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Posts posted by rOB

  1. always paid rehearsal rooms. I've never had the luxury of space enough for rehearsals at a house plus there's the neighbours issue.

    Very recently with my current band we've managed to get a residency room at rehearsal studios which has made things much cheaper and easier. I'd recommend it if you want to practice frequently.

  2. I used to do this quite a bit but hadn't done it in ages until recently when I saw a band which had a great bass sound. Then I just couldn't help myself, had to wait till the end of the gig and sneak through the crowd to have a peek at the pedal board.

    Turned out to be really ordinary (common, mid price stuff) but just used really well. Made me smile.

  3. [quote name='butlerk02' post='938679' date='Aug 28 2010, 11:05 AM']Just in case anyone wants to watch it : )

    cool, thanks for that

  4. [quote name='iamapirate' post='931969' date='Aug 21 2010, 03:57 PM']I trust ashdowns not to blow up.[/quote]

    Me too, let me know about that support group

    [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='932321' date='Aug 21 2010, 10:36 PM']I once played disco basslines in a manner so sleazy that the (female) drummer's boyfriend threatened to beat me up.[/quote]

    That's brilliant, I wonder what he thought was going to happen? that she'd be seduced?

  5. [quote name='Stag' post='920018' date='Aug 9 2010, 08:28 PM']sentimental value to it, as it was bought with money from pretty much everyone in my family for my 21'st birthday... a few years back ahem.[/quote]

    Not to be a stick in the mud but this would really bother me. I have a bass (only about £500 new) that was bought by my family for my 21st and there's no way I'd let it go.

    I know different people would feel differently about this.

  6. always 2 and spare strings.

    They are both fretted 4 strings and I only ever play one. I've never had a failure but can't stand the worry of snapping a string mid song and having to change strings on stage in front of a crowd.

  7. [quote name='clough' post='911654' date='Aug 1 2010, 08:34 AM']sorry for the delay in reply, Rob - I'm in the middle of moving house !

    I can look into courieringlater this week if you're still interested (but as I have no transport getting the thing to a post office could be difficult)[/quote]

    Thanks or getting back to me but I'm sorted now.

    Good luck with the sale

  8. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='907312' date='Jul 27 2010, 04:55 PM']I have old strings a plenty lying around if they're any use. PM me if you want them. And fair play to you for being a good mate.[/quote]


    Could offer old strings but I'm afraid that's about it. You sound like a great friend to have in times of need.

    I know its been said before but Basschat really can act as a community of lovely people. Well done all for your generosity.

  9. [quote name='Smash' post='905482' date='Jul 26 2010, 09:11 AM']No it's fine, I live in a shared house and I have the box room, I am just cutting back on items I do not use, I already have a Schroeder 410 so one had to go and at the moment the 410 is being used, I honestly would keep it if I had the space.[/quote]

    ah fair enough. I'm trying to justify this to myself but I don't think I can I'm afraid. Good luck with the sale

  10. little bump for a nice bit of gear. I use one for rehearsals and little gigs, it can keep up with a medium rock drummer and has DI out on the head for PA support.

    Just auditioning extension cabs for mine.

    Edit: looking at the picture in the original post, this might be a slightly different model to mine different grill and input meter.

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