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Posts posted by stingrayfan

  1. The magazine's improved ten-fold in the last couple of issues.

    Whole editorial needs more edge though and needs to feel much more newsy. They need to be more circumspect about stuff (esp, reviews), rather than just treat everything equally. It sometimes reads like a brochure; whereas it needs to have an identity and sense of humour. Simply being Britain's only bass mag is not enough.

    On the plus, layout and art direction is big improvement.

  2. It's a great price - only slightly more than an LH500. Things to be aware of; the power's split into two feeds - unless you use the speakon bridge out which then delivers so much power, you'll prob blow the cones out of your single cab. The LH500 is a single feed. Apparently they LH1000s a fair bit heavier too. Reverb doing the LH500 for £299 at the mo.

    If you're running a couple of cabs though, this would prob sound HUGE.

    Edit: first impressions of the LH500 (at low level) is that it is very warm sounding; creamy almost. Mert will prob be along in a minute to back that up!

  3. [quote name='budget bassist' post='552957' date='Jul 27 2009, 06:00 PM']sweet, how does that rig sound? thinking about one of those heads myself.[/quote]

    First impressions are that it is very warm sounding; creamy almost. Haven't used it in anger yet though - will report back after a gig on Sat.

  4. Just acquired a s/h Hartke LH500 head (cheers, Raggy) so here's my updated gig rig:

    Hartke LH500

    ...with my Warwick 411 4-ohm 4x10 (600w).

    ...and with the G&L L2000 Tribute I use at most gigs. It's a great sounding bass, that's light and easy to play. Not really found anything to better it.

    Also have a 1x15 Trace combo that I use for the smaller gigs. It's like this one (will take a proper photo, next time I wheel it out...)

  5. Just returning from a trip to Los Angeles. Swung into the Guitar Centre as is tradition and was a bit taken aback at how expensive everything seems to be now. Basic Stingrays were $1500+, Geddy Lees, $1300, MIA Ps, $1000 all plus 9% sales tax on top. I'm sure prices never used to be that high. You could buy cheaper in the UK at the moment - and I never thought I'd say that!

    They were selling an Orange valve head for $2500 too. Plugged into it and it sounded like cotton wool. I've plugged into sheep with less wool - but that's something the magistrate told me was not acceptable. :)

  6. Boutique basses don't really do it for me, got to say. Most seem to look like Fender copies or overly ornate coffee tables. Fine for sticking on a stand in your living room; not so good for gigging at pubs and parties.

    I've actually become an inverse snob with gear, selling off my expensive USA basses and using the cheaper ones that I've found I enjoy playing more, live. The G&L, for example is a great workhorse that feels great, sounds brilliant and does the job. It cost £350.

    Not knocking anyone who owns/wants a custom or boutique bass by the way - just my personal take. :)

  7. [quote name='charic' post='519815' date='Jun 21 2009, 10:48 AM']My next logical step is an upgrade in amp.[/quote]
    Bear in mind the "ohm" thing with separates. If you get a head and 1 cab, it'll only be running at 2/3 power, if it's 8-ohms. You either need two 8-ohm cabs or one 4-ohm one to get the most juice out of your head. Combos *tend* to be 4-ohms, so run hotter.

    That's not gospel, but a good rule of thumb to bear in mind. Nothing more frustrating that upgrading to head and cab and then wondering why it doesn't sound very loud!

  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='526942' date='Jun 28 2009, 07:24 PM']Don't know, but someone in the business has told me they had a body/voice double lined up to do the lion's share of the work during the now cancelled concerts.
    Fanciful? Maybe....[/quote]
    Rumour in the industry that Jacko was only contracted to appear onstage for 13 mins at each gig.

    News Of World also claiming that he was so out of it on painkillers and prescription pills, he didn't realise he'd signed for 50 shows.

    Edit: typo

  9. [quote name='Sean' post='520472' date='Jun 22 2009, 07:46 AM']+1 for Garageband and Mac - it's all so easy to use.[/quote]
    Get one, you won't regret it. I've done more on Garageband in a few months than I ever did in years of running other software on a PC. Garageband is dead easy to use and can get a finished result onto an MP3 player or CD in very few clicks. Oh, and it's fun in the process.

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