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Posts posted by stingrayfan

  1. [quote name='paul h' post='484157' date='May 10 2009, 08:05 AM']I was the same, couldn't get on with the Prosteels at all. I now use cheapo Roberts Growlers off ebay for my stainless steel needs!

    +1. I found them both rough to play and dirty looking. Switched to Hartke strings.

  2. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='153001' date='Mar 7 2008, 01:28 PM']After a couple of songs, it actually dawned on me that I couldn't hear the P bass at all despite having the amp/cab set up the way it normally is. Try as I might, it just wouldn't cut through to me.[/quote]
    If it's any consolation - I've never been able to get a P bass to cut through the mix either. And my hearing's ok!

  3. Sad - but I'd actually take two of the things listed below. My G&L and the Trace head and cab. The bass is set up nicely and sounds great through the rig.

    Can I have the rest of a band too, so we can make music? And preferably a beach bar too, to gig in and cold beer, and....

  4. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='484535' date='May 10 2009, 07:57 PM']The original intent was to use it as a DI to a recording console, instead of mic'ing an amp.[/quote]
    That's a better explanation than mine!

  5. I've had Aria envy ever since schooldays. Although I had my Westone Thunder, two of my mates had nice 80s Arias. Would love a nice old school SB but can't really justify it right now.

    Edit: Unless anyone's selling one cheap? :)

  6. [quote name='Cornfedapache' post='484247' date='May 10 2009, 12:04 PM']Ahh so it's an effects box, of sorts meaning that you can play any amp set up and get teh same tonal results??[/quote]
    It's basically a pre-amp. Work well with passive basses making them hotter and richer sounding, not so good with active ones. If you've got an active bass, you've got a lot of what's in a SansAmp in your bass already.

  7. Charity gig. Great set up with a hired in lighting rig but despite playing a big range of stuff from Brown Eyed Girl to Basket Case, it never really sparked off. Most of the people hadn't seen each other for 10 years so spent the night chatting and catching up rather than dancing. Even the DJ couldn't lure em up. :)

  8. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='481511' date='May 6 2009, 11:24 PM'][url="http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/Musicians-Gear-Professional-Gear-Bag?sku=541692"]http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/pro...-Bag?sku=541692[/url]

    Looks perfect to hold all my toys when just doing grab and go gigs

    I assume since it's made under the Musicians Friend brand it will be made under another name as well hopfully with internation distribution[/quote]
    Looks cool - pricey though.

  9. £146? That's crazy. Surely it's up to the event to sort this, rather than you guys?

    It's a sad state of affairs that as musicians we're being asked for this sort of stuff. That and PAT testing. It's all "pass the buck" compo culture. People don't seem to have accidents anymore, it's always 'someone else's' fault! :)

  10. [quote name='51m0n' post='479710' date='May 5 2009, 09:51 AM']Working out where everything goes is the biggest issue.[/quote]
    It's the arse ache for cover bands that. Every venue is different and there's usually not enough space anyway, so you usually waste time scratching your head working out how the hell you're going to fit into the space, who's going where and then wiring it all up!

  11. [quote name='maxrossell' post='479751' date='May 5 2009, 11:19 AM']We're a four-piece (drums, two guitar, bass, two vocals), and it usually takes us about twenty minutes to load in and set up, and less than ten to soundcheck. We've learned from experience that the easier you make the job for the soundguy, the more likely he is to make you sound good. Plus we always find it really irritating when other bands take hours.[/quote]
    I'm guessing you're an originals band! Try that with your own PA and add another 40 mins. :)

  12. Hi Oli - are you planning to gig this amp or is it just for home/rehearsals? £2k is a lot of dosh - you could kit yourself out nicely for £500.

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