far had no glitches or track dropping, even at 32 tracks all with up to 5 VSTs...

  6. Unless you've got a specific audiophile soundcard, a decent interface DAC will beat the[i] bejesus[/i] out of it...
    However, if you're mixing with, say, Beats headphones, you'll probably have a bass light mix as Beats over-exaggerate in the bottom...
    So unless you've got transparent monitoring kit I'd check on at least two systems until you're used to how it will actually sound through your chosen system.

  7. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1415572791' post='2601677']

    I have tried to put on a fake accent to add a bit of interest to my dire vocal tones , I am not a fan ofy own voice but at least I have disguised it a touch .

    Can't be any worse than mine!
    I've been tempted to get autotune, but for the moment notch filters, reverb and delay will have to suffice...

  8. Been off today so I've laid down bass, drums and keys.
    Not only that but I've also written lyrics. Unfortunately my singing is so bad it'll take a month just to do sufficient retakes and to plaster over the bum notes'n'stuff with reverb and backwards noises to disguise the awfulness of it...
    Perhaps I should stick with instrumental!

  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1414666486' post='2591952']
    [url="http://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/the-difference-engine"]‘The Difference Engine’, from Leonard Smalls...[/url]

    The bass is now bopping along nicely with false modulations to trick us into thinking we're changing key. "Key..? What is this 'key' of which you speak..?" seems to be the premise behind the uncontrolable trombone which has decided to taunt us. Vive la difference.


    Nice review - perhaps I should have sent a slightly larger cheque? :D
    And the bass does sneakily change key by a semi-tone, then just as sneakily goes back!
    The trombone, however, was played by a well-known anarchist for whom the bourgeois concept of key is anathema...

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