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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. Dry hands don't filth up the strings so quick , and stop your fingers getting sore.


    :) have a towel hanging from your mic stand and use it

    :huh: wear sporty wrist bands

    :huh: wear less clothing when you play to keep your body temp down

    Bit of prevention for you to go with the cures that others have offered.

  2. Fussy bar steward that I am , I'm still not sure about the squarish Wal headstocks but that's pretty small potatos when you see a bass like this.

    F*****g outstanding , my friend. The wood , the classic shape , the mojo from your own fair hands ..... it looks so tactile. Just stunning.

    I bet you can't walk past it in the house without picking it up can you? I couldn't.

  3. 30 years since I bought my Precision (it's a 73) and in all that time I've never thought to weigh it. Hang on a mo.........

    The bathroom scales say just under 8lbs , and that's with a few ounces of Badass and heavier M/Cs.

    I wandered into the local guitar shop a couple of weeks back and picked up a 78 that was in for a refret. It wasn't there at all - certainly less than mine my a fair bit. I offered 600 for it through the shop but the guy wasn't selling - don't blame him.

    The good Mrs Dr once tried to buy me a 77 Jazz for my birthday - happily our guitar player talked her out of it. I went to see it after I got the story and it weighed (approx) the same as Africa. Honestly , I struggled to get it off the wall stand and was lucky it didn't drop through the floor. Horrible purpley sunburst - neck pocket gap you could sleep in - f****g disgrace of a Jazz.

  4. No need for any back routing and it shouldn't really detract from what's already there soundwise. You'll get that bit off tight , poppier sound from the new J pup to dial in and out as you please. Cost can be as little as the price of a J pup and (probably) a pot/knob if you're getting the old chisels out yourself.

    Not sure I'd do it to a valuable , older Fender.

    Correction - not sure I'd do it AGAIN to a valuable, older Fender :) :huh:

    Folk will pick me up on this (esp the S1 swicth fans) but - my opinion ........

    You'll get closer to a Jazz sound by doing this to a Precision (and still have the Precision sound) than you would by buying a Jazz and trying to make it sound like a Precision.

    If you love your P , Alan , I wouldn't to be honest. You could pick up a Mex P (or even a squier) on the cheap and have a crack on that without losing much if you sell it on - and gaining the answers to your questions in the process.


    Get a Jazz with a P neck , then between the two you have every noise a Fender's likely to make - you know you will in the end!!!

  5. Ah - Fenders and the old prob with not getting on with both Jazz AND Prec necks.

    I think your answer's in your questions. By a jazz and put a prec neck on it. Mighty Mite's are cheap with the dollar price and you could expect to get the money back (or more) by selling the jazz neck.
    The twin J pups will get rid of the wooliness of a front P pup you mention and the neck one will add body to the thiness of the bridge one.
    Easy to try this out too - play any Jazz and see if you like the sounds. If you just hate the neck you're sorted.

    The other replies are sound - in some ways a Ray is a Mk2 Prec and one may well sort you out - but thought I'd offer an alternative.

  6. Going thick and fast this lot - just the pickups left.

    Come on - somebody must want to mooch over to some barely legal totty and say 'Do you want to come to my house and see some pups' :) :huh:

    Ooh - while I'm on - The bridge off the Jazz is yours for a fiver if you want it. I've an odd black Gotoh tuner for the same brass (top side of a 2x2 head) and......

    please,please - someone - take the midnight blue Jazz body off my hands for your natural or enough brass for me to buy one.

  7. Were I in the market - I'd be looking to pay maybe £130 - 50 for a combo like this in top condition. There's a lot of competition in the used 'bit too big for practise , bit too small for gigs' market.

    If it's just a price you were wanting , not sure you should have posted in the for sale section. In this forum , if anyone looks at your thread they'd pretty much expect to find an asking price for it.

  8. Neck and Pod both gone.

    Pics of the Hipshot in the thread I mentioned earlier.

    Come on - don't be soft all your life.....drop that 'E' and send the punters rushing for the bogs :) :huh:
    Looks great with the big Fender 'F' on the back.

    The pups are fine , if someone has a project going or needs a replacement. They're not Wizards , but they're not 70 notes either are they? They will end up chucked so someone please give them a home.

    Also still very keen to swap my Midnight Blue Jazz body for a natural or a sunburst.

  9. Couple of folk asking about the neck so here's a copy of a PM I just sent someone to answer some Q's before they're asked so to speak.


    Having just removed it this tea time it's easy to measure and it 's 63mm at the widest point of the heel. I can tell by the 'shadow' it sits 14 mm into the pocket.
    On the top side of the body it goes in towards the bridge about 90mm and on the bottom side about 40mm.

    It's straight off a standard MIM Fender Jazz. Fretwear minimal to non-existant. 'Ding' free.

    I replaced the standard M/C's with Fender American series ones. These have a 2 pin fit so there are 2 tiny holes per tuner drilled in the back of the headstock. Standard tuners would easily cover all the holes and will drop straight into the still existing originals.

    I added a second string guide/tree for the A string so there is a small,visible screwhole between the E and A tuner holes in line with the truss rod.

    For some reason , the seller I bought it from had half removed the decal , so I removed it properly and put on a black 70's one then spray varnished about 6 thin coats on top. I am 100% satisfied it is a Fender product or I wouldn't have bought it. There was no evidence of the neck having been off (no chewed screwheads)

    You can see the neck if you go to the bass porn forum and search for my post entitled 'fettled fender 2' . Think it's on the second or third page back.

  10. Neck plate's normal for a Mex.

    Having the chance to try it is obviously a huge bonus. That's a fair price for a pretty standard Mex P - but this has sensible mods , a hardcase and no postage if you can collect.

    Offer the dude 200 in notes and watch him bite your fingers off.

    Correction - Mex P my arse , it's a Jazz isn't it. My mistake - though my comments are unchanged.

  11. We had a problem earlier this year after playing a pub that then encouraged the managers to book us in other pubs in the chain which hadn't been having music on but had sorted the licence issues in preperation for it.

    Result - poor crowds of disinterested people and long faces for us. The money was nice and we took the chance to hone some new material but didn't really get much out of the whole experience in a playing sense.

    We'd been hoping playing for the chain would create it's own mini circuit for us , and maybe some sponsorship from the chain - for which we'd been prepared to negotiate a slightly reduced fee as the effort of booking and advertising was being done for us.

    That still sounds a good idea , in theory , to me - it just didn't work out for us.

  12. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='214872' date='Jun 8 2008, 01:36 PM']I do a runner when the drummer wants his car unloading. :huh:[/quote]

    It's a known fact that the handles on drum cases can promote carpal tunnel problems in bass players , so you're right to avoid this at all times. And That's true that is , I should know - I'm a Dr. :)

    Me - right hand is too heavy , left hand gets too closed and I end up not using the middle 2 fingers half the time.

    My laziest habit is seeing my FX in the gig box and not bothering to connect them.

  13. It's never ceased to amaze me why Glenn is slated by the Purple faithful as some sort of anti-christ. It's not even as if that band isn't prone to the odd line up change.

    Maybe it says more about one dimensional thinking in the fan base than it does about Glenns (too short) contributions.

  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='213573' date='Jun 5 2008, 11:34 PM']Nice looking things, but I'm thinking that Fender are going to have to invent a modern bass sooner or later, as opposed to relying on the same four model lines forever.[/quote]

    I'm not so sure.

    There's an element of 'if it aint broke don't fix it' here. Fender must have seen that anything radical they've done over the years has met with limited success but their classic designs keep on selling and selling. They know they have the name and they know we love their classics.

    I don't think it's a case of them resting on their laurels , rather it's prudent business thinking.

  15. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='212994' date='Jun 5 2008, 09:53 AM']Crikey, I'd be annoyed if someone stole my bass with a breadknife![/quote]

    Damn right - in fact if said tea leaf were to use any of a wide selection of kitchen utensils to aid his foul quest I'd be so upset I wouldn't be able to form sentences properly!

  16. Had something similar twice.

    Once I was walking to the bog while our harmonica player was soundchecking - sudden burst of feedback through the PA stopped me in my tracks and sat me on my arse - nothing I could do to stay upright.

    2nd time was monitor feedback at a small gig - not partic high volume. Same deal - I fell backwards into the drumkit.

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