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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='210353' date='Jun 1 2008, 12:45 AM']I've only seen part of it so far. Daltry seems an OK guy but Townsend.... what an arrogant and unpleasant person.[/quote]

    There's certainly something of the tortured artist about him. He seems to have had so much responsibility for the Who in a writing/direction sense and plenty of critisism when he got it wrong. Hard thing to deal with.

    I watched it - excellent show. Good too that the filmakers didn't dwell too much deaths of Moon and Entwhistle in that voyeuristic way that filmakers often do. It would make their death more significant than their lives. What a loss they were though , if only they could have curbed it a bit.

    What did surprise me was the interviewed celebs trashing the Tommy movie. Sure it's OTT camp etc but I think it's superb. Ollie Reed - Moon's 'Uncle Ernie' - great stuff. They singled out Clapton's role for critisism but I thought it was an inspired choice , a swipe at the 'Clapton is God' stuff in the 60's.

  2. By way of comparison , you can buy Mighty Mite fretless LBF necks for about 45 brick on Ebay - mostly from US sellers.

    Funnily enough there's one propped up by the (turned off) radiator right in front of me , and it seems very well made to my eyes.

  3. I've always been of the opinion that if you get paid for playing in front of an audience , you're a professional. Unless you're very,very fortunate indeed that will mean compromising your own musical tastes to some degree.

    Playing any music will help you improve as a player - if it's music you don't usually go near then even more so.

    The interest for most of us here is in bass playing , anything that furthers our skills doing that is , by definition , a good thing - Yes? No?

    If you don't fancy the gig - fine. A mistake though , I feel , for any of us to sit too high on our horses. Lady in Red sold....how many copies?? Brought pleasure to how many people??
    A far greater number than I can match in both cases.

  4. I think it's the first too

    Though when I first came across Ibanez I called it i-barn-ez

    And I called Schaller 'shayler'

    Mind you - and this is true - for ages when I was a kid I thought Israel had a King called King Born because they made us sing 'born is the king of Israel' at school.

  5. GK MB150e combo.

    And I did it twice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bass wise........the Mex Jazz I've just done up. I still have it , I'm not selling it , but I just know I will at some point and then regret it!!!

  6. Just back early from a support job to Wishbone Ash.

    Guitar player tried to get a laugh out of me cos I had the ZZ beard on - said over the Mic 'does your wife like it tickling her snatch'.
    I shouted 'No but yours did'. Place fell apart but he was none too pleased !!!!!

  7. [quote name='kdphysio' post='201151' date='May 17 2008, 05:28 PM']thought it about time i put pic of my toys up......


    details as per signature.........i'm quite a traditionalist when it comes to the looks of a bass, & prefer the look of my PB, but will be shifting it soon, usual story....NECK allergy! :)[/quote]

    Put a Jazz neck on it.

  8. [quote name='Jase' post='201339' date='May 18 2008, 12:51 AM']What does Geezer use these days? I prefer him with a Ric.[/quote]


    Found this (the youtube link doesn't work) but don;t know how recent it is. Great player , Geezer.

  9. [quote name='bnt' post='201118' date='May 17 2008, 04:48 PM']But was it, though, relative to what was available at the time? There's a reason why he liked short-scale instruments like the Gibson EB-3 and the Fender Bass VI... :huh:

    Otherwise, I'm sure there are guys with rubbish instruments at home, but when it comes to live playing, a rubbish instrument would be a bit risky, IMHO. Let the guitarists muck around with such stuff. :)[/quote]

    To explain my choice - it certainly is true that there was less available at the time , but not these days and last I saw he chose Warwicks.
    Purely my personal choice which is acceptable in a thread like this - but I can't bear Gibsons or Warwicks.

    I have immense respect for the guy but not his kit choices - sorry

  10. [quote name='thinman' post='201105' date='May 17 2008, 04:21 PM']Just to get everyone going...

    Who are the biggest bas talents you know of with the worst gear?

    (Or the reverse! My vote would go to some of the people at a Hedge Fund manager's "Hedgestock" event.)[/quote]

    For me (duck's to avoid missiles) Jack Bruce - at just about every stage of his career.

  11. Alright then.

    Kismet intervenes and by tomorrow your current band is massive , you're a multi squillionaire and about to do a world stadium tour. The set is the same one you played in the Dog and Vomit ,Huddersfield last weekend.

    What's in the stand at the side of the stage being polished and tuned by your tech??

    I'd have

    My Shukerised Status 3000
    another Shukerised Status 3000 just in case
    A 70's P that isn't my current 70's P so it could stay safe at home
    A 70's Jazz tuned down to 'D'
    One of Jon Shukers Artist fretless jobbies with the 'Shirtlifter' pickup system.

    Weirdly there'd be no place for my Shuker 4 string. Wow - wasn't expecting that when I started typing. Wonder if that's telling me something ??

  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='197113' date='May 12 2008, 01:10 PM']It *could* have been the best bass I ever had...

    It was incredibly light & resonant, and the gorgeous birdseye neck was extremely comfortable. It was a joy to play acoustically.


    Those Seth Lover humbuckers are monsters. It mashed the preamp of vitrually all amps I tried into submission, and when I did find a pre that could cope the tone was a subterranean rumble.

    Now I'm an old-skool-lo-fi kinda guy, but this was a tone that was only detectable by earthworms. No note definition at all, just thmmmb, thmmmmb. thmmmmmb...

    From my research, I know this was common to MK2 Teles, but I didn't realise to what degree. I tried a mod which involves removing two of the four poles from the pup which made it marginally better, but... not enough to make it useable.

    If I still had it now, I'd put a DarkStar in it.[/quote]

    My thoughts exactly - I tweaked and poked around with my 72 for years trying to get more definition. So much so my best option in the end was to split it for parts.
    The pup alone made nearly 300 brick - that's the world we live in though.

  13. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='166738' date='Mar 31 2008, 09:38 AM']awesome.

    I am the musicman, I come from far away and I play, (what can you play) I play the stringray, wump pa wump pa up pa pa, wump pa pa, wump pa pa.

    Either that or im virgil from thunderbirds who also plays Mexican Jazz music???[/quote]

    That's not Virgil - it's John!!!
    And if you read closely here it's easy to see why the filthy little plastic pervert looks forward to Alan's visits up to Tbird 5 so much!
    Wonder if it floats??........


    Does all this mean I can put my Explorer bass deep in the heart of the Amazonian rain forest where it'll be made into the squatting bar of some crude,native latrine??

    Which is , or course , all the f*****g thing's fit for!

  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='192025' date='May 5 2008, 08:20 AM']FWIW, I haven't had any problem with it, its just an ebay page.[/quote]

    What did that lookout on the Titanic say - 'it's just an iceberg'??

    Just warning folk cos it gave me problems and I'm not the only one.

  15. I can't wait to hear one - partic after all you guys are saying.

    Checking the specs on the website though - is it me or does anyone think 'gimmicky'??

    I'm thinking esp. about the combo 'sleeve' and the traffic lights ,on,off,clip,kettles bolied etc etc

    Still - if they sound as well as folk say..........

  16. Well - I'm supposed to be a Dr. so I better do my good deed for the day by making sure all of your cricked necks are cured!!

    Here you go.

    None of your free NHS treatment round here ,mind - so if it's all the same to you I'll take the fretless Ray in lieu of my consulting fee!

  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='191546' date='May 4 2008, 12:56 PM']Personally, I can't equate how an amp/cab sounds in a shop to how it sounds at a gig. They're totally different environments.[/quote]

    That remark's bang on the money. As an example I couldn't get a 'gig' sound out of a high end Eden combo which sounded superb at home/shop levels. Had I had the chance to hear or try one at a gig I wouldn't have bought it.

    Don't forget the bass bash as a place to try other members gear. Alternatively -using the epi cab you mention as an example I went to see OBBM's band both to hear the cab at gig levels and to meet one of our bretheren. Later , Homer was kind enough to bring his to one of our gigs and let me use it. By all this I'm saying Basschat is a great way to make contacts - doesn't have to be limited to reading posts on a PC - get out there.

    You never know what you may pick up on - it was playing OBBM's Status necked Ray with side LED's in his dressing room that convinced me to make side LED's part of my Shuker build. I wouldn't be without them now , they do improve my gig performance and it wouldn't have happened unless I'd gone along to see OBBM and his band.

    No substitue for trying things in the environment you want to use them. It's not a waste of time though to try stuff in shops.

    I take your point about trogging down to London and I don't know how easily 60 brick comes to you but spending it could save you a hell of a lot more than that in the long run.

    And - whoever posted the thread you read re. 'buy what sounds good to you' was correct. I hope it was me!

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