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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. [quote name='johnnylager' post='230576' date='Jul 1 2008, 02:44 PM']Oh dear indeed. Medic - this man needs help! And you'll have to wait 'till I've finished with Girls Aloud. Won't be long :) :huh:[/quote]

    A young bull and an old bull saw a herd of cows. The young bull said 'Let's charge over and shag a few'
    The old bull said 'No - let's stroll over and shag them all'

  2. Oh dear

    All these kind remarks and interest only a few weeks back and now I have to announce that Fettled Fender 2 has been broken up and scattered to the 4 corners of the country.

    We just weren't getting on. I couldn't get over my lifelong prejudice against the off-set waist of a Jazz body. I thought I'd grow comfortable with it like the time I bought slippers a size to small. Didn't happen - my mistake.

    Some parts of it - one or two - are sitting on my window sill beside me as I type. But not for much longer. I'm off to my Dads with a few groceries for him and a bit of nosebag while my drill charges but when I get back they're going straight on to.......

    Fettled Fender 3 !!!!!!!!

    The anticipated arrival of which administered the final coup de gras to this poor , sad , child of Mexico.

    One hour ago - the Japanese moved in. Like Pearl Harbour - to finish the enemy in one strike. But , like on that day of infamy the aircraft carriers (in the guise of the Mex J) had already fled.

    I'm not known for hanging about - so watch this space for a new thread , about half eight tonight I should think unless Girls Aloud pop round to borrow a cup of sugar.

    'Oooh Dr' - said Cheryl - 'that's a big stethoscope , maybe I should take off all my clothes and my friends should too'

    Could happen.

    In which case it'll be nearer half 9 when I sort the bass.

    I am 46 you know !!! Too old to rush !!

  3. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='230500' date='Jul 1 2008, 01:32 PM']1978 is "precious"???

    I sanded back my sunburst '68 P my cousin had handed down to me in '77 and hand painted it gloss white so's it looked like Sid's bass...

    I then sold it in 85 to go towards a car and nursery furniture as my eldest was on the way and I hadn't played it for a few years... (I also sold my Honda 400-4 motorbike and Bond Bug the same time). I think I got £300 for it...[/quote]

    To be fair to the seller , in the context he says it , something like a Mex J would be less precious than a true decent condition 78 Jazz so that remark seems reasonable to me.

    But I think it's dodgy anyway.

    In the non financial sense of 'precious' - like you, I've done what the hell I wanted to my 73 P and ruined its investment value but as it is very emotionally precious to me I'd never sell it - so it has no financial value at all to me.

  4. I'm not as expert as many amongst us - but S8 should be followed by 5 digits so far as I know............

    and should be in a straight line :) :huh:

    those look a bit dog legged to me , like they're not the same decal transfer.

    Were it me and interested - I'd contact the guy and say that under those circs I'd need some providence before I considered buying , at least at anything over a few hundred quid as it still looks a tasty bass.

    The distressing looks a bit pat too - though folk do that with new ones and doesn't make it fake in itself.

    Like anything - do your research and if you're not sure - don't bid.

  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='229855' date='Jun 30 2008, 05:00 PM']Harm? I think it could be used to give a false sense of added reliability to an object based on a truthful account of it's usage. It's misleading spin.[/quote]

    OK let me put it in easier terms.

    If anyone's stupid enough to see 'never been gigged' and think that makes any item immaculate they deserve all they get. I'm saying it's an indicator - that's all.

    Misleading my arse - if it's the truth.

    BTW - Now you've told us all you've managed to 'mince' a tele copy that's been kept in the house - best of luck if you put anything you've gigged in the for sale forums.

  6. Well........

    If I were to have to choose between 2 , for example , speaker cabs,one which had 'never been gigged' and one which was described as 'I've gigged this cab for 5 years problem free' - and both were visually in similar condition and both working fine - I'd def. go with the former because throwing stuff in and out of cars and vans , pubs and fire escapes in the pissing rain and snow is likley to , over a period of time , loosen connections , let in damp , cause structual problems etc and shorten the future of that cab far more than one which the cat may well have used as a bed and may have been used as a temporary wine table at Xmas etc. but has not experienced the same kind of stresses and abuse.

    It's a common enough , maybe cliche'd sellers expression and I see where you're coming from but it is a bit of information I'd like to have at my disposal when making a choice where money is involved.

    What harm can the expression do?

  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='229555' date='Jun 30 2008, 11:14 AM']Dr Dave's thinning patch and in the background Argh's Jim Fleeting 9 String Bass?[/quote]

    Pah !

    I was forced to donate my normally overflowing locks to weave into strings for Argh's bass !!!

    Nearly 26 years old and taking abuse like this - whatever next :) :huh:

  8. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='229445' date='Jun 30 2008, 07:51 AM']I now realise my 3 year long quest to find the perfect bass for me has been a futile exercise.

    Just had to share that before going on my hols.[/quote]

    Has it? If the result of a 3 year quest to find your perfect bass is that you now know you can't - how is that a futile exercise? It's a result in the bigger sense , just not the easy one you may have hoped for to start with.

    Plus - you rightly say 'perfect bass FOR ME'. There are many who would have left the last bit off and after many years of playing still think every wrong can be righted by buying that one dream instrument. You've sussed out that ,for your own purposes , that ain't happening.

    Fly off to Crete Alan with a big smile on your face and enjoy - when you get back , draw on your experiences and put together an armoury of the 2 or 3 basses you now know will be the right tool kit for you - there's the perfection you seek.

    The grass may well be greener. It was hard yesterday in Baildon amongst the Celinders and the Wals et al not to come home with a 'musical semi' on !!
    Looking at my own little band in the rack behind me though - happy to report that greener grass doesn't mean better grass. I wouldn't swap. All that quality , but I wouldn't swap. Hope everyone at the bash thought similar.

    Whatever you may think you got wrong short term , Alan , you got off your arse and tried and you gained plenty.

  9. Don't forget about the compression's kid brother - the Limiter.

    In laymans terms again - the top half of a compressor. It limits the peaks but does NOT boost the troughs. Useful for the more heavy handed of us who wish to sound more dynamic during quieter playing.
    Your speaker's may love you for it.

  10. [quote name='bassmanady' post='229119' date='Jun 29 2008, 05:37 PM']So if you order one from new and this happens,and you have paid a large deposit to have it made,can you refuse to buy bass,and get the deposit back,or is it a risk you take?
    Has anyone bought a custom bass that they were unhappy with the sound/dead spots etc..[/quote]

    This was a huge factor , or at least the worry of this happening , in my Shuker purchase. It existed as a complete bass (made for a trade show) which I could try , then I had various things changed , including a new neck build .

    That could have changed the nature of the beast by miles but I still felt more comfortable than I would have done with a scratch build.

  11. [quote name='ARGH' post='229249' date='Jun 29 2008, 08:46 PM']"And to Russ* for bringing me home , where we had a fiddle with the rest of my basses and put the world to rights for an hour or two."

    *Ross......wrong Vowel Carol[/quote]

    It's the Devon accent mate!!!

  12. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='229172' date='Jun 29 2008, 06:40 PM']Yeah im with NoiseDude with the names thing, Dr Dave and NoiseDude were the only names what stuck.[/quote]

    That's because , shameless self promoter that I am , I turned up in a shirt that read 'The person wearing this t shirt is a Doctor' !!!

    Been great to meet everyone.Where else could you go try Celinders,Wals,Shukers et al through Aguilars, PJB's and the rest of a Sunday aft.

    Massive thanks to Keith for that opportunity , hopefully if it happens again more of you out there wil take or make the chance to join in.

    Special thanks from me to Joe (and Duncan the cat) for collecting me in Shipley, putting the kettle on and then ferrying me to the bash.

    And to Russ for bringing me home , where we had a fiddle with the rest of my basses and put the world to rights for an hour or two.

    And I won a botle of Vodka in the raffle. Bye bye , everyone , bye bye !!!!!

  13. Well........

    The 54 reissue bridge and tuner futures look like they're on their way when I actually get them myself.

    Someone claiming to be , nominally at least , an elderly , equine Irishman has bought most of the rest....

    Leaving just the pearly stuff covered pickguard and knobs. Surely someone wants to take advantage of this excellent opportunity for double entendre by buying them.

  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='228505' date='Jun 28 2008, 11:51 AM']It looks like a Teisco...[/quote]

    Well , it certainly looks like it might have come from Tesco but you may be right. I think there's something similar in Music Ground 'upstairs' in Leeds.

    Sort of a bit of Burns , a bit of Watkins Rapier , a bit of early Japan etc etc. Weird.

  15. [quote name='WarPig' post='228463' date='Jun 28 2008, 10:18 AM']some bloody good prices here! If it was about a monnth earlier id have had the lot! haha typical.

    how much on postage for the electronics?[/quote]

    Can't be much can it? Even in this day and age. 3 quid? 2? Whatever , if anyone overpays I'll refund it , as has always been my policy and been done on several occassions.

    BTW - thanks for your comments , I'm now considering raising all the prices and it's your fault !!!!!!!

  16. I'm a 99.9% for this tomorrow - looking forward to meeting y'all.

    So - if you're short of any Fendery bits have a quick look at my ad in the 'for sale' section. Obviously I can then bring them with me and sell them to you there.

  17. The times they are a changing.

    So sang that bloke with a scruffy perm who can't play the mouth organ but that's not important just now.
    What is important is that I've just bought myself a sweety off the bay of evil making my vascillating Jazz project a mere hiccup in my bass rack. So - onto the market comes.........

    Replacement pearloid white J pickguard WITH 3 P type knobs each having a matching white pearloid insert. Pretty. £15 the lot. STILL AVAILABLE


    Fender Jazz body from my MIM. Midnight blue. Ding/chip free , few light scratches on the back - ie not down to the wood and you have to search for them. No issues at all. £50 SOLD

    (Licenced by Fender) Mighty Mite P fretless neck (yes , P not J ) Ebanol (some sort of black composite) fingerboard. Unlined. Side dots where the frets 1,3,5,7,9,12 an onwards should be. Maple neck with the truss rod insert - you know the drill. Brand spanking new , this fella , though it's been fitted so...
    It has a varnished over decal with the single word 'Fender' , 70's logo. Included is a second decal 'Fender precision Bass' same style , though it's a bit cheapo.
    I has screwholes for 2 string guides/trees/tees. It has holes for fancy tuners on the headstock back but no 'regular' mounting holes. The ones that are there are 100% underneath any mounted tuner.
    It was too tight a fit in the Jazz body pocket so I shaved a little wood from the heel. You cannot see this at all when the neck is in place. Nice snug fit now. Cos I'm a great person you get a newish set of Fender flats with this. £40 SOLD

    Replacement pearloid white J pickguard WITH 3 P type knobs each having a matching white pearloid insert. Pretty. £15 the lot. STILL AVAILABLE

    MIM Jazz electrics set. Both pups. The chrome control plate with the 3 pots and the jack still on it and wired up. This set includes the bridge too because I can't be arsed to try and sell it on it's own anymore. £20 SOLD

    Pics of all but the neck here

    'Who's paying the postage' - I hear you cry.

    'You are'- is my pithy retort.

    Offers welcome - you can only get told to go boil your head so don't stress about it.

    Paypal (if you must let them rob me of some of my money) - cheques - BACS - cash etc etc - all OK. Collection fine too - kettle's on , Hob Nobs in stock but you'll have to fight the cat for them.

    The machines and bridge from a reissue 54 Precision which probably gives the more astute of you a clue as to what I just bought - but it won't be here for a week or so. MAYBE SOLD IN ADVANCE

    Christ , that's so much typing I've got carpal tunnel from it - so don't let the end of my playing career be in vain by being tight arsed.

  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='227822' date='Jun 27 2008, 09:33 AM']Never used to bother but take a back-up now but it begs the question, should one take a spare amp/cab too....?[/quote]

    It would make more sense than a spare bass wouldn't it ? In terms of what's the more likely to go wrong.

    Logistics for most of us would make it impractical but there's a good case for having a POD or a DI box etc in the gig bag. At least then if the amp goes tits up we have a decent 'through the PA' option.

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