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Posts posted by musicbassman

  1. Well, here's yet another multi musician lockdown collaboration, this one apparently put together by a guy called Freddi Sturm.

    It came up in my Youtube recommendations for some reason.

    Loads of instruments, everyone trying very hard, but I think the end result is utterly awful.

    And quite how he managed to get the uber talented Alba Armengou to appear on this is beyond comprehension.

    Other opinions are available.


  2. Oh no, not this topic again!

    Every few months someone revives the straight/curved debate, and they just need to remember what Gene said about this when he had the first curved strung bass specially made for him:  "Well, I don't play the bass with straight fingers, so why shouldn't my strings should be the same as my fingers - curved"

    Here's the opening lines of Rarfer Friytnt's notoriously difficult bass piece *Straightjacket" which Gene was struggling with when he came up with the original idea:


    • Haha 2
  3. Interesting discussion.

    I only dabbled with a DAW briefly about 15 years ago, so I'm now completely out of touch with what's going on.

    For an absolute zero knowledge newbie like me, could someone explain why no one's mentioned the PC specs necessary to run something like Reaper?

    This was a big deal back then, so could I assume that these days any standard supplied soundcard would be up to the job?

  4. I've only managed 2 gigs (outdoor) since March.

    And now I've got 2 gigs offered - but they're both on the same b****y date!  Sods Law.

    One is a dep with a club band, other is a jazz type gig in a new restaurant venue (good luck with that in the current climate  🙄 )

    I've passed the club gig over to another local bassist who hasn't had a single gig this year, poor guy.

    Pleased to be able to offer it to him :friends:

    • Like 4
  5. On 05/10/2020 at 21:26, owen said:

    Bass and drums are a symbiotic relationship of love and respect. No one needs to lead or follow because we are reading each other's minds. It is a beautiful thing

    Bass player:  "Bass and drums are a symbiotic relationship of love and respect. No one needs to lead or follow because we are reading each other's minds. It is a beautiful thing"

    Drummer:    "You queer or summat ?"

    • Haha 2
  6. Joined a pro band years ago - the guitarist was a better vocalist than the vocalist, and a better drummer than the drummer. He had amazing natural rhythm and at any break in rehearsals would lay down great improvised funk lines on my bass, which made me a little embarrassed at the time ! 

    But being a guitarist, he just didn't know when to stop - he could play an amazing bass line but it would have little to do with the song, or play an amazing drum fill but it would sound more like a short drum solo. Mercifully, he was more disciplined when on guitar and would play to suit the song.  A modest but very clever and talented guy, and I learnt a lot from him.

    Always useful if you're lucky enough to get to play with someone really talented like this.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, ahpook said:

    What am I missing ? All I see is a link to /r/WatchPeopleDieInside/


    It's Reddit, mate.

    Click on the picture.

    You have to wait a moment or two so clip can download before it will play, then click on the picture again.

    Should play, but be warned, the volume is a bit loud. The playing's 'spectacular', so worth it !

  8. There's just so much to listen to now - new bands, old bands you overlooked, bands revisited after many years, musical styles and cultures you didn't even know existed........

    I could find something worth listening to 24 hours a day.

    So much music, so little time  😲 

    This morning it's been music by Caroline Shaw (composer) followed by some old Toots and the Maytals !

    • Like 1
  9. I see the article is dated 8th September, but it would appear to have been written pre Covid.

    It's full of so many presumptions about 'office space', 'shopping centres' and similar, but haven't events overtaken these ideas for quite a while now ?  I should think that being a landlord with a commercial property portfolio in central London must be about the worst possible investment to be stuck with right now.

    Both my son and daughter work for separate large organisations in Central London (500+ staff each) and both organisations are now planning to quit Central London altogether in the long term. Obviously not a scientific survey, but maybe you get the idea....

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