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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. Weird one this in some ways.

    If you're happy with - and intend to keep using - one bass for gigs then the obvious 'spare' bass is exactly the same model.

    In reality , of course , unless we're towards the top end of the pro ranks we're likely to want an alternative instrument to regard as a spare.

    Me - yes , I take 2 basses esp to bigger gigs. I play both , maybe one for each set but sometimes swap mid set. I always have spare strings (used and new sets) but in 28 years of giging I've only ever broken one - and that was a faulty new string.

    25th April 2003 at the Londener in Leeds. I know that because it's pinned on the wall in front of me.

  2. [quote name='fretmeister' post='227332' date='Jun 26 2008, 01:24 PM']+1

    I have 3 Statii now - and if it wasn't for them, I'd have it.

    BTW Dave - your old Energy is still going strong ta! Lovely bass - especially after it had surgery to wedge the extra pickup in it...![/quote]

    I got a series 3000 , very similar , after I decided flogging it was a piss poor move!! Glad it's happy and working.

  3. Just one point.

    Be wary of Landlords asking for 'shop windows'. In other words a freebie gig with the promise of paid work if it's a success.

    Of course , you need to use judgement here rather than hard and fast rules. A short set at an all day charity event - no problem. A support slot to a name band and the publicity that comes with it - maybe. A full gig on a band night.......hmmmm.

    We are not here to line others pockets - if our contributions help make money for a business man we must negotiate our share of that. It's a question of putting value on our time and our skills.

    Consider this too.

    If I walk in to the Dog and Vomit , Huddersfield and say my band will play next Saturday for nothing because we all have good jobs , plenty of cash ,nice fancy equipment and are well past wanting to be rock stars.

    Then a young band wanting to play the following week walks in 5 mins later who need cash for decent equipment and to make demos to try and get some record company/management interest.........

    Why would the landlord want to pay that young band when he knows he can get bands for nothing??

    We have responsibilities folks.

  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='226846' date='Jun 25 2008, 06:28 PM']not much interest on Finnbass then?[/quote]

    Now now....

    Don't know about you but when I've something to sell I put it in every shop window I deem fit. We'd soon moan if it was posted on another forum and the ad said 'not for sale to non members'.

    Stan's a long standing Basschat member with something to sell that we're interested in.

    As to why nobody has snapped this up for the modest ask - I'm clueless. If I were Status-less I would do , I can assure you.

  5. Yes - it's as simple as going and asking. It can help if you send them some promo stuff in advance. A CD's good. Websites/myspace are invaluable these days. If you're cold calling - go early on a night when there's a band on.

    From experience - but purely a personal opinion - the pub manager probably hasn't the first clue if you sound good on CD or not but will be impressed if you have one , and is more likely to book you on word of mouth recommendation than anything else.

    He/she wants to know one thing - if you're likely to fill his cash register or not. Bullshitting them is very likely to work. You have to respect the fact that they are running the joint and are your prospective employers but they probably won't deserve any more respect than that and will talk absolute bollocks. Nod and smile.

    Of course there are many pubs not like that , interested people who truly want to promote good live music. They are a rarity in my opinion though. I've done hundreds of pub gigs and I don't think I'm being over cynical.

  6. For what it's worth.

    On my old P , I cut the earth lead from the bridge just as it enters the control cavity and refixed it with one of those small plastic screw connecty jobs. Makes it easier to remove the whole scratchplate assembly and take it away from the body for cleaning/repair/replacements whatever.

    Also in that earth path is a capacitor and resistor (values long forgotten) that I read about as a tip in Beat Instrumental (showing my age tthere). Theory is they'll blow should any current pass to earth leaving me sunburnt but not fried.

    Happily I've never had chance to test it.

  7. Know any other bands who want a support act? That's one way. A gentler inroad for you , esp if the other band don;t treat you like doggy do.

    To do a full gig alone - you need enough material. There's no getting away from that - but include in that preperation some sort of schedule to do a gig.

    There comes a point when if you practise,practise,practise...all you get good at is practising.

    A gig is a whole new ball game. You will never know if you're ready for it unless you go do it. I can't say as firmly as some 'go at it headfirst' , esp to (I assume) inexperienced gigging musicians. You'll have an audience and you owe it to them to be prepared.

    The point at which to go gig is when all of you feel prepared - if all of you can't reach that point it may be that the doubters are quite happy just to play in a cellar with their mates. Many people are and there's nothing wrong in it , but the rest of you may need to lose them in order to move on.

  8. I wouldn't be quite so harsh but I'd be tempted to ask if they're prepared to help fund you something out of band funds rather than you feeling forced to sell your lovely Lakky. Lots of band situations are a compromise - I'm always persuading our guitarist to play Fenders rather than Gibsons (which he has tuning issues with) for example.

    ..........No , that was a fence sitting lie. F**k 'em too.

  9. I had a 5 string Energy Artist that was very like it. I put a graphite neck on eventually then Beedster bought it - sold it on and last I heard it was with a mate of mine ,and fellow member here, 'Beneathitall'.
    I went round his gaff to buy a combo and there it was !!

  10. Paulman !!!

    Grumpy old sod but I've seen a lot of his work and it's very good. Even one of his reliced Precisions. In fact it seems odd to me that he'd ask for pics etc. Would have thought he'd have everything he needs.

    Whatever - tell him if he wants to come photograph/copy my 73 P body he's welcome as long as he makes me one. I could take a copy of my own bass around then , be good.

  11. Nope. But there's a sticky about Badass in the repairs forum so if you find out could you post it there.

    I'd try a decent ironmongery for a start. Let them know it's for a USA product because it's unlikely to be metric whatever size it is.

    Or you could search and email Leo Quan products for the info.

  12. [quote name='Funkmaster' post='221315' date='Jun 18 2008, 12:36 PM']The gig is actually not too far away with The Welsh T Band in Skipton and it's a 5 o'clock start. Possible opportunity for the after-show party!

    It's at The Craven Hotel, Craven Street, Skipton, BD23 2AP


    I just did this gig last weekend. It's you, Dave ,that'll need an after show party esp if you get the pregnant farting woman in !!!

    Close enough now to say with confidence that I'll be at the bash. One bass only as I'm on the train so I suppose the Shuker would be favourite in terms of others interest.

    Not a gag this - please don't worry if I Look a bit scabby faced and keep picking at it. It's not catching!! It's the false beard glue from the previous nights ZZ trib gig. Usually looks horrible for most of the following day.

  13. Agreed.

    I presume the P pup rout is still there so for the sake of a pickguard and a P pup you could have a nice enough P J.

    £850 though?? Nah.

    He'd do everyone - including himself - a favour with a halfway decent description.

  14. Me too - it all came fairly natural , not a concious thing.

    I didn't know they were called rest strokes either but I use them all the time , along with the wandering thumb thing. Another thing I do , partic in slower parts with long sustained notes - lets say one sounding on the A string - is stretch my third finger over to rest on the D and G strings to stop any chance of them sounding.

    Add that to a fairly good left hand damping technique and I don't get any unwanted notes sounding........

    most of the time !!!!

  15. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='220095' date='Jun 16 2008, 06:17 PM']The volume control?[/quote]

    That's what I do. I don't have seperate inputs on the GK for active and passive but I do have the db cut to do the same job.
    Can't be arsed fiddling with that so I set the gain at 12 oclock for active and turn it up to 2 oclock when I use the passives.

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