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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1424702914' post='2699334']
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I must admit, Douglas crash landing onto an offering from Leonard,
    is a Basschat moment I Iook forward to each month.

    Congrats to both of you for the entertainment.

    I might even produce something with a tune next month, perhaps with a sweet female voice singing about pretty flowers and nuts in May over a beautifully strummed acoustic guitar.
    Or mebbe it'll be something that makes John Zorn's Japanese noisecore bands sound like easy listening.

  2. I started off playing piano - my mother was a piano teacher and she pushed me as far as grade 7.
    But funnily enough, I always preferred pieces with groovy left hand stuff, like Bach or Schubert Impromptus.
    Then I heard "Hit me with your rhythm stick", which got me into the idea of bass guitar.
    Then we got a school band together as a pet project for our RE teacher (me on keys) - a mate had just started playing bass in his own band and he let me have a go on the Worst Bass In The World Ever (i.e. a Hofner violin bass with rubber strings), and I was hooked.
    And bizarrely, my mate had borrowed That Bass from his brother - our very own Lurksalot!
    I'll bet he's still got it...

  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1424698639' post='2699235']
    ('[i]Sfunny, I don't get these same thanks from Lenny. Hmm[/i]... :unsure: )

    I'm always grateful, and in some cases rather amazed, when anyone takes the time to listen or even comment on some of the racket that I churn out...
    As these quotes from me show:
    [quote name ="Leonard Smalls"]
    Cheers Douglas! I didn't expect it to appeal to lovers of nice melodies, or even music!
    But someone's voted for it, Gawd 'elp 'em![/quote]
    [quote name = 'Leonard Smalls']
    Cheers Douglas - nice review as always![/quote]

    Still, I'm looking forward to the thorough drubbing this month's entry [s]deserves[/s] will probably get! And someone's voted for it already...

    PS I voted for "Clangour"

  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1424265751' post='2694505']
    Nevertheless, the fact remains that, before recording the composition, you need to write/compose it. If anyone is recording stuff they have not yet written, I suggest they stop immediately.

    You'll probably not be surprised that my beautiful composition wasn't so much composed as completely improvised...
    But I won't do it again, honest!

  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423242057' post='2682739']
    [size=4]It's failing so far. I was tapping my foot to part of the piece, and found myself whistling an extract a few minutes ago.[/size]
    [size=4]No; no cause for concern. The meds will be kicking in, shortly.[/size]
    [size=4]Ah..! I hear there's someone at the door. That'll be the medics kicking in the door...[/size]
    [size=4]Maybe I should stop playing this track so loudly..? :gas: [/size]

    Glad you've seen the light! :gas:
    And I've just had the greatest possible compliment for this future no.1 (not no. 2!!!); a friend just played it to her little boy, he looked at her beseechingly and said "please Mummy, make it stop!"

  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423240475' post='2682713']
    Paul was second; Len is third (pronounced with an Irish accent...). Time for an anecdote...
    I've not seen it around for a while, but tucked away in our 'museum of horrors', we've a MIDI expander, Roland D110. It worked well for a few years, then, suddenly, started rejecting all control, to generate instead completely random sounds, some of which were very interesting, other less so; many completely unpalatable. If I can dig it out (and if it now even turns on..!), I'll see if I can post a sample of it gurgling and chuntering away.
    "Why the anecdote..?", I hear you ask, scratching your chin and upper hairline... Well, I suspect Len to have a similar D110, with the subtle difference that our one did, at least sometimes, come up with some usable random noises. I could be wrong... :mellow:[/size]

    I knew my offering would be right up your street!
    As you can see, I'm on a mission to promote a lack of harmony, to pooh-pooh melody, to reject the concept of time.
    [Bond villain mode]The world will soon be mine![/Bond villain mode]

  7. Here we go...
    Somehow the train reminded of the nightmare truck attempting to kill Dennis Weaver in Speilberg's movie "Duel" - like it's relentless, unstoppable, out of control, just like this rather tuneful bit of piano "jazz".
    For your delectation and delight (or perhaps disappointment and disgust) I give you 2 minutes 35 seconds (but may feel much longer) of:
    [url=https://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/duel]DUAL 2[/url]

  8. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1423040648' post='2679782']

    Perhaps I am hoping a decent recording might make up for my poor compositional skills? Though I would imagine it would make them all the more glaring.

    I always roll my "compositions" in a large amount of hifi glitter in the hope that nobody will notice the many shortcomings!
    Still, I see the whole point is to produce something you yourself like - if other people like it and even vote for it, all the better.

  9. I'm too old to work in 8ths.
    But I can vacillate randomly between 4/4 and 5/4 to such an extent that the casual listener might think it's just out of time.
    However, I feel that said casual listener will have turned it off in disgust well before they'd reached any conclusions about the non-linearity of time, maaaan!

  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422213529' post='2669944']

    A more than tenuous link with the picture, I'm afraid, and I can't say that the musicality [i]per se[/i] gave it many saving graces.

    Some may like it, of course; we live in strange times. Disturbing, the piece..? Definitely.


    Cheers Douglas! I didn't expect it to appeal to lovers of nice melodies, or even music!
    But someone's voted fore it, Gawd 'elp 'em!
    Anyway, the link with the picture is that the picture is based on a lady in a Burkah protesting, and Bush gave many folks in the Middle East good reason to protest. She's no doubt disturbing the peace to fight the war - to paraphrase the annoyingly tuneful and rather po-faced Joan Baez...

  11. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1421950798' post='2667059']

    :) Only joking post away :P

    You asked for it... If you want slightly more accessible Derek look for the Mirakle album with Jamaaladeen Tacuma on bass, or his last performance with the Shakin Ray Levis - bot on you tube.


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