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Posts posted by BarnacleBob

  1. That is a PITA!
    I can see your order under the GB/custom list and although its quite specific and custom to the max I find the lack of contact with you astonishing!
    Just shows a fancy website dont mean much!

    hope it all works out.


  2. [quote name='DarkHorse' post='569987' date='Aug 15 2009, 03:28 PM']Hi everyone,

    Returned to playing bass after a long (long!) break. I'm strictly a 'living room' player; it's one of the best ways of chilling out I know.


    Nothing wrong with that, Mate. Live? Been there, done it, sold the T-shirt :)
    Welcome to the world of BC!


  3. [quote name='Urban777' post='576946' date='Aug 21 2009, 06:11 PM']Hi. Don't really get this but yeh....[/quote]

    Hey! What's to get?
    It's bass and it's chat!

    C'mon in! The waters lovely!!!


  4. [quote name='Hutton' post='576799' date='Aug 21 2009, 03:57 PM']The Wynd Centre (School Wynd) and ask for Hutton. I can offer a cup of coffee and a scone.[/quote]

    Ha Ha! I know the Wynd centre, I'm only over in Houston!

    Can I get a scone too ? :)


  5. Welcome young BT!
    Its always good to have another celt in the ranks!
    Always amazes me that Fenders are still the weapon of choice in the 21st Century! They must be doin' something right!


  6. Alex would be the man to call for that route!
    I was surprised when i found out the 'proper matching' cab for the Fender 135 bassman top was hopeless and I have seen nice set-ups with a custom built cab with proper cloth/grill and logo added.


  7. Contact Jimmy Moon, Glasgow - he doesn't do them himself but will have a guy who does

    [url="http://www.moonguitars.co.uk/"]Jimmy Moon[/url]

    Jimmy Egypt at CC music,Glasgow

    [url="http://www.guitarrepairshop.co.uk/"]Jim Egypt[/url]


  8. [quote name='sdgrsr400' post='577060' date='Aug 21 2009, 07:54 PM']It would be nice to have a board for use of the bass community, where notes could be stuck up, categories could be e.g. 'bassists wanted / available / lessons'. Cards put on the board should be only by your agreement, then dated and removed when clearly out-of-date. You do have to monitor these to avoid the board filling up with junk flyers for gigs etc.[/quote]

    i remember getting a few gigs off the board in MacCormacks music, Bath St.
    they used to be the ONLY place for gibson, fender etc in west of Scotland never mind Glasgow.
    Biggars for a cello and Thompsons for a Grand Piano!!!


  9. Ha Ha!
    Don't worry, its not for live work or anything (gave that up a long time ago)
    I am more of an enthusiast/collector now ( ie more money than talent) and i toy with the idea of getting amps to complement basses of a certain period
    I started a thread about this a while ago but it fizzled out :)
    So I have a 70s Wal and soon a Shergold, hopefully (i used to have 4 and foolishly sold them) and lookingfor a nice 70's brit amp to go with them.
    But obviously you dont think this is the one then?


  10. [quote name='dazco' post='576984' date='Aug 21 2009, 06:37 PM']what are ashtrays?[/quote]

    Hang your head in shame! :)

    just kidding - i've learnt lots of things on BC - they are the bridge covers - in old days when smoking was allowed bassists would take the bridge cover and use it as an ashtray (on stage usually) and subsequently lose them.

    here endeth the lesson.....


  11. Anyone tell me about this little beauty?
    Particularly suggestions for an appropriate cab for it?



  12. [quote name='ednaplate' post='576921' date='Aug 21 2009, 05:47 PM']Something like that in crack converters???? Methinks the owner may like it back at some point.[/quote]

    He may have pawned it and never renewed the ticket - I wonder if the dolphin (see other thread) was out the same van...er.... I mean off the same guy?


  13. This just went up on eBay.
    I wonder how much they gave the poor sod?



  14. Cheers WoT,
    This is in your part of the world ( ie The Centre of the Universe) is this yours or someone you know?
    I figured this one was genuine as it had all the case candy etc but I just know Feck all about Fenders - subconsciously or not i have avoided them over the years.
    have a couple of nice Jazz clones (status/levinson) but this is tasty without being silly money of a new one (so far)


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