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Posts posted by prowla

  1. I don't see it as an either/or.

    • I like Rickenbacker 4-strings, with a drop-D eXtender if they fit the model.
    • I like my Warwicks best of my 5-strings.
    • In the past I've used bass pedals to play below E down to C for odd notes.

    I've also got a fretless, a short scale, one or two guitars (including one tuned to DADGAD), a mando tar, and maybe one or two other things.

    I've not got to a 6-string bass yet, but I'd likely have low B and high C to cover both ends of the spectrum.

  2. 1 minute ago, GoodShowSir said:

    This sound interesting, really sorry if this is mentioned earlier. What happens at this? 🤣


    I can see lots of people are bringing interesting things which looks good!

    A load of bass players bring a selection of kit, set up in a couple of rooms, chat and discuss, try out other folk's kit, sit down for a presentation or two from a pro, eat cake, drink tea, maybe buy something from the table-top sale, make friends.

    • Like 7
  3. 7 hours ago, tauzero said:


    I think it can get more complex than that - see Sutcliffe vs Pressdram.


    Stating provable facts negates slander/libel; the law (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2013/26) states "It is a defence to an action for defamation for the defendant to show that the imputation conveyed by the statement complained of is substantially true.".

    My impression is that the above case may have included items which deviated from the demonstrable truth to include speculation, circumstantial evidence, and editorial licence.


    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, KarateKid said:

    As I said, the Admins are clear to remove my post if deemed necessary.  There is nothing libellous or slanderous posted here.  

    If there's any fear of libel, slander etc., just contact me and I'll pull my entire archive on this guy and make it publicly available for review by everyone here.  That will include pics of myself, Mason and his other half, all of which can be verified.

    Nothing here is libellous, and the subject wouldn't have the balls to bring any case because... well, read my post.  He will never admit to the actual reason why he scams.  Not even to a solicitor.   He'll supply falsified letters/emails from supposed legal weight, but little else. 

    I'm not working for Rickenbacker, ffs. Just trying to put this crap to bed.

    Slander/libel has to be untrue and the truth is an absolute defence; afaik, I’m the only one who has been libelled, but the aforementioned accusation was easily dismissed as the fabrication it was. 

  5. 1 hour ago, KarateKid said:

    Maybe I should give a bit more info on this, so here goes. 


    Admins, please feel free to delete if this is too much but I'm very confident this is how he operates, having studied him for quite some time (with input from several others).

    I've seen Mason described here and elsewhere as a sociopath.  He's not, he doesn't fit the pattern.  He's simply an addict (gambling addiction) and they can get a bit complex.  Also a very scared little boy.  Bear with me.

    He's so absolutely desperate to hide his gambling addiction, because exposing that would reveal him for the weak, powerless individual he actually is.  It would also end his relationship and main source of income (he and his partner still tour as The Carpenters Experience, although it's a fragile relationship).  If she found him gambling (again) it would be "Finished With Engines".

    Instead, it's very common for addicts to admit to offences they deem to be lesser - in his case, that's his fraudulent activities, which he can get away with, with impunity (mostly), because they ultimately fund his gambling, and the gambling is something he does in absolute secret, his ultimate goal, away from anyone he knows, once he has the funds. 


    There's a hierarchy at work here - he's blasé about covering up his "minor" pedal frauds, as long as no-one finds out about his gambling.  That's why he was so keen to "out" Prowla as a paedophile, because that accusation (and its association) means nothing to him as long as his first line of defence is protected, and it diverted anyone away from his real aim - getting money to gamble, hoping Prowla would shut up, taking attention away from his ultimate goal, one step removed.  

    It goes something like this... "Yes, darling, of course I sent that pedal to that bloke, they're just idiots and messed up the delivery, no, of course I haven't been gambling."  And so it goes on. She turns a blind eye as a result, as long as he isn't gambling.  They're in a hugely co-dependent relationship, which is another aspect of addiction.

    Neither does she know about the money he owes to various "private loan organisations".  Oh boy.

    I've seen this because I've met them both. 

    Neither would recognise me from either of the occasions on which I met them, but it was pretty obvious from certain "tells" that Mason was being very, very obfuscatory and his partner was regarding him in a "WTF is going on with you now?" manner.  She's basically a decent woman, a lost soul, and he's an expert in charming people, which explains why she has never spoken out against him - love is blind, and he's an expert in gaslighting her.  Mason lives in her house, and none of his bass gear is held there - probably because she doesn't want the debt collectors kicking her doors in.  Some of those guys don't use warrants.

    Mason cannot maintain eye contact for more than maybe a fraction of a second, and is always scanning to see who's around, especially who's saying what to his partner.  He's tame, almost demure, maybe playing himself down but not anyone capable of standing up to a fight, or even starting one.  You could blow on him and he'd fall over looking for his phone because it has the William Hill and Ladbrokes apps he really needs.

    So, why am I dropping this now?

    A few of us have been trying to sort this pillock for quite some time via other groups, and realised he's really no longer worth the effort.  He'll finish himself off, probably very soon. This is his End Game.

    I'm also 100% certain he's reading this, yet too dumb to figure out who I am.

    I'll post a couple of pics of my current basses and amps soon to prove I do actually still play the damn things.

    That’s quite amusing. 
    I had no interest in meeting him, especially when he wanted to sort it out man-to-man; presumably the intention was to intimidate me, but I never mentioned that myself and my three sons hold karate black belts, so it might’ve been an interesting workout. 
    For me and some others here, we got our money back and I found the process quite enlightening, TBH. 
    I do know there were/are others who haven’t managed to get a resolution and I heard a couple of shocking stories in my interactions with folks. 
    So I applaud your efforts!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, soulstar89 said:

    These are of the same materials and specs of the top end American models of that time. They was the very first Japanese fenders. It’s one of those where you will have to see and play one to understand


    ...a variation on "if you know, you know"! 🙂

  7. I can't relate to Squiers for that sort of money; I understand that there are the "If you know, you know" advocates, but to me they are budget instruments which punch above their weight rather than really being worth that much.

    Still, folks with cash to spend evidently disagree! 🙂

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