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  1. I can't even PLAY bass, why am I drop D on a fretless failing to transcribe Bela Fleck? 50739730751_4171a9f698_b.jpg

    Oh yeh, because it's LUSH and I'm DESPERATE to make those noises.

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    2. horrorshowbass
    3. JapanAxe


      Good for you tackling transcribing, I've been doing it for years and it really helps to develop your ear.

      Some quick drafting tips:

      • In bars 12 and 20 you don't need to write the natural sign before the second B note as the first one applies to the whole bar (but if there's a natural in the same bar in a different register, you do still need to write that).
      • In bars 24 and 26, you can write E instead of Fb (unless it makes sense in reflecting the underlying harmony e.g. if it was the 3rd of Dbm).
    4. caitlin


      Isn't that an Ab in 24 and 26?

      Thanks for the comments! you're entirely right of course, but I'm doing clumsy markup because my READING as as bad as my writing, and I  get very confused in the chromatic bits when the 'note' is on the same line, but can be in any of three frets depending on the # or b grrrr. Enharmonics annoy me :P

      I'm pretty sure it's in Db minor so i've been avoiding marking anything up as a # sign. but perhaps I should go back and look at the scale tones an check which ones are in the scale and which are passing tones and how best to mark them out.

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