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Posts posted by PauBass

  1. [quote name='JJTee' post='492573' date='May 19 2009, 06:15 PM']... I'd love to find a power supply that has an 18v output capability (for the Blow Torch, which the DC brick has)) AND has isolated outputs to deal with the reverse polarity of the Compulator (if I use the DC Brick, it shorts out the other outputs), then I'd get one of those. For now, the Compulator runs on batteries.[/quote]

    I had the same issue with the Compulator and people on Talkbass said they didn't have any problems powering the Compulator with the DC Brick using the 18v cables supplied by Dunlop. I tried and I haven't had any problems at all, it works fine for me...and many other people.

  2. [quote name='Kaiu' post='488118' date='May 14 2009, 05:50 PM']Not sure where i should put this, but I just want to say the Vox Amplug is an incredible piece of gear.

    I use this together with Transcription....It allows you to highlight certain areas of the track to repeat, slow down, change pitch, isolate the bass (or any other instrument for that matter). And all your markers, loops etc can be saved so you can open up the track and work certain parts immediately.[/quote]

    Can you isolate the bass? Really? How do you do it?

  3. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='492262' date='May 19 2009, 12:18 PM']I thought the para was for guitars and bass for bass?[/quote]

    Nope, not only for guitar or acoustic instruments, it's also for bass and works great...many, many people, including me :) prefer this one over the bass driver because of the mid control.
    Read here:


    [quote name='johnnylager' post='492280' date='May 19 2009, 12:46 PM']<Glad you still like it Paulo, see you're playing in Eastbourne, I'll try to get over.>[/quote]

    Yes Johnny, it's served me really well, it's a great bit of kit and, in my opinion, the way to go if you want a sansamp for bass.

    I'm not in Vice Like Grip anymore mate, I'm in a different band now.

  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='467166' date='Apr 20 2009, 03:27 AM']Do you have an active bass? Plug it into the Demeter and eat up that distortion. :)[/quote]

    Yes, I'm using it with active basses, Musicman Stingray, Sadowsky, Ibanez ATK and, guess what? I plug into the Demeter and no distortion at all!

    Read through the Compulator instructions and you'll find this:

    "...Trim pot sets the gain of the compressor's pre-amplifier. If distortion occurs turn this down until the signal is clean. The unit is set at the factory at 20dB of gain which is perfect for most instruments...."

    And, by the way, as stated on my post, it's my personal choice after having owned both of them and that's the reason I'm recommending it... I don't mean the EBS it's a bad compressor, in fact it's a good unit and I liked it but I like the Compulator better :rolleyes:

  5. [quote name='lowdown' post='466619' date='Apr 19 2009, 11:25 AM']Hope it works out, and it does look nice.
    But the amount of times i have seen that said on Basschat,
    Then not so long after it appears in 'Basses for sale or trade'... :rolleyes:


    Thanks guys!

    I can honestly say you won't see this one up for sale...that's how confident I am with this one. Apart from the money I've paid, ticks all the boxes I wanted and the playability is excellent...it's all I've ever wanted on a bass.
    I'll sell some of my other basses but this one is going nowhere. :)

  6. [quote name='JJTee' post='464625' date='Apr 17 2009, 01:52 AM']Demeter Compulator. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for:


    After having owned the EBS Multicomp and the Demeter Compulator, the Compulator is the one for me too... very transparent, low noise and easy to use, it's great bit if kit :)

  7. :hyper:

    Here is my new Sadowsky Metro UV70-MB-Ash:

    Ummmm... I love this bass, the feel, the sound, the neck is sooooo comfortable and easy to play, the tone across the fretboard is amazing... I'm glad I pulled the trigger and went for it, all I've read about these basses it's true!

  8. :rolleyes:

    I agree with you've said guys, I'm now the proud owner of a Sadowsky UV70-MB-Ash and it's the best bass I've ever played!
    The feel, the neck, the sound, the tone across the fretboard... ummmm, I'm in love! :)

  9. [quote name='markdavid' post='454813' date='Apr 5 2009, 06:10 PM']this is kind of cool

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnHNkWyGmFw"]Duff Mckagan - Slither Bass and Drums[/url]
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNkg6mhAb7o&feature=related"]Duff Mckagan - Set me free Bass and Drums[/url][/quote]

    Nice one!

    Is that a Fender Aerodyne?

  10. :)

    Great post this one guys...I love funk!

    I know most, if not all the bands/bass players, that have been mentioned throughout the entire post and I really enjoy listening to their music but I was also wondering if you guys could recommend more current/contemporary funk, or funk variations, bands.

    I really dig bands like Lettuce!, Incognito, Jamiroquai... any more bands out there you'd recommend?
  11. I'm using Comfort Straps with Schaller straplocks, they work fine for me and make my 70's Jazz Bass feel lighter.

    I'm thinking of trying a Brooklyn Gear strap but I can't seem to find them... for those who own one: where did you get it from, please?

  12. :)

    Hey Keith... Thank you very much for such an easy transaction. The bass is awesome!

    Guys, don't hesitate Keith is a top guy, excellent communication and knows how to pack a parcel well!

    It's been a pleasure mate. Cheers!
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