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Posts posted by Crusoe

  1. 16 or 17. I played bass and sang, but couldn't do both on some of the songs we covered eg "All Day and All of The Night". We also covered Peggy Sue and Sheena is a Punk Rocker. The next gig we did was a memorial concert for a guy in another band in the area, who has died in a car crash. By this point we were covering Joy Division's "Transmission" and "Isolation" (well, Therapy's cover of Isolation). That was the last gig I ever played and I loved every minute of both. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Dan Dare said:


    Agreed. Using words for their sound or rhythmic qualities, rather than their meaning, together with onomatopoeia and other devices are long-established literary traditions. Poets have been doing it for centuries. Pop music follows in the tradition and has done so for a long time. How about "Tutti Frutti. Aw Rooty. A Wop Bop A Loo Bop, A Wop Bam Boo" from the 1950s? And Little Richard was following in the footsteps of artists like Slim and Slam before him. Poetry, music and literature doesn't HAVE to mean something/anything. Sometimes, it's just pleasing to the eye or ear.

    The Black Angel's Death song by Velvet Underground is my favourite for this sort of lyric.


    Myriad had choice of his fate
    Set themselves out upon a plate for him to choose
    What had he to lose?
    Not a ghost bloodied country all covered with sleep
    Where the Black Angel did weep not an old city street in the east
    Gone to choose

    And wandering's brother walked on through the night
    With his hair in his face on a long splintered cut from the knife
    Of GT
    The rally man's patter ran on through the dawn
    Until we said so long to his skull
    Shrill yell
    Shining brightly red-rimmed and redlined with the time
    Infused with the choice of the mind on ice skates scraping chunks
    From the bells

    Cut mouth bleeding razors
    Forgetting the pain
    Antiseptic remains cool, good buy
    So you fly
    To the cosy brown snow of the east
    Gonna choose, choose again

  3. On 14/04/2023 at 21:40, Rayman said:

    They used to stick it to the man, now they are the man.


    The last good thing they made was the Black album, but unfortunately that was the very record that turned them into Coldplay. 

    They’re not relevant anymore, but then who IS? Who will be the next Metallica?

    I hated the Black album, because it was the one where they turned into Coldplay. 


    I think their ubiquitousness is because of Stranger Things. Suddenly, kids everywhere were listening to and learn8ng to play Master of Puppets. There's even a guy with a Tik Tok account, who plays MoP on all sorts of things from bicycle wheel spokes to bananas.

  4. 21 minutes ago, How1 said:

    I wouldn’t go as far as terrible but I don’t particularly like Limp Bizkit’s Behind Blue Eyes. It brings nothing new and sounds a bit whiny. My problem may be with Fred Durst though rather than the actual song.


    Is there a ‘covers better than the original’ sister thread?

    That's just a list of Bob Dylan songs.

    • Haha 7
  5. I saw Lou Reed performing the "Berlin" album live. I was a bit apprehensive as he had a reputation for messing with the arrangements of his songs, but they played the whole thing straight. He even did "Satellite of Love" as an encore. It was probably the best concert I've ever been to.

  6. On 24/03/2023 at 22:46, Dad3353 said:


    Alas and alack; I rue the day (well, it was night, actually..) that this burden was laid upon me by The Seeker, cursed to roam the pages of forums (fora..?) to mete out retribution to those defaulting on the use of apostro...


    Ooo look..! A bee..!


    Quick, someone call the ellipsis police! 😄😋

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