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Posts posted by mikel

  1. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1486641138' post='3233435']
    We're all assuming that you play in a rock/indie/guitarist band.
    If you're a different genre, such as DnB or Jazz, you might want to keep all those lovely lows & mess about with the mids & low mids instead.

    Exactly. Its very subjective. A great sound to you may be horrible to others, and vice versa. When Yes first kicked off all the pundits questioned Mr Squire's bass sound. Just cos it wasnt like everyone else.

  2. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1486564967' post='3232814']
    I'm sorry, but the couplet [b]'I want to be, just as close as, The Holy Ghost...s' is [/b]just so arse-clenchingly poor that it disqualifies it. One of the worst lyrics of all time. If it has to be that sorta By Jovi thing, then Blaze Of Glory's virtually the same thing, with a little less clenching... :D

    But that is what makes it cheesy. If the lyric was up there with Keats or Browning it wouldnt be teeth grating would it?

  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1486550663' post='3232626']
    Joe Walsh? Cheese? :-0

    For me, I've got a real soft spot for 70s LA cheese.

    Afternoon Delight, Let Your Love Flow, that kind of thing. Fab.

    Nice one. How are things in the Geordie Delta today? We are looking to move back to Tynemouth this year, money permitting. I need to come home.

  4. Recently I have been listening to "Bed of Roses" by Bon Jovi. Cheesy as hell but I love listening to it, and singing it in the car at full volume. I would never play it on bass or want it in any set but I still cant get enough of that cheese. Anyone else have any cheesy song secrets?

  5. If the band believe the bass player is not good enough then they need to get another. I presume from the OP that the guy in question is aware the band dont think he is up to the new stuff? If I were him I would be looking for a new band as soon as my lack of skill was pointed out. If the band are straight with him and ask If he will play the gigs till a new bassist is up to speed with the set then all should be good. If he walks, then a new bassist will have to get up to speed quickly. Either way they have a new bassist.

  6. No, but the last band I played drums in we practiced in the guitarists front room, in a semi detached, and later in the singers big garden shed. I learned to play softley enough so we could sing harmonies without using mics. The singer used the PA very quietly. We could interupt a song by speaking. I know it sounds odd but it helped with my drumming technique and nade it easier to spot mistakes and wrong chords. We were a 5 piece including keys.

  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1486384793' post='3231252']
    Does anybody send the link to these threads to the offenders or their customer service depts?? Lets them know that they're not getting away with poor service and that in the end their reputation and sales suffer.

    Dont be silly, we are British. We bitch to our family and friends and decide never to darken the offending companies door ever again. Job done.

  8. In a hurry are we? Not the best attitude to gain the best results. No one knows what will suit you. Its down to the sound you are after and only you can decide that. You have a list, go and try them out and see what you like. You have 15 mins, and counting.

  9. Thats a shame. I have bought loads of stuff from GAK and never had an issue. I bought a lot of items on one order and some of the stuff was out of stock. I paid up and got all the gear they did have. They contacted me by email when the out of stock came in and told me when I would get it, and I did. Spot on I thought.

  10. [quote name='Cathode_Follower' timestamp='1485971418' post='3228176']
    Tina Weymouth, good shout! Anyone mentioned John Paul Jones yet? The other three got all the attention but JPJ was the coolest.

    I love Tina, great bassist, but not cool. Have a look at the live version of Psycho Killer from OGWT. The bass looks far too big for her and she is just twitching to the beat. Define cool? I would say Phil Lynott.

  11. Perhaps its because you have played so few gigs, you have no reputation for venues to latch onto? The so called inferior band you mention are out there, playing, and I presume getting repeat gigs, so they cant be that bad. If you think your band is so good why not offer a venue you really want to play in a free gig. I know its goes against the grain but If you are really struggling and fear the band may split then drastic action is required. Do you have a live recording you can give to venues to show what the band sounds like? One done live at rehearsal would do.

  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1485897537' post='3227617']
    FFS. . . . why do we have such a problem in this country applauding our successes?

    We have been, and might still be, amongst the world leaders in this field. I don't care how much back slapping goes on, I'm happy that we celebrate every British musician who "made it".

    Because, as I say, If people buy your records and come to your gigs that means they like you. Why do you need some panel of journalists or whatever to give you a trophy? Its meaningless. Its subjective, so what makes the trophy givers opinion more valid than the record buying fan's.?

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