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Posts posted by PaulWarning

  1. there's been loads of threads on this subject, here's 2
    once JJ had broken his green P in half even he couldn't quiet get that sound again, it really is unique

  2. got to agree with most of the post's on here, I've had a 4210 for about 2 years did have a fault when new but it's been no trouble at all since, would advise getting a 1 x 15 ext cab when you can afford it, it does make quiet a big difference

  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1325417196' post='1482856']
    Think my fave fun tracks are:

    Gangsters - The Specials
    A Message to you Rudi - The Specials
    Monkey Man - dunno who did the original
    Nightboat to Cairo - Madness

    There`s just something about ska that is, well such fun.
    Monkey Man might be fun but I wouldn't say it's easy

  4. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1261687242' post='693163']
    Well.. it's a bit of a silly question in the first place. Everything is easy when you can play it and difficult when you can't. Please excuse the kitchen sink philosophy :lol:
    yes and no, I still have trouble with Monkey Man and Babylons Burning.
    Glad you resurected this thread, made me read it again, London Calling keeps getting mentioned a lot, I wouldn't have said that was stupidly easy to play, not properly anyway, or like I said before maybe I'm a crap bass player :(

  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1324560097' post='1475582']
    Saw it,,,what I want to know is...how come it is acceptable for the camera man to have his own copies stashed at home... and he says he has others..!!

    That's probably why it's took so long to surface, who knows how much vintage stuff is stored away which has got there by dubious means, but with the TV companies wiping tapes clean it's just as well, offer an amnesty to everybody that's got dodgy recordings stashed away, who knows what gems will be revealed

  6. anybody watch top of the pops last night? rare David Bowie footage playing the Gene Genie live, absolutely brilliant mix,full of life, you can hear what the bass players doing, why can't studio recordings sound like that insteadof having all the life processed out of them?

  7. our singer woke up one morning nearly deaf after being at a gig, not one of ours, he goes to loads, got into a right old panic, bought some ear plugs, anyway after a few days his hearing came back, and guess what? he still doesn't wear the earplugs he bought, who said it was drummers that were thick?
    Oh btw I use ER 20's, they do the job nicely

  8. yeah, you have to take them off your bass before you boil them :)
    there's several topics about this, I've tried it but it's a lot of hassle and the strings go off again PDQ, oh, and use a pan with a lid, it's not very pleasant getting whipped across the face with a red hot bass string, believe me :)

  9. [quote name='Vibrating G String' timestamp='1321360462' post='1438144']
    I'm glad I'm not alone. I think I'll try a different email and see if that helps.

    Didn't help me, still no notifications, this is also covered in another thread

  10. just bought 2 par 64 LED's from Thomanns, about £95 for the 2, used them this weekend, just set them on sound to light and away you go, we didn't opt for the T bar with 4 lights because of the space problem in small pub gigs, we can mount these on top of the PA speakers if we want or put them on the floor. We might get 2 more now we've tried them out

  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1320932975' post='1433367']
    not at all, which thread?
    It's ok, just found it, thanks for the credit BTW, our drummer told it me, he would wouldn't he?

  12. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1320863859' post='1432529']
    Not sure if this helps but I discovered yesterday that my message notifications had been re-classified as spam by GMail.

    I marked a couple 'not spam' and it's been fine since then :)

    I've checked the spam folder, there's nothing in there

  13. I run a MB4210 with a 1 x 15 extension cab, great sounding amp and LOUD, never have it anywhere near full power, a word of caution though, quality control is not the best, or wasn't, so it might be a good idea to buy locally, you might have to take it back.

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