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    Farnborough, England

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  1. Hi all.

    We at Bassics are pleased to be able to answer bass player's questions directly via Basschat. 

    As a small boutique innovator and maker of bass amplification in England, we hope to gain insights from you Basschatters as well as be here to provide information. 

    No hard sell stuff here, but please realise that we are a small team and are very focused on designing and building our babies, so don't be surprised if it sometimes it takes us a while to respond.

    Any questions so far?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Daz39


      Pleased to see another bass equipment company reach out to the core users. It's a pleasant trend and I definitely enjoy hearing from the humans at the other end of the advertising. Mmm shiny pre-amp picture.

    3. BassicsBod


      Actually, the Power Amp (A900) was a direct result of a player telling us that he was using the BPA-01 floor pre-amp but was really after putting it through a quality power amp ...so Ta Da!

    4. TheGreek


      Glad that Bassics are aboard and as Daz says, reaching out to core users. I think we all benefit from these relationships.

      I'm not familiar with your wares, whose my local stockists? I'm in Herts.

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