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Posts posted by mikel

  1. Because it shows off how many chops the bassist involved has. Also, because its a recording, whatever is being demo'd is heavily processed and will sound nowt like what you will get. If its the bass it should be recorded flat, played open strings, harmonics, octaves and chords, while adjusting the guitars pots. That would show the range of the guitar. For an amp/combo they could use a P bass, as they are common, and again go through the tone and volume capabilities of the product. How fast and how many notes a tester can get into the demo should have nowt to do with it. Personally I want to hear the frequency range an amp or an instrument can produce and its overall tone. If the tester slapped and popped the strings a couple of times to let us hear the tone that would do.

  2. I loved Free, and quite liked Bad Co. Have seen Paul Rodgers three times doing Free and Bad Co songs since 2003 and something about the gigs was not quite right.
    I enjoyed them, as Rodgers is incapable of hitting a bum note and he had some good musicians with him but something was lacking. For me the musicians were too mechanical. Free, and to some extent Bad Co, were not afraid to leave space in the music, and for me that is what made the music special. The gigs I have seen with Rodgers new bands they have been trying to fill in the spaces and it spoils the feel for me. I will still probably go if I can get tickets cos Free were one of bands that played the soundtrack to my youth.

  3. Twist and Shout by the Beatles. I first heard it when it was released as my sister was an avid Beatles fan. It was the first recording that made me realise music could be something else. It literally made me jump around the room, there is something primal about that live performance captured on the album. Before that I thought music was something to sing or to dance to, not this song, it still makes my heart rate and blood pressure climb, pure excitement.

    As the say, a song should make you either want to dance, cry, fight or f**k. If not its wallpaper.

  4. My first wife was a ballet dancer when we first met, she had been to Royal Ballet School etc but sadly got injured out of it. I always thought it was for Toffs but she was a council house girl and showed me the beauty in it. I loved it and still do. These people are athletes, and if you saw the state of dancers feet after a show dancing on point, bloody hell, literally.

    The current Mrs got me into Funk, for which I will be forever grateful, but I still cant stand her Country music thing.

  5. Damn, he is not playing anywhere near me. Have seen Tull dozens of times and they are always great value. Changing songs format, doing acoustic versions and generally keeping the audience on there toes. If Martin's band is as good it would be a great gig.

    The best Tull tour I saw, about 10- 12 years ago he had a young female violinist playing in the band. Some superb renditions of old songs and bloody hell could she play.

  6. I have bad tinnitus, but wearing ALPINE ear plugs has solved that wall of noise thing for me. They have three levels of attenuation and I use the highest one. They drop the volume but dont take out or muffle the frequencies so I can still hear every instrument, at a lower volume. Give them a try before spending loads on mic's and in ear monitors.

  7. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1484844194' post='3219036']
    Sergent Pepper.......... dross by The Beatles. Yet every radio show that 'compiles' a list of the best [b]or most influential albums of all time[/b] name this at or close to number 1. Makes me wonder if they ever get out these days.....

    You may not like it, or indeed get it, that's not important, but to say it wasn't one of the most influential albums of all time is just wrong. It was and still is.

    IMO its not there best album, but I cant deny it was there most influential.

  8. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1484638969' post='3216974']
    Nah, it's about what would be bad on the setlist, whatever the reason.

    Most Stereophonics songs is my worst thing to have on a set list. I like Stereophonics to listen to, but not to play.

    BTW, I like Agadoo. introduced the niece to it at Xmas & she loves it. :D

    If you read the op he says "Songs you would have on your set list if you hated the crowd" Sounds to me like songs that would empty the room. I love 21st Century, and Thick as a Brick etc, but play them at a pub/club gig and watch the tumbleweed.

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