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Posts posted by PauBass

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1396520029' post='2414526']
    Whoever I bgouht it off had upgraded the pickup I think. New strings, Behringer BDI21 driven quite hard, then split into 3 channels, one for big fat lows, one for the horrible nasty clanky highs, and one for distortion which I cut out for the verses.

    But yeh, it's a squier bronco through a behringer pedal DI'd :)

    I did think it had a kind of Sansamp tone to it. So the distortion comes from the BDI21? Or did you use any other pedal?

  2. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1396518690' post='2414503']
    I have just nailed the bass sound for my band's latest release. I play the drums, not bass, but I record and mix it. The bass is a squire bronco I bought from someone off here, Neepheid I think? Anyway, I thibnk you'll agree, this is the pinnacle of dirty bass sounds. [url="https://soundcloud.com/rifffactoryrecordings-1/creepjoint-bass-invader"]https://soundcloud.c...nt-bass-invader[/url]

    How did you get it to sound like that? :blink:

  3. [quote name='telbomber' timestamp='1396423561' post='2413283']
    ok so GAS tells me I need a delay pedal but I'm not so sure. I guess I COULD use it but I don't consider it as essential as my Big Muff or Chorus.

    It could even be that I just wanna make as many silly noises as the guitarists, who knows.

    What do you guys think?

    Anyone got one going cheap that I could try to know one way or the other?


    In case you are interested:

    Not because I'm selling it but the DD-3 is a great Delay!

  4. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1396218741' post='2411184']
    I don't think you're being picky in the slightest. I could get this for the same price for my cab; [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/aguilar/aguilar-db112-speaker-protective-cover/"]http://www.bassgear....otective-cover/[/url]

    I own the Aguilar covers for my cabs and feel they justify the price. I'd be very unhappy if I'd had one custom made for £75 and what you've posted arrived.

    I've had Aguilar covers before and they were great, I agree, very well made and well padded.

    [quote name='lemmywinks' timestamp='1396219736' post='2411187']
    I had a custom cover made for me by a small local company called Bacsew, it was for a little 1x10 but only cost a bit over £20 and it's excellent quality with loads of padding. I was looking at the Roqsolid ones but they are expensive for thin covers IMO.

    Here's some of his work on eBay, he does zip up covers too as well as velcro:

    Thanks for that, I'll have a look in case this doesn't work out in the end.

    Not too impressed so far now with their latest replies to my emails.
    After replying to my last two emails, they have avoided both times to answer when asked if the second cover I received was the same as the first one since handle holes and marks were on the same positions.

  5. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396196875' post='2410853']
    I think you might just be unlucky with these covers - looking at the materials and construction I think I know who made it. I had a cover made for my Genz Benz Contour 500 combo and since they didn't have a pattern for it I sent all the dimensions plus a paper template for the side of the combo (which has a gently curved front rather than a bevel like some units) and it fits pretty much perfectly (though there is just a handle on top which is a simpler affair than yours). You're paying for a bespoke cover so it really should fit snugly and I think you're right to ask them to get it spot on. By the way, my cover had no evidence of any chalk marks.

    Unlucky twice?..it could be.
    Handles I don't know what it has been done but they are in the exact same position as on the first cover I received and the chalk marks was something I also mentioned to the manufacturer, I was expecting to get both things sorted but that hasn't happened :(

    [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1396197190' post='2410858']
    This does not bode well for me. I have a cover from these guys waiting to go onto the cab (same as yours) which arrives soon.

    Let's hope it has just been mine

  6. Some of you have already read and offered your advice and opinions on the issues I was having with the cover I ordered from them. Please, read below the full story.

    I have no doubt many of you have had very good experiences with them and that's the reason I ordered my cover from this place, based on the good feedback and comments I had read...My experience on the other hand has been very disappointing, I'm a bit shocked and surprised...as I hope you will understand.

    Here you have in more detail what's happened:

    I placed my order and the cover arrives but with the issues mentioned below:

    [u]1st Cover [/u]

    - Cut too long. Including at the back where the wheels were supposed to be all exposed. You can't see it well on the pics but the cover was on the floor by 1 inch.
    - Handles in wrong position
    - Bottom strap too long so it didn't even attached on the velcro. Look at the pic to see what it looked like.
    - Chalk markings on pretty much every corner of the cover. For some reason they don;t show too well on the pics but in relity they are quite visible.



    After a chat with the manufacturer and mentioning all the issues they agree to take it back and correct it. I receive the 2nd cover but, again with some issues, some of them already present on the 1st cover:

    [b][u]2nd Cover[/u][/b]

    - Handles still in the wrong position.
    - Wheels still covered partially, as on the 1st cover.
    - All the chalk marks from the 1st cover are still present but now with and added "attach" mark
    - Bottom starp now cut to the correct length...hurray!

    Again, I have a chat and let them know about all the issues, cover is sent back to them and a week later I received the 3rd cover:

    [b][u]3rd Cover[/u][/b]

    - Handle holes still not on the right place. Better than on the previous two covers, on the first two they were too low, now they are high, I wouldn't be too bothered but as there's a couple of other issues and this is a 3rd attempt, is not good enough I think.
    - Bottom strap, again cut way too long. This happened on the 1st cover, was done right on the 2nd and now on the 3rd is wrong again, same issue as on the 1st cover.
    - Bottom strap velcros at the front rather than the back as I had requested, and as it was done right on the 2nd cover.
    - On the plus side, chalk marks are now gone and the back is cut to the right length.
    - They install those handle flaps for free on this cover, I thought it was as a bonus or apology...when I spoke to them the idea behind the flaps was if the handle holes need to be made bigger and were not centred the flaps would hide it.

    I have to say on their favour, every time they have arranged and paid for the collection and delivery of the covers. They have also been willing to get the cover made right but after my two last phone call conversations, a month waiting and 3 covers later I have lost the little confidence I had left and I have decided against and cancelled my order.
    I don't really understand, and no one gave me any explanation other that some laughing, how you can correct errors from the first cover on the 2nd and then made those things wrong again on the third cover.
    Also, I was told they had never had any issues with these covers, when clearly, at least one person that I know returned his cover as it had the handles wrong too.

    I'm not sure what's going on there but I'm not the only one having issues with them.

    Sorry about the long post but I just wanted to explain clearly what has happened here and my experience.

  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396018833' post='2409099']
    Just bought myself one of these. Used it at rehearsal last night, all controls set to midday, bite and speaker sim engaged. Wow.

    Now I loved my set-up before, but now, well I`m like a dog with two, well you get the idea don`t you?

    For anyone liking the classic Precision/SVT sound try one of these, I don`t think you`ll be disappointed. Even the guys in the band said "this time leave your sound alone, nothings going to be better than that".

    Well maybe a full SVT stack maybe, but that ain`t on the cards.

    Great pedal, I agree!
    Do you also have the blend at 12?

  8. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1395830797' post='2406737']
    We'll after a couple of Gigs the BT2 has been sent back. I've used quite a few different high end cabs with my rock band but this one got a unanimous thumbs down from everyone, mainly due to it being difficult to hear on stage and certain notes seeming to disappear on me. The projection however was almost too good, loud as hell out front, so much so I had nothing through the PA, a fellow Bass Chatter I know also had the same experience with this cab. I've now done what I should have done in the first place and bought a Berg.

    Similar experience I had with mine. Sounded great out front in a big venue first time I used it with no need for PA support but not on stage or in practice rooms, it was difficult to hear.
    Not sure what this was down to, I tried EQuing for the cab with my Aguilar DB750 but nothing I did seemed to help it, yes the EQ on the 750 is not the most powerful but it's work fine for me with many other cabs.
    Luckily I had the chance to test another Barefaced cab, Super Twin and I knew it was the cab for me, more punchy lows and mids and you can hear it really well anywhere you are in the stage or room....This was all backed up by my band mates, we had both cabs in our practice room and tried them for 3 hours,we all agreed on and preferred the Super Twin. At some point I even did it a s blind test and they all went for the Super Twin.
    The Big Twin 2 cab is an amazing cab, fit and finish we're excellent, loud as you'd never believe, very versatile sounding but ultimately not for me, maybe if I had another amp with a more capable EQ section it would have worked. Not knocking down the cab at all here, I just happened to preferred another Barefaced cab over this one.

    Handwire, that Bergantino NV412 is hard to beat, best cab I have owned...and that's been quite a few :)

  9. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1394222540' post='2389386']
    If you have an iPad I heartily recommend an app called 'Musicopoulos' fora mere £2 or so. It's gives a good, thorough explanation of theory basics and then has a practical test at the end of each section to really test your knowledge. Certainly filled in a lot of holes in my thinking.

    Great app!...It makes learning theory a bit more fun.
    I've been using it for the past two days and it's definitely worth it, my theory understanding has improved a lot already.

  10. [quote name='Jonesy64' timestamp='1395595501' post='2404141']

    The brackets and screws came with my PT2 along with two rolls of Velcro and cable ties. Apologies if I have misread your post but I hope StringsDirect haven't charged you extra for the mounting brackets??

    Same here, brackets, screws and Velcro came included on my Pedaltrain Junior too

  11. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1395534228' post='2403536']
    LAL. Wish they'd just make it sound less mediocre. Right now it is just a rather big tuner.

    I'm surprise you even like the tuner :)

  12. Here is my all black Geddy Lee:


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